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To My Brothers In Arms ... err ... Cages

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I am chaste 24/7/365 ... but my beautiful Dominant Wife does not want me to be in a cage.  Her decision because it is her preference.  Don't get me wrong.  I know it is a distinct privilege to not have to shoulder the burden of wearing a cage while chaste and all that comes with (peeing sitting down and the clean up afterward - yuck), but after all these years I guess I've earned the trust from my Wife to be on the honor system.  She doesn't want it caged so she has spontaneous and instant access to it, and I don't want it caged because, well, it's a pain in the ass.  Even though I am on the honor system, I am still prohibited from touching myself sexually in any fashion, which clearly includes masturbating, so chaste I remain unless Mistress K. allows a rare orgasm. 

That said ... I can tell you that this year, during Locktober I did find myself thinking of my brothers-in-arms that were indeed locked in a cage.  Every day when I woke up, I did a little math to determine how many days they were in a cage, and how many days were left before they were (theoretically) set free.  I always wondered what they were going through.  The dread, the anxiety and for plenty others, the sheer joy of performing for their KH/Dominant/Mistress.

So, Brothers In Arms ... I salute you men that successfully navigated the rough seas of Locktober for another year.  I know you woman appreciate it and love you more for it.  Congratulations.  Just think, there is still 11 long months to go before it's time to get back in the game. 

Posted : 03/11/2020 2:01 pm
nevertoolate, Stevesub, Macy has keys and 9 people reacted
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We did not do Locktober due to a number of reasons, however, I am now on day 7 of NOvember, so I guess I'm still in the game. For the record, I've never done 30 days so I'm a bit anxious to see how it goes.

Posted : 07/11/2020 4:47 pm
Stevesub, spinpole2001, Stevesub and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @andy

I am now on day 7 of NOvember, so I guess I'm still in the game. For the record, I've never done 30 days so I'm a bit anxious to see how it goes.

Are you referring the number of days in a cage, or the number of days without an orgasm? 


Posted : 08/11/2020 6:25 am
Posts: 8
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Posted by: @subhubphx
Posted by: @andy

I am now on day 7 of NOvember, so I guess I'm still in the game. For the record, I've never done 30 days so I'm a bit anxious to see how it goes.

Are you referring the number of days in a cage, or the number of days without an orgasm? 

In this case, both are true. I’ve done two weeks in a cage before, but even then she’s usually allowed some form of orgasm. I’m interested to see where this takes me.

Posted : 08/11/2020 6:50 am
Posts: 1106
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Good luck to you my friend. Even though you ask for it, here's some advice ... make your quest to earn an orgasm a secondary condition, and make your primary condition to make your wife's life more enjoyable.  Your life will be so much better because your marriage will e so much better.

Posted : 08/11/2020 6:54 am
Andy, Andy and Andy reacted
Evolving Emma
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Just checking in on you. How are you holding up. Since this is going to the be longest lockup you've experienced, I'd love to hear about the changes you experience from a shorter period. You can do it, great job so far!

Posted : 10/11/2020 9:15 am
Andy, Andy and Andy reacted
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Posted by: @evolvingyourman_ivcr4j


Just checking in on you. How are you holding up. Since this is going to the be longest lockup you've experienced, I'd love to hear about the changes you experience from a shorter period. You can do it, great job so far!

Hi Emma. Thank you so much for asking and for the words of encouragement. Honestly I can't comment on it being much different yet since I'm only on day 10. I'll have to post again when December gets here!


Posted : 10/11/2020 7:08 pm
Nika, Evolving Emma, Nika and 3 people reacted
Posts: 68
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@andy were pulling for you! no pun intended lol

Posted : 16/11/2020 5:25 am
Andy, Andy and Andy reacted
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Posted by: @spinpole2001

@andy were pulling for you! no pun intended lol

Haha! That's awesome. Feeling the love here at EYM!


Posted : 16/11/2020 6:05 pm
spinpole2001, Evolving Emma, spinpole2001 and 3 people reacted
Posts: 97
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@andy - how did it go in NOvember for you? Hopefully you made it through! If not, nothing to be ashamed of, there is always room to improve next year!

Posted : 08/01/2021 1:42 pm
Posts: 8
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Well thank you for asking! I feel somewhat chagrined that I forgot to come back and post about the experience.

