Hi, I'm new to the site. I was hoping to read articles in order so I registered. Can't believe how different the registered site is from the unregistered! Great work!
I love the idea of FLR, and I've been trying to get my wife on board. I recently had a big sit down with her and informed her that I loved her and I reassured her that I never want to leave her, but that I needed her to have control of all my releases. She took it very well. I have had the talk with her in the past, but she never wanted to hear it! So I'm grateful for the forward movement!
Hi, I'm new to the site. I was hoping to read articles in order so I registered. Can't believe how different the registered site is from the unregistered! Great work!
I love the idea of FLR, and I've been trying to get my wife on board. I recently had a big sit down with her and informed her that I loved her and I reassured her that I never want to leave her, but that I needed her to have control of all my releases. She took it very well. I have had the talk with her in the past, but she never wanted to hear it! So I'm grateful for the forward movement!
Hi, I'm new to the site. I was hoping to read articles in order so I registered. Can't believe how different the registered site is from the unregistered! Great work!
I love the idea of FLR, and I've been trying to get my wife on board. I recently had a big sit down with her and informed her that I loved her and I reassured her that I never want to leave her, but that I needed her to have control of all my releases. She took it very well. I have had the talk with her in the past, but she never wanted to hear it! So I'm grateful for the forward movement!
Yep. Keep playing the long game. Be patient and remember that what she wants is what you want in the long run anyways. 😉