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First Time Testing a Male Chastity Device

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For the purpose of promoting science and understanding, I purchased my first male chastity device. I found this at “Lock the Cock” (foolishly missing your website’s discount).

The model is “The Dark Cobra” in a small. The device came with four rings. I tried the largest ring and after a while, stepped down one size. One day in and it seems to be holding well. I have noticed the small sized cage is not a snug fit for length, even after careful measuring. I suspect my penis grew slightly as it received all that attention during measuring. Should have chosen the “Nano.”

I found the smaller ring to be more of a challenge to slip the testicles through. I foolishly tried using a grip I use in scrotum stretching, but backed off from that, let things relax, and stuffed them through one at a time. The penis was no problem getting through and I was ready for the cage.

Getting the penis down into the cage was more of a struggle, with width. It also seemed the plastic tended to grab more than metal would. Lining up the posts and having the push the cage while inserting the lock took the most time and skill.

The cage rides close to the body so my scrotum was flattened in an odd way. I finally added some lotion to the skin and managed to pull out the scrotum more, allowing it and its contents to hang somewhat more naturally. I had to rotate the entire assembly to properly align the cage with the shaft. As mentioned before, most of the time the penis is about a quarter to half inch shorter than the end of the cage. This did fill up with morning swelling.


Although not pinch free, I have enjoyed wearing it with little discomfort. I have been wearing scrotal weights for several years now and I believe this has helped prepare my scrotum for this new suspension. It is a different feeling, certainly lighter weight and higher where it rests. I notice sensations more in the scrotum than the penis. My little feller is not as active as he used to be (age 68) so he has found his new home comforting.

This brings me to an over all impression. I find the device to feel comforting. Wearing the scrotal weights over the years has prepared my tender bits by lots of tugging, manual stretching, and pulling of weights. I have learned to find the weights very comforting and the chastity device feels the same. I did feel a slight physiological boost if you will, and imagined how much better the effect would be if I were directed and assisted in donning this device by an actual key holder.

The downside to this so far is the cage being too long and this has led to sitting only during urination. Not a bad thing at my age as my “fire attack nozzle” is often more of a fog pattern than a straight stream. Given the amount urine catching on the cage, this will require a daily flush in the shower.

I have seen some chastity devices that include provisions for an integrated scrotum weight. This would a nice function, not only to tug at the testicles, but also have something for the ring to push back against. Thus, keeping the base of the cage firmly against the body, and preventing wayward penises deploying without their key holder’s permission. I can now see the allure and utility of a male chastity device far better with this trial. I imagined wearing this for my late wife back in the day when she had a lover (and more). Waiting patiently for her to finish with him would have been a much more intense experience, erect penis stuffed in a cage, while doing chores to pass the time.

I now get it, loud and clear!

Posted : 05/10/2024 4:52 pm
1subdawg, Caged, restrainedlove and 1 people reacted
Posts: 195
Reputable Member

This is a good write up of a first time experience.

Posted : 07/10/2024 8:36 am
nevertoolate reacted
Posts: 53
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@restrainedlove Thanks!

Posted : 11/10/2024 9:36 am
Posts: 53
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Time for an update. I do know this was a less expensive copy of another device named Cobra, but it seems to deliver for the price point. The fancier Cobra is almost three times the price. Good to start slow and cheap.

My only malfunction is testicle pull through. I was given four base rings in the kit and after a hour or so, I knew the largest ring was too big. I managed to squeeze my little fellers into the 3rd largest ring. Things were going very well for over a day, but a change in temperature caused enough scrotal shrinkage to pull one testicle through. Now I know all you guys are wincing reading this, because that is the reaction I had too, as this occurred in public no less. Fortunately, I have years of experience with this wearing scrotal weights. Too large an opening and it can happen. Not my first time.

I tried my best to push the occupants of the aforementioned sac through the smaller ring but no luck. I'm going to try that one more time when all the parts are good and relaxed. I had pondered years ago when I first became interested in these devices getting a hinged ring. That will be a requirement for the next test article.

Posted : 11/10/2024 9:51 am
NewlyLocked reacted
Posts: 53
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Time for an update.

Skipped wearing it while working roofing this last week. This weekend wore it for about two full days. Decided to dive into the smaller size ring to avoid pull through. Lubed up the scrotum and finally managed to get the boys through the second smallest ring in the four ring kit.

Never any pull through, but more chafing after 48 hours. This eventually led to removal.

Found the fit a bit different. Felt as if the scrotum was lifted more? Penis sensations are the same. After wearing it for a few hours it is almost as if it feels like you no longer have a penis, as much more sensation is concentrated with the cage pushing on the front of the scrotum.  I did feel the lock area pushing against my pubic area in some positions. Still sitting to pee, and this adds to the allure of wearing the device; humbling.

The only time the cage is completely full in length is during morning erections. This is also the only time I feel like I still have a penis. Otherwise it rests, unmolested. Width is good all day, definitely could move down to the next smaller length.

After I removed it, I spent some time taking a much closer look at construction. I found some ridges in the molding on the front of the ring. Used 100 grit sand paper to remove them, and plan on following up with 220 grit to try and polish it. Also found molding seams at the base of the cage and some areas of no consequence. Something I have read in other reviews of inexpensive plastic devices.

Having worn metal scrotum weights for many years, I would agree with many wearers of metal cages that the extra weight might feel better and a stronger reminder of your relationship to a keyholder.

Over all this has been a fun eye opening experience as I attempt to understand the dynamic of being locked and joy of having a keyholder directing your life. 

Read on Reddit about combining  a humbler with wearing a device. Fascinating fun for sure. Those of us with longer scrotums would be good candidates for this kind of adventure.

One observation I've had for quite a while is all of this attention on locking us men up is very male centric. It is something we should thank our partners for. All this attention on our dangly bits certainly deserves our devotion to additional chores and obedience!

Posted : 27/10/2024 6:33 pm





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