I’ve been thinking of my evolution as a woman, and I kept coming back to the two female archetypes of Lilith and Eve. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are basically two types of females as far as how they exist in relationship to men, and they are embodied in these two mythological figures of Lilith and Eve. I was raised, in-cultured, and instructed as a daughter of Eve, but I’m now an awakened daughter of Lilith. Let me explain. I think it’s helpful to have the language and identify terms before women and men can make a change moving into the new millennium. Are you Eve, or are you Lilith?
Lilith & Eve
I think a discussion of these two characters is worth entertaining. Some may believe they actually existed, but it may be even more interesting to think that men felt they had to make them up for the purposes of religious mythology. They needed to demonize the powerful woman to instruct girls as to their proper role as they knew Lilith was inside their daughters, and men felt they needed to extinguish the force of Lilith inside their daughters with this myth, and brain wash them into accepting their sole role as only agents of fertility …or maybe these two women really existed. Far be it from me to disabuse anyone of what they believe to be history. I confess that there is something inside me as well that wants to believe the latter as it explains so much about the nature of women and men.
Some say Lilith was created first before Adam, and at the least, they were created at the same time from the very same stuff. Lilith was Adam’s first wife in the garden of Eden. She refused to submit to her husband as he demanded and would not assume the missionary position lying on her back with her legs spread and insisted on riding on top for her own sexual gratification. She reasoned she would only accept an equal relationship as they were both made from the very same star stuff. Lilith was just trying to maintain her equality, and Adam tried to overstep his authority insisting that she submit. She refused, spoke the name of god, used her frequent flier miles and flew away. It’s interesting that no where in the mythology did anyone from the establishment descend and issue the “Thou shalt chill, Bitch” command to Lilith ordering her to listen to Adam. Adam takes it upon himself to overstep his authority. In her seclusion, she bore many children in a cave. Angels were sent to convince her to return and threatened to kill her children if she didn’t. Everybody upstairs really wanted her to return to that asshole, but she refused to return to Adam because he was basically being a total dick demanding that she submit. Obviously, Adam was a frequent ejaculator jerking off in the garden all day and hadn’t discovered his true nature through semen retention. Because of his extreme dickishness, Adam was alone in the garden. And the establishment went back to the drawing board to come up with a woman that could coexist with a dick of this magnitude.
Lilith was replaced with the spineless Eve that was designed from the initial concept phase from the
beginning to submit to her husband’s word and be a helpmate to her husband. To make this kind of spineless woman that Adam could subject to his will, they had to make her from different stuff than Lilith and Adam were made of. Eve was a watered down, dialed down version of a woman designed to submit and created last as an afterthought, the weakest link to stand in for the real woman to take her place next to Adam after everything else on earth was created. She was taken from Adam’s rib to give him power over her.
We see these women everyday: women that submit to their husbands, women that tear down other women that actually are making a difference in the world, the 42% of the women that voted for Trump, women that sexually mutilate little girls in some sects, women that enjoy the rights that the daughters of Lilith fought for without a second thought about the sacrifice it took to obtain them etc. The daughters of Eve are all around us enabling Adam and his overwhelming drive to make the world submit to him from his oppression of race and gender to enslaving and raping the planet for his own gain. The daughters of Eve fulfilling their purpose and design have been propping these men up for millennia.
Even though Adam got what he wanted, I can’t help but think he didn’t have respect for this Stepford wife and always regretted losing Lilith who was the true equal to him that Eve never was. It’s interesting to note that Lilith was not banned from partaking from the tree of knowledge but Eve was. After all, the establishment didn’t need to deal with another woman that had any brains.
Strolling through the garden, Eve saw this confident, groovy chick with swagger hanging out under the Tree of Knowledge and was obviously drawn to her. Who wouldn’t be seduced in the presence of a 100% designed woman as she was supposed to be. Yes, Lilith was transformed into the serpent by male writers to symbolize brilliance and cunning over the millennia greatly simplifying the Sunday school teacher’s job. Lilith being into organic produce held out a piece of fruit and told Eve “It’s cool, it’s loaded with polyphenols.” And Eve wanting to hang with the cool kids and susceptible to all health food claims, partook in the first documented case of peer pressure, and Adam was back in hell but not as bad because Eve was only a little bitchy being taken from only his rib. But the seed of Lilith was on its way because Eve’s daughters have been making Blendtec smoothies with this fruit ever since, upsetting the apple cart throughout time.
