hi, my name is Paul. i am completely surrendered to Women, all Women. The Woman i live with, in an FLR, has taught me many things in 4 years and this is fundamental. this means All Women receive total respect, 100% deference, obedience and this ius 100% of the time, regardless of circumstance or my relationship to the Women. There are no exceptions whatsoever. in the event (it has NEVER occurred) that something illegal or abusive is going to occur i am simply to disengage and tell my Domme. if i was right nothing more. however, should i do thus because the woman asked me to do something i didn't want to or she was "disrespectful" (this isn't possible) then this woman will be contacted by me and i must apologize as well as tell her how i will be punished because i in fact disrespected her. this is a universal truth to me now. i have no problem with it and my life is eerier for it: disrespecting one woman is disrespecting all women. it took me some time to truly accept this. there is not a single reservation anymore, and although my life is easier that is not tghe point - all women i come into contact with are empowered and their lives are enriched and made better. I'm very grateful to be exactly what i am and continually strive to find more ways to empower ALL women. in keeping with Your blogs primary intent Ms Emma, Mistress V also keeps me denied and in chastity. there are no time, end dates or any other ways for me to know. it is indefinite and long. we worked up to this and it is best. i (men) want to orgasm and have built an entire social structure to have them whenever. again, i was taught this was false. actually there isnt any positive for me from that 4 seconds of fireworks. loss of energy, loss of focus and laziness. not a single valid reason for me (men) to orgasm and there is no medical or psychological "need" to orgasm. Ever!! Again, i am grateful and filled with bliss. I'm living my dream!!