For those who remember when I first joined here me and my boyfriend had some trial and error not to mention his masturbating and porn usage almost ruined our relationship. I decided to share an update. My boyfriend consensually stays locked in chastity we use the vice mainly due to its anti pullout and form fitting technology. He stays locked unless I unlock him for a tease and denial or for a rare male orgasm. We have a large orgasm gap that favors me. We do this because as yoga girl and other sites show the male orgasm has more harmful effects then positive. I find it’s better to ruin his orgasms while he’s caged more regularly then allow him to have a consistent release schedule. He has come to accept this lifestyle and enjoy it with me and I love him for that. He’s also come to accept my female leadership and is far more active in our household chores as he works less then me and I work more and make more so it’s just his way of helping to bring balance to our workloads. This does not equate to him earning an orgasm he does these things because he loves, he pampers because he loves me. Chastity makes him channel his love in a different more romantic and sensual way. I am a strict keyholder because with him strict keyholding works if I was too lenient or easy he would revert to some of the negative behaviors which is why we dived into our current dynamic i lead him and control his Os, he loves pleasuring and pampering me and working as a team together and he trusts I have his best interests which I do. I’ve said this before, a happy cock is a locked cock.
@brittany. Tell us more about how you are getting your positive results. Do you lock and forget? Verbally tease? Unlock, physically tease, deny, and relock? How often? How long does your boyfriend typically go between releases? How do you allow him orgasms? Is he unlocked to pleasure you, or does he remain locked?
We know Yoga Girl’s philosophy and Emma’s, too. They are different. What is you recipe for success?
I tease verbally and physically I’ll unlock and tease him just to leave him throbbing and then relock him. I ruin most of his orgasms once in a while he gets a full orgasm. When he gets his one orgasm it’s via sexual intercourse. If he’s unlocked and not being released it’s to tease him or have him pleasure me using a cock extender.
@brittany Thanks. My girlfriend has discovered that she loves how sexy and powerful she feels wielding her control over my sex life. Now that she has learned to enjoy teasing me and denying me (she gets an incredible power rush), I intend to help her explore whether these feelings will intensify if she denies me after she has had me service her. Her old inhibition about being “selfish” has made this a challenge. But we are making progress, and I think it will happen soon. Unless I am wrong about how she is wired, once she allows herself to go there, I think she will find her feelings of pleasure and power will go off the charts. sexy and powerful.
once we have reached that stage in our journey, I think ruined orgasms will likely be the next thing for my girlfriend to embrace. For us, ruins have only been accidental, but she finds them intriguing. Again, she will have to confront the misperception that she is being “selfish,” but I think she will love it for the sense of power it will give her.
Which one of you introduced the idea of ruined orgasms, you or your boyfriend? How did it go over the first time you did it intentionally?
I did and it has been hard for him at times with the ruined orgasms but we have to empty him somehow and I don’t want him always leaking or precumming in his cage because it makes a mess, ruined orgasms or even chastitygasms endure he releases some semen without experiencing an orgasm and the negative side effects the male orgasm would bring.
@brittany. Thanks for that. So, ruined orgasm are a tool for you to achieve the behavior you desire. But, do you enjoy them? What do his ruined orgasms do for you?
I enjoy the flipping of power men for centuries have been entitled to their pleasure bringing him to the brink only to deny him, steal his pleasure and leave him throbbing and wanting more and often times then just cooling him down and locking him back up. It’s like super hot to think about that power and control.
" ... ruined orgasms or even chastitygasms endure he releases some semen without experiencing an orgasm and the negative side effects the male orgasm would bring."
There is much truth to this!
I did and it has been hard for him at times with the ruined orgasms but we have to empty him somehow and I don’t want him always leaking or precumming in his cage because it makes a mess, ruined orgasms or even chastitygasms endure he releases some semen without experiencing an orgasm and the negative side effects the male orgasm would bring.
Do you ever milk his prostate? It is supposed to be good for maintaining the health of his prostate and a good way to really empty him.