As I look at the world around me, I see women that are descendants of the the spineless Eve, and
women that descend from the fearless Lilith who defined her own role. Of course the losers in history are always demonized by the winners, and in Lilith’s case she was demonized literally along with her demon off spring by male writers talking smack about her and male artists depicting their fears of a dominant woman in Lilith for thousands of years. I’m proud to be a daughter of Lilith, and to live in an age where the daughters of Lilith thrive. As daughters of Eve we can reclaim the seed of Lilith within us, nurture it defeating the program of Eve within us and use the wisdom from the Tree of Knowledge to help Adam realize his true nature. As a daughter of Lilith I have excelled in my career over many of my male peers and subdued my Alpha male husband taking control of my marriage, and consequently he has grown to love and respect me even more than before. As women we need to observe that men despise weakness and respect strength. It’s when we’re hard and firm that their penis becomes hard and firm testifying to the true nature of man.
The universe has installed a program in the son’s of Adam that can be activated through semen retention so that they can coexist with the daughters of Lilith in harmony. I believe men seek and crave to be in the presence of Lilith as they have evolved. As men kneel before Lilith, she will reveal to them their true nature.
Cultural Oppression
Men have lived in fear of the power of women over the millennia. Religions have taken action to restrict their power. Whatever the rational that religion has stated is the reason for this means absolutely nothing because the end result is the true meaning of the action. The end result is that they’re silenced. Their sexuality is removed by cutting off their clitoris and their vaginas sewn up by the daughters of Eve in some sects. What a nice stress reliever to take the pressure off of men to perform sexually by surgically altering women so they are physically incapable of receiving satisfaction. How terrified men must be of female power. A woman is considered so powerful that she must be veiled by the hijab to limit and cut off her influence from corrupting the society. Her voice is shut down even before it’s heard. If a husband even fears possible highhandedness from his wife, he is encouraged to beat her. Those poor men live in terror of women in the middle east. Is there anything we can do to help them I wonder? Islamโs prophet says: โThere is no salvation for a man or a nation who allows women to rule over them.โ If it weren’t so heinous, it would be laughable. Women are so powerful in Islam, it’s permitted for the male to cut her nose off, throw acid in her face, beat her fiercely to try to neutralize her influence. In Pakistan, domestic violence occurs in forms of beatings, sexual violence, torture, mutilation, and burning the victim alive called bride burning (for her family’s refusal to pay additional dowry to the husband or his family). Over 90% of Pakistani women consider domestic violence as a norm of every woman’s married life.
I once had a female friend that visited a region in the middle east years ago. She walked down the street as a normal woman would in the west. She was wearing the required headscarf, but men were so aroused by her bare feet visible through her sandals that some were masturbating in public looking at her as she walked by. This is a powerful example of the erotic power that women hold over men. What pathetic creatures that can be so strongly influenced by the sight of a woman’s feet that they would debase themselves in public. I don’t see eastern males as different than western males. What observing males in the east shows us is a raw unfiltered picture of what males are without civilizing influences. It shows what they are capable of if they go unchecked. Is there any doubt that men must be subdued, broken and trained by their wives to be better mannered? We love our men, and we need to do what’s best for them. If a man doesn’t respect you, he can not love you, and if he has free access to your vagina and ejaculation, he will not respect you.
The Witch Hunts
How else can you eliminate any woman that might display any symptoms of the seed of Lilith that may lurk inside her and eradicate this evil seed? Don’t you know that women are much more susceptible to temptation by the devil? The witch hunts came about in the 1300s. Men, and children were persecuted as witches as well, but 95% of the hunts were focused on women, depending on the region. They would convict a few to maybe hundreds of women at a time, and obviously any women that might display an independent spirit would be deemed by the judges, ministers, priests, constables, jailers, judges, doctors, prickers, torturers, jurors, executioners who were nearly 100 percent male as consorting with the devil and sentenced to death by hanging, burning, drowning, breaking on the wheel. Other punishments inflicted on convicted witches included mutilating, branding, whipping, dunking, locking in the the stocks, jailing, fining, banishing, or selling into slavery. Tens of thousands of women died in this manner over 400 years ending in the 1700s. There are multiple theories about why the hunts happened like: illness, disaster, geography, conspiracy, greed, social control, religious rebellion, social function, religious function and mysogyny. But lets not look at any rationalization to explain behavior. Always look at the end result. The behavior: Killing women in mass. The result: tens of thousands of dead women and more importantly to the establishment, millions more controlled by the chilling effect this mass extermination had. The hunts embodied primarily hostility against women, specifically women that were empowering themselves outside the male system, and citizens were looking to them for guidance and healing. Yes, it was a challenge to male authority and the male established orthodox religion. And of course, men asked themselves, what would Jesus do? That’s right. Murder all the dissident women or at least give it a good try. Killing people in mass is always such a logistical nightmare for men. Eventually their arms get tired from tying all those knots and building all those platforms and it fizzled in western culture around the 1700s.
