So, I have an identical twin. Many identical twins look different over time, but my twin and I are still practically indistinguishable. Even our mom has trouble to this day! We wear our hair the same exact way (get it done the same day in the same salon by the same girl), we are within a pound or two of each other, same exact height, same shoe size, same size boobs, we both have baby hips...etc. In fact, the only way to tell us apart is that our belly buttons are a little different ?
A while back, my twin noticed my key necklace, and, the cat is now out of the bag with chastity. Since then, she frequently asks about our experiences and seems genuinely curious about it. Especially since Locktober/NOvember started this year.
We have switched places twice with my husband. The first time was at lunch one day. While having lunch, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and Sarah returned to the table in my place wearing my wedding ring. She started a detailed chastity conversation with him!
My guy is doing his very first extended lock up for Lock-NO this year, which Sarah knows. She was asking him all kinds of detailed questions and telling him how she thought Lock-NO would be a great start to a six month or one year lock up! Then, I decided to call him ? He looked at his phone and saw it was me. He looked at Sarah, looked at the phone again, and freaked out!!
That is one step beyond sadistic. Mind games do a real number on a fellow.
That is one step beyond sadistic. Mind games do a real number on a fellow.
I have always felt that the mind teases are the best!! I'm good at physical teases, but a good mess with the mind tease, oh my gosh!!
@macy-has-keys Ok….so what was the second time you switched places??? Good lord, if that was the first, what did you do to your poor hubby the second time?!
This one is kind of embarrassing. Sarah was spending the night one evening because we had been drinking. We all went to bed and my husband and I were going to have sex. I realized I had left the key in my purse. I put on a robe and left the bedroom to go get it.
Sarah was in the kitchen and asked what I was doing. I told her I forgot the chastity key. She began begging me to let her go unlock him! "Just let me unlock him and I'll slip right back out!" ? She has been so curious about this since she found out. I tried to say no!
Next thing I know, we swapped robes and off she went. She was only gone about 5 minutes, but it seemed like two hours! We swapped robes again and I went in to the bedroom. He had no idea that Sarah had slipped in and unlocked him!! It's our secret to this day- he has no idea!
Unless he is on this forum ?
Unless he is on this forum ?
He is not! ?
The next morning, I realized our fingers and toes were painted different colors!! ?
rut roh! Maybe he has kept a secret and knew all along?! ?
rut roh! Maybe he has kept a secret and knew all along?! ?
That would be interesting to know! ?
He has a very difficult time telling us apart at times. Sarah and I were hanging out one afternoon. He came home while I was in the other room. He walked up behind her, turned her around, grabbed her boobs, and gave her a very passionate kiss! I walked in just as he was pulling back from her and he said "Hi Sarah"
Sarah, said "Hi Macy"
He almost died!!??
Wow --- poor but lucky guy!! I am glad the two of you are able to have so much fun with it!!
This really opens up some options for role-play too. You could have Sarah go out with him and get "picked up" by another guy only to discover it was your sister not you!
Your mind games probably qualify as cruel and unusual punishment under the law. LOL On top of that you have an unfair advantage with an identical twin who might be more diabolical than you are.
I know how mind games can keep a man off balance and out of his comfort zone. Stephie, once in a great while when she is in a giddy mood, will play with my little bitty brain. My real nemesis is Jane. When we get together with Jane and John for erotic game nights, Jane will push all my buttons. I swear she has a sadistic streak a mile long in her and she knows exactly what my comfort zone is. Every time we get together I steal myself and I am sure she won’t get to me but she always finds a way to push my limits and knock me off balance. If you read Stephie's post in poly-friending from this weekend you can see exactly how she does it.
It wasn’t even an erotic play night. It was John’s birthday party. She had Stephie give John his birthday spanks and then asked me if I would spank her. She knows I could never hit a woman, even playful spankings, but she teased me about it and then ended by saying “Someday” in here cutsie kind of way. It isn’t a case of if but when and it might or might not happen in the next play session or 2. She will just have this evil smile while we play Truth or Dare and let me sweat. She knows exactly how to play with my mind. When it finally happens, the spanking may get her turned on but what will make her night is that she will have made me do it and she will have driven me crazy.
Mind games are the cruelest tease by far.
That is one step beyond sadistic. Mind games do a real number on a fellow.
I have always felt that the mind teases are the best!! I'm good at physical teases, but a good mess with the mind tease, oh my gosh!!