In a weeks time we'll be celebrating his first year in chastity. I've been thinking about showing his cage off to two of my besties. I have already invited them for a "tea party", but I'm thinking of giving them a show as well. I planned this as a surprise for him and I haven't told anything to anyone about this.
1) Ask/order to take his pants off and show it to the girls. I'll explain it to them and how it all works to create the magical intimacy we have.
2) Peg him standing.
3) Let the girls peg or prostate massage him, play with his balls...etc.
4) Allowing him to release his semen into a shot glass while I peg him ,which I think would be a nice surprise for the girls as it was for me.
(Yes, he can release his semen(gently flow out) from just pegging alone, without getting an erection. Touching his penis is never allowed)
5)Put him in a new urethral chastity device. (He has never tried one before.)
Things would probably get a bit more whimsical, but for now, those are the plan.
I planned this as sort of a humiliating experience for him. I know he's a bit into it. But he hasn't done anything like this before. The only person who know about our FLR thing is the woman who introduced it to me.
Would I be crossing a line here ? Would he be okay with it ? Obviously I can't ask him without giving away the details. (He knows something is going to happen that day but don't know exactly what it is and I want to keep it that way.)
What should I ask the girls not to do ? (or It'll be too much for him)
Please let me know. My experience is very limited when it comes to FLR and I don't want to ruin our intimacy over this.
I won't let him have sex with them if that's what you mean.
Otherwise they're always up for some quality time. I've known them for years.
I'd recommend starting slow. Perhaps explaining chastity to them, hearing their reactions and then dropping the bombshell - my husband is locked right now. They will inevitably want to see, you can make him disrobe in front of them. They will probably want to touch the cage and ask him a whole slew of questions. I wouldn't peg him in front of them on the first tea party, you can probably stretch this out to a few tea parties and build up his anticipation for these events.Â
Have you dropped hints to your friends? Are you certain that they will be receptive to this sort of thing? I'd hate to drop this on my friends and expect a certain response only to be disappointed by the response. You might give them a heads up and send them a link to one of my blogs or even send a link to a chastity device and tell them you are thinking of doing some experimenting with the husband.Â
Either way we are very interested to hear an update on how it all goes!
I think they already know he is in chastity. One of them saw the key attached to my necklace and she guessed it right. I didn't say anything but I think my smile gave it away. But they won't stop teasing me about it(if one of them knows the other one usually know within the day). In fact she sent me a text saying "what sort of tea is it going to be".Â
Why do you suggest that I don't peg him in front of them ?(I'd like to know your viewpoint on this cause I don't exactly understand the purpose). They know about what pegging is.
The other being, that I don't exactly know if he's into this sort of thing. I have a very good guess but not absolutely certain.
I'm thinking of ordering him to eat his semen after draining him all the way(which is usually a lot). I've never asked him to do that before. I normally dispose of it in the sink. But if I see he is into it, I'm going to. Â
I'm thinking of ordering him to eat his semen after draining him all the way(which is usually a lot). I've never asked him to do that before. I normally dispose of it in the sink. But if I see he is into it, I'm going to.
This whole idea of your tea party is very hot and very exciting to think about. The eating his semen part is one of those classic "sounds sexy to think about" now but as soon as I cum, all the chemicals that made me think it was sexy have left my body. Which, as some have said, is the very reason why a submissive husband should be required to do it. I've never been required to but lately, my Wife has been hinting. ?Â
I won't be giving him an orgasm.I do what I normally do which is to peg him till everything comes out. Usually flows out. He'll still be horny after it is done.
Then if I really want to empty his balls, I would just massage his balls gently for about five minutes while he is in doggy position and then have him lick my pussy for a while.
Then I can go in again with my prostate toy or even peg him very slowly to get the rest of his semen out. It just drains out. His stamina remains the same. I got almost half a shot glass with this method in one session this way. If you do this correctly you'll be amazed how much semen those balls can hold ? .
I won't be giving him an orgasm.I do what I normally do which is to peg him till everything comes out. Usually flows out. He'll still be horny after it is done.
Although you're describing a prostate orgasm and not a ruined orgasm, a ruined orgasm has the same wonderful effect of keeping us (him) horny after ejaculation. He's lucky to have you as his Mistress @nika
He thinks I'm going to circumcise him for our 1 year chastity anniversary. I may have hinted at it while I was cleaning his penis.
Along the lines of "If I circumcise you, I won't have do this again".