Witch hunts are still great sport today in some areas:
In India, labeling a woman as a witch is a common ploy to grab land, settle scores or even to punish her for turning down sexual advances. A 2010 estimate places the number of women killed as witches in India at between 150 and 200 per year, or a total of 2,500 in the period of 1995 to 2009
In Papua New Guinea in June 2013, four women were accused of witchcraft because the family “had a ‘permanent house’ made of wood, and the family had tertiary educations and high social standing.” All of the women were tortured and Helen Rumbali was beheaded.
In Saudi Arabia 118 people were arrested in 2009, 74% of them female. Human Rights Watch stated “Saudi courts are sanctioning a literal witch hunt by the religious police.”
After the hunts ended in the 1700s in Europe, women were forced to depend on men by limiting property rights and restricting the right to vote which of course eliminates the possibility of any politician giving a flying ….. about what happens to you or how you’re treated.
An Awakening
In 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton Stated in her “Declaration of Sentiments” โThe history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.โ
- Married women were legally dead in the eyes of the law
- Women were not allowed to vote
- Women had to submit to laws when they had no voice in their formation
- Married women had no property rights
- Husbands had legal power over and responsibility for their wives to the extent that they could imprison or beat them with impunity
- Divorce and child custody laws favored men, giving no rights to women
- Women had to pay property taxes although they had no representation in the levying of these taxes
- Most occupations were closed to women and when women did work they were paid only a fraction of what men earned
- Women were not allowed to enter professions such as medicine or law
- Women had no means to gain an education since no college or university would accept women students
- With only a few exceptions, women were not allowed to participate in the affairs of the church
- Women were robbed of their self-confidence and self-respect, and were made totally dependent on men
I couldn’t agree more with Stanton when she said at an 1868 Women’s Suffrage Convention in Washington, D.C “The male element is a destructive force, stern, selfish, aggrandizing, loving war, violence, conquest, acquisition, breeding in the material and moral world alike, discord, disorder, disease, and death. See what a record of blood and cruelty the pages of history reveal! Through what slavery, slaughter, and sacrifice, through what inquisitions and imprisonments, pains and persecutions, black codes and gloomy creeds, the soul of humanity has struggled for the centuries, while mercy has veiled her face and all hearts have been dead alike to love and hope!”
Dangerous Women
The daughters of Lilith had to resort to acts of terrorism to make their voices heard. It took great effort to even be seen as human beings instead of as solely agents of fertility. Dangerous militant women like Kitty Marion resorted to bombings and arson outside banks, churches and a theater. Acts of vandalism also prevailed breaking glass, destroying art etc. I’m not sure why, but men don’t seem to listen until you start breaking their toys and destroying their property. I guess it’s a certain emotional IQ that prevails in them. Eventually, men said “why didn’t you just ask?” and women secured the right to vote. And things started changing because politicians saw a need to pander to 50% of the voting public.
Restricting women from education can’t be overemphasized. Limiting language and ideas severely limits the power of the individual. Limiting knowledge, physical intimidation, the threat of being committed to an asylum and labeled as a non person in the eyes of the law are a fairly good tool set for controlling a person absolutely. Really, how terrified men must have been to devise a system this vile to oppress half of the population.
In America it was difficult for a woman to make her way in the early mid 20th century without tying herself to the coat tails of a man in her late teens to very early twenties. Now, men are viewed as optional to women and many wait until they’re close to thirty before considering marriage as they consider their biological clock in regards to having children.
