We tried the honor system. We tried it, didn’t have any slip-ups and it worked but it wasn’t as fun for either of us. Kevin got his weekly release yesterday, on schedule. I can’t help but feel like it wasn’t as effective, it was more like a mutual consent agreement. There was no constant reminder of my inescapable dominance over everything that defines his sexual self-worth. We tried it, we really did but now we are going back. If I am being honest with you all, the main reason is that I didn’t feel as powerful when I wasn’t holding his key. I want to feel powerful. I want to feel turned on, knowing that I am holding something so valuable to him.

So I decided to start off strong. I left early this morning so I set his cage out neatly on his night. I am sure that he was surprised to see that I left the spiked cage out. He isn’t a fan of that one. Even though the spikes are soft/silicon, they are still sharp enough to be more than a gentle reminder when he gets too excited. Today is going to be a good day.

I’ll start your week with some tips to help encourage your man.

  1. Remember to touch him more when he is locked than you ever do when he is not. Any touch. This will create a positive response and make him yearn to be locked.
  2. Remind him that you were destined to be together and that you two are meant for each other. Some positive comments about your yin/yang and how you balance each other out. This will help reassure him, especially when the cage gives him self-doubt.
  3. Complain about little things but say things like “not a big deal, but…” or “next time”. This will ensure that things go your way next time and will almost never need an argument to get you there.
  4. Ensure that the guys he hangs out with are harmless or that you’ve got an understanding with their wives or significant others. You aren’t looking to isolate him but you are looking to distance him from friends that could have a negative impact on your relationship.
  5. Try not to sit in front of him when asking or persuading, sit beside him to ensure that your body language is trusting, encouraging and non-confrontational.
  6. This one may seem obvious but ensure that he is working out, has a balanced diet. Also takes a multivitamin especially zinc since since that keeps his testosterone production high and ensure that his male behaviors are strong and predictable.
  7. Even when you are in control, remind him of your weakness. This will help him see your vulnerable side and increase his confidence in your relationship. Remind him that where he is weak, you are strong and can help lead him. Remind him that you respect him and that you appreciate him allowing you to control the sexual aspect of your relationship to make you both stronger together.
  8. Learn to confuse him by asking him about his emotions and talking about yours. This doesn’t come natural to men like it does to us. This is a great way to take control of a conversation that could easily become an argument. Appeal to his compassion and his desire to satisfy you.
  9. Ask for something big. If he says no, he will almost certainly say yes to something smaller.
  10. Do something nice for him, do it from your heart but remind him that he is next. This will make him feels like he owes you something and sets a tone of submission.

So back to the spiked cage. Today is going to be quite the week for Kevin but he will get back on track and we will go back to his normal cage next week. A spiked device can be more fun because it helps control his entire thought process. If he has sexual thoughts in his mind, they manifest themselves below the belt and rather than just tighten the cage, they can cause him to wince in pain. A quick correction is all he needs to remind him to keep his thoughts on me. When its me doing the teasing, I get a visual reminder of when I am taking things too far. Sometimes I do it intentionally though…

