I just want to wish all of you a very happy 2021. For those who are holders of keys, I wish you the willpower to keep him locked up safely and securely. Remember the benefits of doing without, whether that is children doing without toys this season or those who have lost jobs or family members due to Covid. I love each and every one of you and I am thankful that you are here with me.

For those of you with locked packages, here are some positive thoughts and new years resolutions for you:

  • I wish you the strength to stay locked up without complaint.
  • I wish you the enjoyment of peeing sitting down.
  • Hopefully you got a brand new cage for Christmas!
  • Don’t take her for granted or ignore her needs.
  • Be more attentive to chores and household responsibilities. Consider going above and beyond this year as a showing of appreciation for your partner.
  • When you feel frustrated, put your energy into romance. Your partner will love you for it.

@randiwithani posted some great new years resolutions ideas on the forum, feel free to contribute any ideas that you might have!


Remember that Male Chastity Day is right around the corner on 1/14. If you are looking for the next date to strive for, make that your goal.

male chastity day

Happy 2021 Everyone!

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happy new year

