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yet another request about health related concerns for long term c.

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Hi all
I came across this intersting website Yesterday, while looking around for long term chastity effect on health.
SO here is my first post. I hope is not in the wrong section.

The doctors point of view is pretty clear but always a bit conservative, because they cannot suggest a pratice that could have a potentilally negative impact on health. Since chastity is not mandatory, they tend to see it like an unnecessary risk, thus completely avoidable where the risk/benefit ratio is totally on the "risk" side. 
Somewhere else i readed about people living in chastity since long time who never had an issue.
Since i'm in the process of starting my long term experience,  after 7 years spent with max 2 weeks locking periods, i simply want to learn a bit more on the subject.

So i'm looking for online resources than tries to stand in the middle offering a realiable picture of the topic.

any suggestion?

il bestione


Posted : 20/10/2020 12:54 am
Posts: 1105

This is a fascinating topic in that one can find copious articles from doctors on both sides of the equation.  I'm not a doctor, so my opinion is an uneducated one, but here goes anyway ... I have been significantly retaining in my marriage for 9 years plus.  Knock on wood ... no problems thus far.  In the beginning, I stealthily asked my doctor during a physical if it is better to cum a lot, and if cumming a lot reduces health risks, in particular prostate cancer.  His answer was no, there is no benefit from frequent ejaculations/orgasms, other than the, well, frequent orgasms, but if I wanted him to write a prescription to give to my for frequent ejaculations, he'd be happy to.  My doctor then was also my buddy so I felt comfortable asking him.

I know some doctors but have never had the conversation with them for his opinion.  I'd love to hear real life opinions from those qualified to give one.

Posted : 20/10/2020 2:02 pm
Posts: 50
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from UpToDate, a searchable database widely used by health providers offering tight summaries of many medical topic:

“Ejaculatory frequency — An association between ejaculatory frequency and a lower risk of prostate cancer has been suggested in two case-control studies:

In a study which compared men under the age of 70 who had prostate cancer with age-matched controls, men who had five or more ejaculations per week while in their 20s (but not their 30s or 40s) had a significantly lower risk of prostate cancer (odds ratio 0.66) than those who had fewer ejaculations [158].


A report from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study compared men who developed prostate cancer (n = 3839) with controls of a similar age group who had similar ejaculatory frequency but no prostate cancer [159]. On multivariable analysis, the incidence of prostate cancer was significantly reduced for men having more than 21 ejaculations per month compared with those with 4 to 7 ejaculations per month between ages 20 and 29 years (HR 0.81, 95% CI 0.72-0.92). The HR for those reporting more than 21 versus 4 to 7 ejaculations per month between ages 40 and 49 years was 0.78 (95% CI 0.69-0.89).


The validity of this relationship has been called into question because of the lack of association of prostate cancer with ejaculation frequency in older men and the fact that other studies have failed to show a protective effect from being married or having more sexual partners [160]. Moreover, the problem of recall bias also casts doubt on the interpretation of studies that use this methodology.“


So as a health provider myself but neither a urologist nor an oncologist, I would say that if men want chastity or orgasm denial they shouldn’t worry about It increasing the risk of prostate cancer, and if men want orgasms they shouldn’t try and leverage their partners giving them based on a lower future risk of prostate cancer.

Subhub, I don’t really know you and I’m not your doctor, but looking at the energy that you manifest on this site and making assumptions about your likely high “Chi” levels that would derive from semen retention, I’m guessing you’ve got your bases covered and actually run some risk of living forever.

On a less serious note given the known relationship between a man’s hand and his penis, and the amount of open space between locked or retaining members on the EYM membership map, I wonder how any researchers managed to identify any men in the less than 29 y/o Cohort who weren’t having 21 orgasms a month, and weren’t lying. Well, if there is anything to the protective relationship then I’m in a good place regardless of any self improvements I make at this stage of life. I’m just a bit worried about losing my vision.



Posted : 20/10/2020 5:24 pm
Posts: 90
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Googling prostate cancer rates for populations likely to have less orgasms, Catholic priests for example, might shed some light on the topic. Granted its not a very scientific approach.......

Posted : 20/10/2020 10:03 pm
Posts: 162
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Well if prostrate cancer is less prevalent if men have ejaculated more than 21 ejaculations per month in their 20s then I think my husband is pretty safe. I should think that the amount of times he's jerked off right up until the time we started to use chastity will not only prevent prostate cancer, but Ebola, Covid and anything else that might come his way 🙂 

Posted : 21/10/2020 2:14 am
IlBestione, AandM, subhubphx and 9 people reacted
Posts: 1105


Fantastic, hilarious and true!

