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Some couples have a song, perhaps the song that they danced to at their wedding. Some couples have a place such as their honeymoon location or another place that has special meaning to them. We all have symbols that represent various things to them and for Kev and I, the key and lock are synonymous with our love for each other. The lock symbolizes exterior strength with a complex inside that can only be unlocked with a delicate key that is a precise and perfect fit. The lock unites two people and binds them together through devotion.

Keys symbolize opening doors, embracing new opportunities and even unlocking the heart. The lock and key also represent a secret that is only shared by the holders of the key or the lock. The ancient Greeks saw the key as a symbol of authority, love and possibility. Keys also symbolize security and confidence. A locked door gives you confidence knowing that nobody else has the key. The relationship between the lock and key is unique and invokes feelings of safeness and intimacy.

In our relationship, the lock and key symbolizes the one sided erotic relationship where I withhold his sexual relief in exchange he is expected to satisfied my needs even as his own are denied. Through this experience he learns a greater respect for female authority and a greater understanding for his own selfish sexual tendencies.


Play is a foundational theme in our marriage. We take pride in the play that we inject into every part of our marriage. The silliness and the laughter that sometimes disappear and wither as couples age will never wither with us. The key and lock are a symbol of the commitment to fun that we both pride ourselves in. A symbol to never stop playing and never stop enjoying each other.

The lock and key are a symbol of female confidence and leadership. Women can sometimes feel like they don’t deserve pleasure. A sexually confident woman not only knows that she is allowed to experience pleasure but she knows that she is entitled to it. Sexual confidence is about sharing not only your sexual needs but your sexual wants. The lock and key are a form of expression and they say to both of us; you have all of me. All that there is, you have it. From my deepest desires to my deepest fears, I give them all to you.


The key is a symbol of my freedom while the lock is a symbol of his stability, surrender, submission and servitude. In our marriage I have certain freedoms to explore and through all of that he is my rock, my emotional partner. My key is a perfect fit for no other lock and we are forever bonded together with our unique combination.

Sexual rituals are important in a relationship. We have a habit of spending Sunday evenings together as a special time for the two of us. It is special time that we reserve for Kev in appreciation of his sexual needs and his sacrifices he makes for our relationship. We have other rituals as well, Kev asks if he can go down on me at least once a day. Shoulder massages, back massages are unsolicited and plentiful. I appreciate this man and I appreciate what the lock and key symbolize for both of us. I also appreciate all of you and every perspective and idea that you bring to the table by way of your comments and contributions to this site.

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