Men are dangerous, and we as women should acknowledge this. They have a program within them that can be activated by semen retention and regular intense sexual stimulation that will humble them in the presence of women. Women need to realize we hold the ultimate power and should set the terms for entry into the ultimate prize men seek. Now that I regulate entry into my vagina and his ejaculation schedule, my husband’s manners are greatly improved. We live in an age where men can no longer take what they want without severe legal consequences. The next step in feminism is for women to transmute the energy of their men into something productive through semen retention, the ejaculation schedule, and agreed upon consequences for unauthorized ejaculation. We can truly assist them in reaching heights they could never have imagined possible and aid in their spiritual evolution. The only thing that can subvert this movement are the daughters of Eve that are completely ignorant of the nature of their men letting their men take what they want whenever they want. Men have used everything at their disposal to compel, force, coerce women to submit over the millennia. We are now at a new fork in the road that could change the world significantly.
A Woman’s Place in the New Millennium
Just following the mythology, we were designed to be submissive per the request of Adam to the establishment, but we do have the seed of Lilith within us since we were made from Adam as Adam and Lilith came from the same star stuff. We as women can overcome this programming of weakness, nurture that seed until Eve is exterminated and the nature of women’s design that Adam requested is defeated. As I regulate my husband’s ejaculations and apply consequences, Lilith grows and Eve recedes further into the background, and I’m able to give Adam what he needed in the first place. This really would have been better for the world if this was implemented properly in the beginning. It would have prevented untold death and suffering through the millennia.
I can easily see that when women realize that they set the terms of entry into a vagina which is the sole motivating factor of male behavior, that culture will change. The daughters of Eve will always grant easy frequent access with constant ejaculation setting themselves up for abuse, neglect, being taken for granted and driving their husbands into the arms of novel females because they’ve made themselves a complete non stimulus. They are soft and weak and men secretly despise them.
The daughters of Lilith will use their erotic influence to set strict terms for men to enter their vaginas. They will insist to the men who enter them that they practice semen retention and request that they hand over control over their ejaculations and set severe consequences for unauthorized ejaculation. Men that belong to the daughters of Lilith will crave their women passionately as these women are worthy of their worship. They will be bonded closely to their women as their sexual energy hasn’t been dissipated through frequent ejaculation. They will have model behavior as they strive to stay on track so they can ejaculate on the special day their wife has set for them.
We’ve entered an age where strength has become irrelevant. The Ox may be the most powerful animal on the farm, but the farmer runs the farm. As women are out earning men in many careers, the dynamics of households are upended in many aspects. As always, money is power, and he/she who wields it, sets the rules. But even so, men who have been frequent ejaculators for years realize they need and crave Lilith, and they happily handover their paycheck to their housewives.
I urge women to make this realization and set terms for entry into their vaginas. Once women realize this one fact, things will change. Culture is already changing, but it will move faster as women embrace this fact.
Thanks to my hubby for helping with the layout …and the orgasms.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Whoa! That’s amazing stuff. I am so a daughter of Lilith! Thank you for posting that. Now I just need to read the rest of your blog!
Yoga Girl
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Yes! You certainly are a daughter of Lilith. I’ve added your site to my good blogs list. Thanks for reading!
Monday, November 14, 2016
Hi Yoga Girl, Who is the main breadwinner in your family,and who makes important decisions? You out earns your husband.Do you think a man should be the main breadwinner and provider in the family.
Yoga Girl
Monday, November 14, 2016
I am the main breadwinner. I out earn my husband and probably most men.
As far as decisions go, they are made by whoever is the most competent in field that relates to that decision. I have no interest in cars and house maintenance. He is obviously more qualified in selecting a car for us. Though, I know enough that we definitely aren’t buying a Porche or Mercedez. I’ll let him select something from the Honda or Toyota family. I deal with enough people all day. When I come home I expect all other technical issues that aren’t pertinent to my career to be taken care of. I don’t need further headaches related to bills, taxes, etc.
As far as who should be the breadwinner as a societal issue is concerned, I think it depends on who can earn more. I think it’s good that one partner is flexible and available to be there when the other partner is free from other obligations. I’ve read in a Pew article that it’s trending that women are becoming the breadwinners in more homes and earning more than men. And in ages 25-34, 37.5 of women had a bachelors degree or higher as opposed to men with 29.5%. It’s trending. Only 20% women aged over 65 had such degrees. I think a female controlled government would be much different as far as cooperation and compromise goes. Just speculation, but I don’t think we would have seen all the childish behavior we’ve seen over the last 8 years if it were 80% female republicans and 80% female democrats. I digress. Now, if the daughters of Eve staying home and baking cookies will ever let that happen is another story. Part of that 42% of women that voted for the creature actually actually voted for him because Hillary was a woman. Now, that’s messed up and shows the programming of Eve that’s woven into her subconscious.
