A real man isn’t defined by his penis he is defined by his actions. A real man is a good husband, a good father, a good person. Allowing someone to help guide him to positive behavior is simply accepting help in an area that by your very nature is weak. If he can allow his wife to guide him in this one area, the entire relationship will glow. He needs her strength after their lovemaking sessions to ensure that he stays true to his agreement with her. Although different and strange to some, there should be nothing humiliating and emasculating here. The man is putting his wife first and allowing her a level of sexual enjoyment that other women would beg for. I wrote a blog that you might enjoy called What Kind of Man.

Category: Male Chastity FAQ
  • adonis adonis says:

    Quick answer NO it does NOT make you less of a man, Only when you accept her offer to Lock your best little Friend in a chastity cage that will be locked on yourself she undoubtedly will have asked the man do you love? me the Quick answer from the man should be ” yes I love me.” then wear this to show how much you love me she would say adonis say the weak accept, as a man Just say ” If by now you have not realized who Loves you well,” I adonis would say see an ASTROLOGER online, Ask Google or Youtube search how could you know if I am the correct one for her/him Alfabetically her comes first because hEr/hIm.

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