First off, yes, I made it all through the month of NOvember. At least, I was in the cage for almost the entire time. My wife left if off one night after a little play time. But it was back in the next day. (She's so kind to me sometimes!)

On that note, what did not happen was denial from orgasm for the entire month. In fact she forced me to come in the cage at least 3 times. (Side note: Comming in the cage is actually a huge turn on for me, so it wasn't a bad thing at all.)

Overall, it went pretty well. There were times when it felt a bit forced for me, but that usually passed pretty quickly. As for my wife, she phrased it that she felt she was "on task" the entire time and that took some of the fun out of it for her. In the end, both of us enjoyed the extended lock up, but we are also ok with it being when she wants, for as long or as short as she wants. We're not adverse to doing it again, and since then we've done three different shorter lock up's, including a short one that ended just two nights ago. 

So long story short, it went just sort of "ok". The really good thing is that we had a couple of great discussions after it was over to sort of debrief, and that's when we both felt like we wouldn't count it out to do a long term lock up again, but at this point shorter lock ups more frequently seem to be what works best right now.

Posted : 08/01/2021 9:10 pm
Posts: 68
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@andy Thanks for the recap!

Posted : 09/01/2021 5:48 am
Posts: 97
Estimable Member

@andy - thanks for the reply --- I am glad to hear it worked out so well and you both were able to have some great discussions about it after and how it went. 

Hopefully you guys are able to work out some ways she doesn't have to feel "on task" the entire time and can relax and enjoy it more. 

You mention cumming 3 times in your cage - do you think that helped or was that part of what made her feel so "on task"? Cumming in a cage is, from what I have read, not impossible but can be difficult to achieve --- hopefully she did not feel too pressured to perform in order to get you to orgasm. 

Posted : 09/01/2021 6:48 am
Posts: 8
Eminent Member


No, she's really into making me cum when we play. That's just a thing she really likes to do.  I think the whole tease thing is what becomes sort of a task for her. And yes, we certainly did discuss how to make it more enjoyable for her and how to take the "taskiness" out of it. It's kind of funny, although we've done chastity in our relationship for years, we both acknowledge that in many ways we're both still learning. And we think that's great! Stagnation is the death knell of a relationship.

Posted : 09/01/2021 9:03 am
J.S., J.S. and J.S. reacted
Macy has keys
Posts: 62
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Posted by: @subhubphx

I am chaste 24/7/365 ... but my beautiful Dominant Wife does not want me to be in a cage.  Her decision because it is her preference.  Don't get me wrong.  I know it is a distinct privilege to not have to shoulder the burden of wearing a cage while chaste and all that comes with (peeing sitting down and the clean up afterward - yuck), but after all these years I guess I've earned the trust from my Wife to be on the honor system.  She doesn't want it caged so she has spontaneous and instant access to it, and I don't want it caged because, well, it's a pain in the ass.  Even though I am on the honor system, I am still prohibited from touching myself sexually in any fashion, which clearly includes masturbating, so chaste I remain unless Mistress K. allows a rare orgasm. 

That said ... I can tell you that this year, during Locktober I did find myself thinking of my brothers-in-arms that were indeed locked in a cage.  Every day when I woke up, I did a little math to determine how many days they were in a cage, and how many days were left before they were (theoretically) set free.  I always wondered what they were going through.  The dread, the anxiety and for plenty others, the sheer joy of performing for their KH/Dominant/Mistress.

So, Brothers In Arms ... I salute you men that successfully navigated the rough seas of Locktober for another year.  I know you woman appreciate it and love you more for it.  Congratulations.  Just think, there is still 11 long months to go before it's time to get back in the game. 

I'm so proud of my husband for completing Locktober and pressing on with NOvember without a break! Not that I gave him a choice. This is the first real exercise of control I have imposed on him after years of wearing a device without any form of orgasm denial; provided I was the source of his orgasm.

He has worn a device daily for 7 years now. Locktober, and now NOvember, is not about wearing a physical device for him, but about orgasm control. I know I'm allowed all the orgasms I want under "the rules", but I have only had one so far because I am really wanting to experience that sexual longing, and eventual sexual ecstasy for him that he is experiencing for me. That one orgasm was a teasing accident that came out of nowhere lol. 

It's been an exciting, passionate experience and the control is intoxicating. Where did that intoxication finally come from after all these years?? Where is it going?? Don't know, but what an experience to go forward with!


Posted : 13/11/2021 9:47 am
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