Monday, November 14, 2016
The symbolism that runs rampant through your post here is very poignant and yet erotic. My wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts.
Speaking of symbolism, I would like to know your thoughts on the symbolism of ass-worship and facesitting, with the woman of course being the one having her ass worshipped and being the one sitting on a maleโs lowly face. Some might think of it as just another kink in the bdsm/femdom community, but I think it touches on something much deeper. To me, it symbolizes my submission to my wife and is always good as a reminder. A womanโs ass is supple yet also most often much bigger and stronger than a manโs. This, together with her thighs and hips, makes for an intimidating set of weapons used to control yet to also to lovingly guide the inferior male. To me it represents the apex of a womanโs power, and so it is completely appropriate to worship and service. It is also, of course, is the exit of human waste in the body. So when a woman facesits her man it shows that even her waste is given superior status due to her feminine nature. I wonโt go into that further, you get the idea.
I know it may seem that men into facesitting and ass-worship are objectifying women, by only focusing on one part of her glorious body. I think some men can objectify women this way certainly, but to many of us it really represents us kneeling in abject humiliation beneath what is wonderful about her. In this way her ass serves as a representation of her whole being, AND a symbol of her manโs inferiority. The symbolism is intoxicating and seems almost to border on a goddess ritual.
Yoga Girl
Monday, November 14, 2016
I havenโt given much thought to it. We donโt do it other than whatโs described in this blog. As I straddle and ride his face for my last orgasm of our sessions, I relieve myself in his mouth as Iโm already there and itโs convenient. I also enjoy it. I guess there is humiliation involved as even when he doesnโt want to, I still require it (weโre disease free). Iโm not sure what all is involved in the fetish of facesitting and ass worship. If there is mouth to ass activity, thatโs an obvious health concern that needs no elaboration and should be a no-no. I see the symbolism, and I think itโs a concrete way for a man to express himself to his wife and a great way for a wife to receive her husbands service and reinforce his status. I think women are largely unaware how much their men want to demonstrate they are complete dirt beneath their feet. If it werenโt for our companion inventories, I would be very unaware of this desire men have. Knowing this, Iโm able to really let myself go. There really is no limit. If your a woman reading this, you should discuss this with your man. Let him know there is no judgement because he may be ashamed to admit it to you, and find out how much he wants you to take from him. You may be surprised. What I find laughable are some that accuse me of being sadistic and heartless and my husband assuring me that itโs okay and not to listen to them โฆlike I would. Weโre far past the point where Iโm skittish about it. I crossed the point of no return awhile ago. A woman must really experience this kind of worship form a man to believe it. I think most women have built in brakes and wonโt let it go too far. As stated above, to men itโs intoxicating. As women we need to wrap our heads around that concept. Once we do, the world is ours or we can continue to watch men burn it to the ground.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Facesitting can also include a forced and powerful cunnilingus. May I also humbly suggest an internet search on the art of Namio Harukawa. His art is very evocative and captures the beauty of what I’m describing above.
Yoga Girl
Monday, November 14, 2016
His art illustrates my point perfectly. Women need to realize man’s deep desire to be completely crushed and subservient to women. Namio visually depicts it nicely. This desire is inside men, ladies. Harness it.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Yes the world is yours. It is refreshing to have a woman show so well that she knows it. Refreshing not just for me as a male, but to know that Yoga Girl’s message might be being read by untold numbers of young Ladies. Now that is heart-warming. Perhaps even evolutionary.
Btw I think it is rather obvious the male ass is for punishing and the female’s is for kissing. Men have always had to prove themselves for a woman’s approval and what better way today than to take her punishment. Never a better time for the male to be kissing her lovely presented form than after she has just finished punishing his. I think everyone can see how true this representation is as it describes the male-female dynamic. For the reverse is unthinkable, and would look ridiculous even to the daughters of Eve. Sigh, wake up daughters of Eve; we know we are destined to serve the daughters of Lilith you really are! If strength is really not required today what better way to put a man to use after he has proven he can take his punishment to you than by having him keep house for you, just the way you desire, after all you are the bread-winner now, and are due the respect that comes with it.
Congratulations are duly yours, ladies. I think by now you have well proven yourselves to be better at everything. Many doubted you, but they were wrong, as the statistics show. Dare I say the female is better than the male?Well now the jig is up and a male has to admit it. It might hurt a little bit but you ladies can help us into our place by seeing that we do. It’s better for everyone like this.
