Our Chastity Contra...
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Our Chastity Contract

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I have wanted my wife to lock me up for some time but though she was happy to play along with it as an occasional fantasy, I could tell she wasn’t ready to jump in to the role of full-time keyholder. As a compromise, I wrote up a “contract” which reads like this:

“I promise, pledge, and agree to the following—

  1. Masturbation is cheating.
  2. No Masturbation that is not in your presence and with your consent - none at all. Not while I am away for work, not when I am frustrated or we are in a drought, no excuses and never. If I am aroused and feeling tempted, I agree to tell you immediately by call or text or suppress it until I can tell you.
  3. If I masturbate, I agree to confess what I’ve done that day and never hide it.
  4. If I need extra help and the situation permits, I can ask you to hold the key to my chastity cage for the day until I get home. The spare key will be in a signed envelope in my pocket in case of emergency.
  5. If I am traveling away from home, phone- or video call-sex with you will be the only opportunity for release.
  6. I love you and want my sexual experience to be entirely about our relationship. I am grateful for the way you cater to my sexual needs and desires, and I want to be a good husband who caters to your physical and emotional needs.
  7. This agreement will last until we agree to modify or void it.”

I explained that making the agreement formal made it more real and powerful and easier to stick to. She agreed. The contract, signed by both parties, is now in an envelope in our sex-toy box. 
The weakness of this system is that it’s only as good as your word, but the strength is that there is minimal work for her. It is a problem caused by my behavior, and I take the lead in fixing it.

Posted : 30/04/2023 2:16 pm
Posts: 195
Reputable Member

If I masturbate, I agree to confess what I’ve done that day and never hide it.

This rule is not necessary per rules #1 & #2. 😀 Just trying to help.



Posted : 01/05/2023 10:14 pm





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