Let me set the stage. You are fully clothed and sitting at the table with a glass of your favorite red wine, brightly colored markers and a blank white sheet of paper. Your fella is standing a few feet from you, completely nude facing you with his flaccid penis dangling between his legs. You aren’t the best artist but the plan is to draw his penis. You draw a shaft, a head, maybe some veins and hair. Voila, a masterpiece that the great renaissance painters could be proud of.
- Is he locked?
Draw his caged penis. Maybe even an attempt to draw a key beside his penis. A calendar beside his penis with the number of days, weeks or months remaining before your poor guy will be unlocked. - Bring a friend
Imagine you and a friend (male or female) sitting beside each other, making jokes and laughing as you attempt to draw his member. - Have him bring a friend
Imagine two naked fellas standing in front of you as you draw their penises. Comments about size differences and other attributes of both penises are always fun. - Party game
Can you imagine 5 or 6 friends sitting on the couch, each attempting to make the most accurate (or comical) representation of the locked or unlocked phallus standing in front of them? After a couple glasses of wine, imagine the fun comments.
I thought of this last night and now I want to do a painting party because I think it might just be fun for me and a couple of my friends to put our art skills to the test.
This scenario doesn’t need to be sexual and doesn’t need to involve touching in any way. Once your drawings are complete, the disrobed guys can simply re-robe and try and move on with the evening as if nothing happened.
So let’s talk about the sexy fetishy side of things and what it will tap into for your guy.
CFNM – Clothed Female Nude Male
Clothed female nude male (CFNM) is a scenario in which the female is fully clothed and the man is fully or partially nude. This is a common scene in femdom porn and illustrates his vulnerability and her dominance in the situation. From a male perspective this fetish is about surrendering himself sexually in front of a woman.
SPH – Small Penis Humiliation
Commenting about size, shape and other characteristics can provide elements of SPH in this type of scenario. It should be noted that nearly all men are self conscious about their penis in some way, even those who have excellent penises (penii?). Just like with the body shaming that females endure about breast size, waist size, weight etc. For men, comments about their penis cut deep but for some men are also very arousing in this type of erotic fantasy. For some men, there is an inherent arousal in the defeat and helplessness in knowing that nothing can be done to make their penis larger.
So let’s repaint the picture (pun intended) that we started above. You and a friend with two guys in front of you. Perhaps they are your spouses. Maybe one of them is significantly more hung than the other. Conversation between you and your friend continues as if both guys aren’t there. You talk about his dick size as you work through your drawings. The men are not permitted to speak unless directly spoken to. You can ask them to do whatever you like including touching, lifting, holding themselves. Whatever you need to do to ensure that your artwork is the flawless masterpiece that you set out to create.
Let’s Draw His Penis
Imagine if you invite a friend over who you know is particularly well endowed so you can paint him beside your spouse. This might be fun to do on the same canvas with a side by side comparison.
The size aspect is core to the male psyche since men attribute penis size to virility and their ability to please a woman. If his penis is bigger, he feels that he is more of a man than someone with a smaller penis. While some of us are size queens, many of us have a preferred penis size that is far from the ten inch porno penis stereotype. Yes, that penis will undoubtedly make me moan and scream but those aren’t likely to be moans and screams of pleasure.
I haven’t tried the scenario above but my overactive imagination thought that it might be a fun thing to try sometime especially with guys who are more shy or reserved.
I am not naming any names but Patricia, you and Sam are cordially invited to come over and try this with us.
Post your comments below, I am really curious to get your thoughts on my fun painting fantasy idea. If you refine your drawing skills enough, you might be able to enter a penis drawing competition like this one that the University of London did in 2015. This link also contains the image that I used for the main photo on this blog. So what are you waiting for? Draw his penis!
God damn this is sexy. We did a game at a high school party where each couple was given a ruler and each girl had to pay a dollar for each full inch of penis that her boyfriend had. The couple with the most dollars on the table got to keep it all. Unfortunately I lost my five dollars.
That’s a game I’d enjoy playing now.
Yep, he was just over five inches erect so five dollars. He tried to get me to lie and exaggerate but I wouldn’t do it. He wasn’t the lowest either, one of the guys was only four.
So fun! How about having the guys draw each other?
That is an interesting twist! Maybe so!
A couple of summers ago my partner offered me to one of her friends to serve at her bachelorette party as a naked and caged butler.
At one point in the evening they had a drawing competition to win a magnum of champagne and I was put to work as their model. It was humiliating and exhilarating in equal measure.
How exciting that must’ve been!
It was both terrifying and exciting. A couple of the attendees from that day are still in our social circle, so itโs an ongoing source of embarrassing stories when we all get together.
Why not have an online contest where everyone submits their drawing? Portrait or self-portrait.
This sounds really fun. You might be on to something.
my Goddess email is [email removed]
Thank you SubJack. I’d rather not post anyone’s email address publicly so I removed it. Let me know your thoughts behind posting her email address if you would like me to reconsider.
Thank You. when my attempt to email for Her to look into here, the system rejected the email address.posting the address was never the intention. i even asked Her first about sending from here to Her.
i tried again with the same address as i usually always use but it keeps telling me the address is invalid i give up.
Were you trying to use the “tell a friend” on the side column?
In our uni socials, someone suggested all guys sit butt naked on a piece of paper with wet paint and then again on an empty paper and then bring that paper to the common room. All the girls then had to examine the prints and identify whose balls and had been printed on that paper.
Every time a guy was identified correctly everyone had to do a shot.
Ha! That sounds fun! I wish my circle of friends was more open to that type of thing.
I am a pathetically tiny penis male.
I have been the subject of this particular art class.
In college I did this regularly for the sorority girls and the professional art classes as well as the after hour classes that were on the free U.
I enjoy being nude and since I have always had a tiny penis I don’t mind being humiliated.
Actually, after many of the classes I would be walking across the campus and girls would come up and talk to me, tell me how they enjoyed drawing me and ask if they could do a smaller (1 on 1, 1 on 3, etc.) drawing or maybe a photo shoot.
I may have a tiny penis, but I am a horny guy so I always said yes and many times it did lead to a form of sex.
However, after I was locked in chastity by a mistress, I still did the drawing classes and photo shoots, but I didn’t get any sexual orgasms.
I would love to do this again, so if you are living or traveling anywhere near me, please contact me and let us get together.