Here is a list of rules for a happy relationship.
? ? ? Gimme some more! ? ? ?
Hi Emma,
One thing that my girlfriend makes sure of is that I thank her after sex or after she touches me, whether she’s let me orgasm or she’s teased me and is leaving me frustrated. I think it helps reinforce that our sexual activity and my sexual pleasure are at her discretion and it helps me focus on the fact that, even if I am being left frustrated, I did enjoy the attention and definitely would not have preferred not to have it at all. It also serves as a good indicator that we are finished for now. When she stops teasing me, she will say, “You’re welcome”, and when I then thank her, I’m accepting that it’s over and that I appreciate what I got.
We have some rules in our home but I don't think they apply to anyone that is not in a FLM.
Very female led in your household! We aren't at that point but I like your rules. Especially 1, 4 and 7!
If i am gonna be completely honest i think that this is a bot abusive in a relationship, especially the fact that you get to dictate how he uses HIS body part outside bed which i think is a bit unfair and hurting in a relationship
I am required to thank my Mistress Wife as well. It is something that i very much enjoy doing. In addition to thanking her for any sexual attention that she gives me, I am also allowed the privilege of assisting her every morning with the putting on of her panties. I am told "I am ready to get dressed" at which time I stop what I am doing and head into the closet. She hands me her panties, steps into them and pull them up and on. I thank her every morning for the honor.