Therefore if it is of any comfort I really am disinclined to vote, I don’t feel it is a man’s right, rather more of a woman’s right. I’d prefer have to ask my wife what she thinks I should do as I’d really like to see her giving me that advice (vote for the daughter of Lilith, silly) – now that does feel right. But eventually if I live long enough it would make my heart sing to hear my wife tell me I don’t have to vote because there is an all woman government and the male vote is no longer required
( the system works quite well, actually better, without you dear! )
Would I use my last vote to end male franchise? Yes I would. You girls have earned the right to say that only women are fit to make such decisions. Women-only governments. Some good men might miss out, but does it really matter? The best people are already in the job. Personally standing next to a woman I am usually in awe, and would feel ridiculous trying to be in charge. So totally out of place.Inappropriate.
Some may argue but I fail to find a reason why women wouldn’t easily outperform any male, it is in their nature to lead and guide the male, and it is quite clear they are good at it.
Dare I say better than the male? I feel that if more men were to be encouraged to admit it there would be more of that smallest form of governance – the marriage. More female led households. More men voting for female led governance. The path is clear. Please take us there. You know best. If it is inappropriate for a man to be in charge at home, and you know it is, then it is inappropriate for him to be in government
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Anonymous commenting has it’s problems, so just for clarification, I’m the anonymous commenter above who started my comments with “The symbolismโฆ” and “Facesitting can alsoโฆ”. Not that I disagree with the comment posted by Mr. 2nd Anonymous, but I don’t want it to be confusing. -A
Yoga Girl
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Thanks. i should state if you are going to post as anonymous people, please sign your post with some kind of unique name. I think you can also change where it says anonymous to anything you want โฆI think.
Yoga Girl
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Sorry, I meant you can use the Name/URL setting when posting to distinguish yourself and use any name you like. So, if we could get rid of the anonymous stuff, that would be good. You can still be anonymous and pick a name. Thanks!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
I just felt a little squeamish about revealing myself, though I’ve commented on your site before non-anonymously. Maybe it was the content of my comment. -A
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Yes I agree about anonymous posting. For the record I previously posted regarding copulins, also penis extenders for the woman’s pleasure (with the added benefit of denial of male orgasm) on the Awakening Your Yoni thread as well as the above comment about the natural evolution of women led governments.
While I have the chance I might say that the comments coming in praise of Yoga Girl and her husband are thoroughly well deserved and surely, long overdue..I can’t think of a day of my rational existence that I didn’t think the way Yoga Girl does. Even as a boy.
I will offer no resistance to our increasingly empowered and educated young women as they take the lead. I have already decided to give up everything to be placed into service, and guided by, the right woman into a marriage where she will rule. If there are children they will know their (hopelessly in awe) daddy not only does dishes but graciously obeys and does as he is told by Mommy. A marriage where the children know their wonderful smart Mommy makes the decisions, because, if they should ask, it is natural for her to do so. Mommy and daddy are very happy indeed.
If this works you can use the Name/URL profile without filling in the URL box to post with the name you feel most appropriate.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Part2 – What they may not know is daddy is denied and aching for Mommy, but daddy has agreed with Mommy, as the natural leader, bread-winner and head of house she has every right to train her husband to do his best. Mommy now has daddy humbled and in his place. How hard is that? It sounds like every dating couple just before they are married. Especially in the days when a male suitor was kept denied until the marriage day by a Woman he no doubt described as a goddess. All that needs to happen is that upon marriage no longer does a husband expect to get his whenever he wants it. That was the concept of conjugal rights (remember those?) These were abolished and now with the implementation of marital rape laws what needs to be recognized is that Women have in reality achieved the restitution of conjugal rights, but their conjugal rights. Now it’s daddy’s turn to please Mommy, and what a surprise, how grateful he is when she is pleased with his service. It is just like when they were dating, when daddy was desperately wooing Mommy, only permanent. For daddy, it will now be forever an honor to woo the Woman of his dreams. First and foremost of these honors I believe should be the husband’s sincere request to his goddess for his own semen retention until his goddess sees fit. After all shouldn’t a gentleman defer to a Lady, and refrain from spilling his seed until a Lady says he may? I think most people would find this charming. I think that makes it sound just about right.
