I love to spend time hiking/backpacking and enjoy several camping trips with family and friends every year. My wife and I are exploring longer term chastity and I'm just wondering how others manage their necessities while on the trail. This may reflect my ingrained male privilege but I'm not thrilled with the idea of pit toilets or squatting in the bushes to pee. At a big box outdoor store I saw "female urination devices" and wondered if that could be utilized effectively. I'd love to hear thought from guys and gals on the topic.
If you have a open cage then a qtip to line things up would be fine to stand a pee. Closed cage the women things you talked about would be great. Still bring a qtip to line things up.
Update: The "adjust and align" method didn't quite work out for me. My unease with the prossess lead to waiting a bit too long and a very full bladder. After a few mishaps with high pressure misalignments I opted for the squat in the bushes approach. I have greater appreciation for female hikers and their ability to not soak their shoes.
Sorry it didn't exactly work out as planned - hopefully you were able to squat with enough privacy that it didn't become an issue. I admire you for sticking with it given the conditions rather than trying to get released!
How long have you been locked up so far? Any idea when your next unlock will occur?
The best laid plans of mice and men... thankfully I was able to heed nature's call with sufficient tact and privacy not to draw unwanted attention to my "situation". Reflectively, I did feel a bit of humiliation having to undress more than usual to relieve myself. Unlike bears, I try hard not to shite in the woods.
To your question. I stay locked during my wife's menstrual period; remain locked until she's ready and willing to be intimate again. My little guy has been incarcerated for just about a week now so I'm hoping to be released soon(ish). Totally up to her, but it's been as long as two weeks in the past.