Posted : 21/10/2020 6:46 am
Posts: 1105
Posted by: @jd

So as a health provider myself but neither a urologist nor an oncologist, I would say that if men want chastity or orgasm denial they shouldn’t worry about It increasing the risk of prostate cancer, and if men want orgasms they shouldn’t try and leverage their partners giving them based on a lower future risk of prostate cancer.

COMPLETELY agree with both of these statements.  The former being logical, well thought out reason and advice, and the latter is simply bullshit lying on the part of the submissive husband. 

Posted by: @jd

Subhub, I don’t really know you and I’m not your doctor, but looking at the energy that you manifest on this site and making assumptions about your likely high “Chi” levels that would derive from semen retention, I’m guessing you’ve got your bases covered and actually run some risk of living forever.

A tip of the cap in your direction sir for the kind words.  I'm humbled and honored. 

Posted by: @jd

I’m just a bit worried about losing my vision.

I get this too.  My mom warned me about going blind.  She also said I'd grow hair in the palms of my hands.  Moms are great!

Posted : 21/10/2020 6:53 am
Posts: 88
Estimable Member


I should be safe as houses too. To reiterate my first post intro...

As a teenager I used to masturbate for Britain, I was the national champion and GB Team Wank Olympic gold medallist. It was a calling. I've never lost my passion for the pastime and still like to keep my hand in.

Nothing wrong with a bit of self help.

Posted : 21/10/2020 7:30 am
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Thanks to everyone for the answers.

Is the prostate cancer strictly related to regular orgasms or can be avoided even via frequent prostate massages or "milking"? I'm used to the massage and i love it. The liquid comes out drop by drop without orgasm nor proper ejaculation. No sexual pleasure at all, but still a very nice pratice. Could this prevent such disease?

Prostate cancer is obviously the main concern, because is life treatening, but what about a possible ED? 
My wife agree with leaving me uncaged one night every 2 weeks to allow nighttime erections (hands restrained 'cause i'm not allowed to touch me while uncaged).
Could this have some benefits?


Posted : 21/10/2020 10:46 pm
Posts: 162
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I don't think that ED is caused by chastity - my husband has suffered with ED before, and while, we have been using chastity, but bizarrely continues to get hard ons during the night.

We read extensively on this issue of ED due to his problem, but nowhere in all the studies that I read did it say about chastity being a cause. The more likely cause of ED is stress, over weight, drinking excessively and can be a side effect of prescription drugs (beta blockers for example).

Posted : 22/10/2020 12:41 am
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Thank You very much, @mstara.

Your opinion makes sense for me. Would you suggest to go ahead? Is not "wise" to plan a periodical "funcionality checks"? 
Letting liquids flow via prostate massage would be useful or this is another myth?

Sorry for all those question but i'm a bit confused... 🙁


Posted : 22/10/2020 4:59 am
Posts: 162
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There's nothing that I've read that suggests that a man needs to ejaculate by what ever means. In fact I seem to remember reading that his fluids are reabsorbed into his body after a period of time in a natural way.

So, this isn't my field of expertise by any means, but there's nothing I've seen or read that would lead me to believe that there is anything unsafe in wearing a well fitting chastity cage for extended periods. Of course if it isn't well fitting then that can lead to problems such as swelling, bruising etc. which may have long term heath effects.

Posted : 22/10/2020 6:34 am
Posts: 1105
Posted by: @mstara

In fact I seem to remember reading that his fluids are reabsorbed into his body after a period of time in a natural way.

This is my understanding as well.  Don't hold me to it, but I believe it was Yoga Girl that said it.

Posted : 22/10/2020 7:06 am
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Thankyou again, @mstara

I have been practicing chastity with increasing level of strictness in the last 7 years.
Indeed, the fitting is vital.
I know that by direct experience, because at the beginning i had a cage that was just a little too tight. Just a little, but it developed swellings which quickly turned into a very painful feelings after 2-3 days only. Then i had to stay uncaged for another 3 days in order to be able to wear the cage again.
This was very frustrating as it seemed like I was refusing to wear the cage, not keeping what my lady and I agreed to. Then i got my hands on a slightly larger cage, which turned to be perfect in size and very easy to wear. Now we are about to make a jump towards the long term.


Posted : 22/10/2020 9:13 am
Posts: 162
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