He hates needles let alone scalpels.
But he thinks I am going to(I'm not of course) . This should be fun ?Â
Any Submissive would enjoy the B-Day plan you have put together. With that said, once you fully out him as a submissive slut to your friends, there is no taking that back. As you seem to enjoy public scenes, might I suggest making his first one in front of likeminded people. If that goes well, you could execute your plan above with confidence that he can handle it. In the States we have groups like Club Fem that allow FLR couples to party and play together. I'm sure there are similar groups with gatherings in your area.
Good Luck!
Additions for my plan for our "chastity party" have been made.
I decided to tell the girls what is actually going to happen.What sort of things we are going to be doing.(Sent some links to both of them for a research beforehand)
Both of them were thrilled to hear it but they had already concluded something naughty is going to happen.
Early in the afternoon me and one of the girls,Nora(who is a nurse at our regional hospital), added a few things to the plans that I've already made.
There's going to be a list of rules he's going to be following from that day forth.
We added some new ones to the once he already follows.
I wrote them down on a piece of paper, so all the rules are in written form. (It feels better that way)
Nora is going to bring some syringes and a catheter with her.
He won't be wearing any cloths when they come.
After refreshments(which he is going to serve), I will take the cage off of him in front of them and make him read the list of rules making both the girls witnesses.
If he agrees with all them, then I'll make him go on Doggy position on the dining table.
I myself will insert one syringe needle each, into his testicles, to draw few drops of blood from each of them.
Then he has to put his finger prints(two thumb prints) on the paper to confirm his agreement, using the blood as ink.
(It's a list of things basically dictating who's going own his balls.)
I wont put the cage back on and the "party" will begin.
(It'll be a party for us three and a ceremony for him I think)
I'm going to be drinking a lot of water from the morning and when I'm ready to pee we all will go the bathroom.
Nora will put the catheter inside him and drain his bladder completely.
I'm going to pee in a sterile glass jar(which I have right in front of me as I write this) and she will put my pee inside his bladder using the catheter.
(I'm sure you understand the purpose of this)
These are all additions to my earlier plan.
The girls are going to learn a lot about males and how to control them, how to peg them, how to do prostate massages and so on and so forth.
I'll have hot towels prepared to use on his scrotum so it will stay relaxed.
(His balls are going to used and he is going to feel it.)
Towards the end of the party, he is to kiss my feet and beg me to put him back in chastity.
(There's not going to be a single drop of semen left in him by the time we are done. All will be drawn out by the methods I usually use, without giving him an orgasm)
We intend to use numbing cream on his penis, to blunt the sensations and Nora is going to bring a pill that is supposed to delay ejaculations.
Otherwise us three won't be able use him without stopping and starting endlessly.
The funny thing is that he doesn't know any of this.
I welcome your suggestions/ criticisms. Please feel free to mention what you'd like us to do to him.
(He doesn't like being verbally humiliated. Using derogatory names(slut , whore) is a complete no no.)
We want to keep his foreskin pulled back for the duration of the party.(It's one of his weird kinks) Any suggestions on that regard are also appreciated.
The party is going to happen this Friday. If any of you like to know what happened (briefly of course), just let me know (the easiest way is to put a like, or any other way you like).
I'm still open to new ideas, if you have some. ?Â
Hi new here
He is afraid of needles and you are using them on him ?
He loves then you use him for plesuare, he trust you but will he feel the same about your friends ?
If you take it to far will he feel that it is your celebartion or you just show of ?
The key factor here is trust, its hard to build up and desroyed in seconds.
You know him best of all but i hate to see to lives destroyed due to losse of trust.
Hope om not stepping out of line with this ?
You're not. Never be afraid to say what you must.
You said you're new here, yet you summoned enough courage to contradict me. I like it. I like it so much.
Sometimes I've said things to people without knowing all the information. Then I learned a lot from a very wise man I used to "know".
One thing he taught me goes like this "Not everything is as you see it is. It's how you want to see it with the information or prejudices you have around it. Don't be hasty to hand out judgements. Even if you know a lot about the thing in question, you could still be wrong".
I'm afraid of needles as well. But I got vaccinated recently because I needed to. As you said "the key factor here is trust" and I will never betray it. I don't write everything into these posts, but if you've read a few, you'd know I never do that.
I encourage you not to loose this quality in you. Don't be afraid to say what's in your heart (This doesn't apply, if you're in China) ? .
Welcome to the blog, my brave soldier. ?Â