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It’s come to my attention that it may not be advisable to insert Jade Eggs inside the vagina. It’s been my understanding that these eggs have been used by women for over a thousand years originating in China. There seems to be a recent controversy between gynecologist Dr. Jen Gunter and Gwyneth Paltrow about Jade Eggs. Dr. Gunter a OB/GYN states that Jade is porous and can harbor bacteria. I’ve always heard Jade Eggs referenced as non-porous which contradicts Dr. Gunter although bleaching can cause jade to become porous. This is outside of my expertise. People should research and do their due diligence on the subject and consult their doctor. I’ve never heard of women getting an infection from Jade Eggs following the recommended cleaning procedure. Of course that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
I don’t leave it in at night. I also don’t wear it daily. My experience has been nothing but positive in regards to more vaginal tone and moisture. Here’s a couple of links that will give some more info.
There are thousands of women using eggs and some gynecologists that recommend against using them because of infection risk. The user should do their research and due diligence on yoni egg usage before purchase. There is a potential infection risk because of the porous nature of the stone. I won’t recommend them until more is known.
DISCLAIMER: This blog depicts the loving consensual agreed upon relationship between the author and her husband. Every relationship should be safe, sane and consensual. Anything else is illegal. This blog is not meant to substitute for your personal due diligence and is not to be taken as medical advice.
Monday, February 27, 2017
I hope you understand this comment in the most beautiful and constructive way possible. I love your blog, but I feel it would be a lot more balanced if it included more about the dynamics of FLR and less focus on just chastity. I wanted to tell you that because I sometimes feel there are far too few blogs who talk about real FLR, especially from a Woman’s perspective, and those which do exist post about once every blue moon and it’s sad when even those which do exist and post every once in a blue moon don’t talk to the world at all about anything but chastity (I’m not implying that is your case, but I do think you gravitate toward that subject a lot more than toward any other one). I love your blog and only feel the need to tell you this because I love it and I think you are a very valuable blogger, Woman, and you are very wise.
I also wanted to tell you that I see the potential in this and other FLR related blogs written by Women to change the world for the better, to allow a repressed and natural form of human sexuality to FINALLY come out, be expressed, and celebrated. I feel sexual repression is one of the main problems that cause other much worse things in the world and there is just nobody but Women who can talk about the perspective of Women in love, in relationships, and in Female Domination (and I don’t mean that in a cheap, porn way but exactly the opposite of that). That is what YOU do and that makes you SUPER valuable to this world and age. I want to encourage you in what you do and hope that you do a lot more of it, because I think you can change the world just by talking. That is why I hope to hear more about the FLR dynamic and especially the new gender roles you are creating in your day to day life to better the old ones. Do you get me or do you think I’m saying complete nonsense?
Yoga Girl
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Thanks for your thoughtful and considered comment, Gigi. As you say, my blog is slanted more heavily on the side of retention. Thatโs because the relationship dynamic flows from that. Again, I can only speak from my experience with my man. Other couples can try retention or Karezza for a period and compare the passion and intimacy that they had before and after, and they can see if they would like to continue with it. My husbandโs nature is changed as he practices retention. There would be no FLR dynamic without it. And Iโm not sure that if I discussed the FLR dynamic for us that it would be applicable to other couples as I think retention may effect other males differently. I kind of put together my little booklet here just to document how I deal with his retention. I think the truth is that a woman will have to introduce her man to retention and see what kind of man she has as he retains. If she likes it, she will have to stress the importance to him of how important it is to her that he continue. If itโs important to her, he may see the value in continuing retention. The nature of sacrifice is to give up something you value for something you value more. Passing on ejaculation will be a huge sacrifice for him. My husband does it because there are greater rewards. I help him facilitate his retention in a way that is fun for us. The FLR dynamic may not be the same for every couple. They can explore retention and see how it effects the male nature. The female’s dominance can grow from there, but male retention would be the starting point, IMO. Facilitating his retention can be the hard part. This little booklet is just how I do it and how he responds to it.