Yoga Girl is right to call out the tortured history of male-female relations. It was horrid but at the root of it all was power to control space provisions borders etc. so that men of a certain ilk could create the home and nation that fit their world view against men who would take it away. Central to that was the home. How many odes to home-life have there been? At the heart of the home was a Woman. Women have always been central to what it is all about. Without providing for and protecting a woman there was no point to it. That’s why there has always been the manners a gentlemen displays when he defers to a Woman. This was about the best of traditions our society produced. People from all over the world wanted to emulate this tradition. It was popular. It was charming. It was popular and it was charming becauseโฆit felt right to do it. What does this say about men deferring to Women?
If this works you can use the Name/URL profile without filling in the URL box to post with the name you feel most appropriate.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Part3 – Today feminists call that beneficial sexism. Because men had all the power. But what if it was no longer sexist. What if men deferred because they wanted to, nature called them to it..and Women had all the power. All of the old deferential traditions but more so. Men bowing as Women walk the street head held high..look there goes the President..the Prime Minister..the Head of the College of Surgeons..ooh what a woman! What I wouldn’t give to open the door for her! And they mean it. Men feel hopelessly engaged to do, to serve, for a Woman, in a world where Women command. Sounds even more charming, doesn’t it? Could that be โฆbecause Nature has it right and men are destined to defer to Women in all ways?
It’s men’s calling. I believe all of history men have been called to serve women. Perhaps the time wasn’t right for it, for women to have it all – protection provision deference; and power and authority. However those days are passed thanks to women who know better. Women like Yoga Girl. Power and authority? ~ why yes, ma’am, and perhaps with added deference too. Real deference where it can be added to the marital act and slowly added to the laws regarding our institutions. This is happening now and it is being fought over and resented in some circles. Women have all the power in marital relations legally and it is now core to our ethics that women are being fast-tracked to upper management with C.E.O. positions falling to them daily. There is an old saying that when women are made a man’s equal she becomes his superior. That statement did not occur from a vacuum, there is obviously something to it. We know it, we feel it, there is truth in it. How long are we going to fight our true natures? What if it was not fought over, what if men accepted their placeโฆ Imagine young boys growing up seeing their Mothers rule, Women rapidly succeeding, besting and replacing men as heads of institutions and governments all over the world. Do you think they would resist being led by a young lady with similar ambitions? Looking around seeing all the professional young women managing their business, their home, their boyfriends. With the understanding that the real power is in her hands he will (and should) submit to whatever she says. And the more honest we can be, about it being better this way.
A man has no hope of happiness until he submits to the truth of his nature. Today Yoga Girl and her husband are heralding the call to this, now, finally. Everything that we have done to this point leads to where men openly kneel before Women, first in the home and more importantly in society. With honest male submission to the female as normal, true happiness for both sexes can begin. Yoga Girl knows this. Her husband knows this.
I know in my heart Yoga Girl is right.
I believe other men feel it too. Behind closed doors they long to admit it to their wives because they wish it to be their future. It is in their nature.
The greatest of thanks are due to Yoga Girl and her husband for speaking out and saying to wives and girlfriends what their men long to tell them.
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Yoga Girl
Monday, November 28, 2016
Many good comments. Thanks for sharing!
Monday, November 14, 2016
With all due respect, do you believe that if the tables were turned and women had started out with the upper hand, as for as power goes, that they would not succumb to abusing their position as men have done?
Yoga Girl
Monday, November 14, 2016
I don’t know. I think women inherently handle conflict differently than men. Can women be greedy? Of course. Would there be much less torture, killing, war and genocide? I think maybe there would. Would there have been more compromise between the two parties in congress over the last eight years? I think there would have been. Would Nazi Germany have ever existed? I don’t think so, IMO. Would the genocide have happened in Rawanda with all the beheading and butchery. It’s hard to imagine that happening with the female gender in charge. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see it. Would there be bribes and white collar crime? Probably. Certainly there have been female murderers throughout time, but statistically there have been far fewer of them like the ilk of Elizabeth Bathory who proved anything a man can do, a woman can do better killing over 600 people, a true evil sadist. But generally, which gender is viewed as more caring and compassionate? Which gender is viewed as more violent resorting to physical conflict to resolve differences? If only we could roll the tape of an alternate reality we could see the difference.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
“Would there be much less tortureโฆ”
Matriarchy in pre-Christian times:
I am sorry
Lingering Need
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Everything in the world is about sex; except sex.
Sex is about power. ~Oscar Wilde
Yoga Girlโฆ I cherish you.
We’ve never met and I’ve only been reading you for a short while
but as nearly every word you write resonates with such clarity and purpose I am awed.
To the degree that I would change anything it’s truly just about degree, perhaps hyperbole, not the underlying point you are making.
“โฆentry โฆwhich is the sole motivating factor of male behaviorโฆ”
Well, can we say the most important and central factor?
“Women need to realize we hold the ultimate power and should set the terms for entryโฆ I regulate entry into my vagina and his ejaculation scheduleโฆ to transmute the energy of their men into something productive..
We can truly assist them in reaching heights they could never have imagined possible and aid in their spiritual evolution.”
“When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.” ~RP
I vote for raising the Temple of Lilith.
Yoga Girl
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Thanks so much for the kind words. I’m so glad you’re finding the blog useful.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Dear Yoga Girl. I love reading your well written blog. I am intrigued by your earlier comment of using your husband’s mouth as your personal urinal after your orgasms. It serves so many good purposes: 1) convenient for you as you don’t have to move an inch, 2) reinforces your authority and his submission, 3) centers his attention on you and serving you rather than his penis, and 4) keeps him from begging and otherwise bothering you when you’d prefer a few minutes of quiet. I am very tempted to ask my wife if we could try this but I have a couple questions I hope you could help with. Is his mouth able to hold the entire contents of your bladder? If not how do you handle this? Also, since you are in the health profession are there any health concerns we should be aware of? Would it be dangerous if I swallowed a bit? Thank you again for an excellent blog?
Yoga Girl
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Is urine safe to drink? Some people drink their own urine as โurine therapyโ (I donโt recommend it as a regular practice). I am skeptical of the benefits. The question should be is your partner safe and free of any disease like hepatitis. Also if they are taking any prescription drugs, that could also be in their urine so thatโs something to consider.
A healthy personโs urine is about 95 percent water and sterile, so in the short term itโs safe to drink. But the other 5 percent of urine comprises a diverse collection of waste products, including nitrogen, potassium, and calcium and too much of these can cause problems.
“Is his mouth able to hold the entire contents of your bladder? If not how do you handle this?โ
It depends on how full my bladder is. He canโt quite hold all of a full bladder but almost, but itโs fun making him try :-). He has a special pillow thatโs not a big deal if it gets wet. In that case Iโll just finish off on his face or stop and use the toilet (the one in the bathroom).
Thanks for reading. I hope in some small way, this blog will increase the passion in your relationship.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Hi Yoga girl. What husbands can do, to support their wives and make them thrive in new millennia? How wives can subdue and train theirs husbands to be better mannered, and to prevent all this horrible things.
Yoga Girl
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
What can husbands do to support their wives and make them thrive in new millennia?
Cherish and love your wife. Support her in her career. Follow the ejaculation schedule she has set for you. Accept the consequences that she chooses for any unauthorized ejaculation as it is done for your own personal growth and spiritual advancement as a man. And of course make mad passionate love to her as you practice semen retention, and donโt give her a big problem when it’s time to put your penis away after sheโs satisfied and intercourse is over. Accept it and move to the next activity. Transmute that energy into something productive for yourself or for her. My husband will often wash dishes etc.
“How can wives subdue and train their husbands to be better mannered, and to prevent all these horrible things?โ
From my observation, practice the holy trinity: semen retention, ejaculation schedule, and consequences for unauthorized ejaculation.
Mike Pahula
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Every Man Hisband or Boyfriend know the female in their life rule and is the boss their place is at the female feet or over lap when been naughty Yoga girl iam sure in no time you will be in charge of everything with husband that all can think of right now beside i would always agree with you
This is one of a few blogs that were published by Yoga Girl at her website at http://flr101.blogspot.com. This site is now offline but all credit goes to her.
Well written and true! Men like myself are looking for women to change the world. Your method can be utilized in all Female/male relations.
โThe next step in feminism is for women to transmute the energy of their men into something productive through semen retention, the ejaculation schedule, and agreed upon consequences for unauthorized ejaculation. We can truly assist them in reaching heights they could never have imagined possible and aid in their spiritual evolution. โ
I recently came across this old blog from Yoga Girl – I am not certain how I missed it on my first pass but I am glad that I did. It is seething with misandry and sexism. It makes me wonder if Yoga Girl really had a healthy relationship with her partner.
I can respect that Emma found inspiration from Yoga Girl. The people that we admire or learn from are not necessarily paragons in all aspects of their lives.