I think this all comes down to the female nature as well as I discussed the two female archetypes of Eve and Lilith (chap 11). The couple will have to practice retention as a vehicle to explore how they want to define their roles. Some women could be very set in their Eve role, but she still may enjoy the possible increased passion that a male practicing retention may offer. But if he feels submissive and is married to Eve, thereโs probably going to be some frustration there. Thatโs probably where topping from the bottom would come in, or heโll just be a stealthy submissive but be craving so much more dominance from her in secret. As Iโve said before, for us retention is not a magic bullet. There are many factors. If heโs engaged in intellectual pursuits, life, lack of sleep, relatives or other stressors, that all can drop labido regardless of retention. For us, retention has taken a good marriage and made it a great one. When we started this, we thought it might benefit other couples to provide a window into our relationship. It might open up some possibilities to them. What we offer here is not a recommendation, but a peek into our relationship. Hopefully our little booklet will come up in a google search for when people are ready. The Tao, Yoga, Qigong, retention and Karezza are all great tools. Mix them all up and make your own smoothie for your spiritual progress.
Saturday, March 04, 2017
You are such an incredibly beautiful human being! Thank you for your gifts to us all.
Yoga Girl
Sunday, March 05, 2017
Thank you. Hopefully there is some value in it. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, March 07, 2017
Miss your blog! Please continue.
Yoga Girl
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Thanks for reading!
Friday, March 31, 2017
Are you still planning on doing more blog posts? We all miss your feminine yet assertive wisdom ๐
Yoga Girl
Monday, April 03, 2017
Thanks, I’m not planning on it, but I’m not planning not to either. We just wanted to share our experience and put together this little booklet. We’ve both have many things going, and retention while there, is in the background of an otherwise busy schedule.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Do you think you might continue this blog? It was very good.
Yoga Girl
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Thanks so much, Gigi. I may do an update at some point especially as we are approaching our second year with his retention around October I think. I think the most interesting question is can this system be sustained over the long term. Of course everyone’s needs are different, but this is still working for us so far.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Hi Yoga Girl. Thank you for your well written useful and encouraging posts, and looking foe an update.
Yoga Girl
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Thanks. Glad you’re finding it helpful.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Steve1. Men egoistically think about their own pleasure during sex, can you suggest some useful practices, how to please woman and give her maximum pleasure.l think if man concentrates on his partners pleasure, both will be satisfied and enjoyed.Men should learn to be better lovers and leave their women satisfied.Many women are thought frigid, it’s not true.They have right to be loved and cherished.
Yoga Girl
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Iโm not sure about useful practices so much as the state of mind my husband has come to accept. What I mean by that is that ejaculation doesnโt happen every time during intercourse. This is a big hurdle for most men. 99% of men ejaculate during sex. Because of this, they become goal oriented toward ejaculation, and they leave their wives behind after their goal has been met with her probably not even achieving orgasm. Weโre approaching our second year practicing male retention, and my husband has been broken in to accept intermittent ejaculation. This helps him focus on someone elseโs pleasure other than his own. Passion flows from that. I can only speak for us, but I know Iโm more loved and cherished because of it. Not many men could just walk away from sex without finishing. I think it helps him to not finish so that our love continues throughout the week. Again, I can only speak for what works for us. People will have to explore retention on their own. I only share what we do and how it effects us.
I donโt prohibit orgasm for him. I just prohibit ejaculation. Unfortunately, they are so closely tied together one doesnโt happen without the other for most western males. Heโs welcome to as many orgasms as he likes as long as there is no ejaculate. Itโs just my impractical opinion, but I think men in a perfect world would only ejaculate when trying to conceive (Thatโs not a recommendation). As it is, he getโs to squirt about once a week while having intercourse almost daily. I’m no longer concerned with getting him off. I use his penis when I want it and walk away when I’m done, and he still has more to give and give. I don’t want to give the impression that retention is a cure all. Life issues can and do still occupy space that interferes with passion.
This is one of a few blogs that were published by Yoga Girl at her website at This site is now offline but all credit goes to her.ย