My last couple blogs have turned into erotic novels and while that isn’t the typical content of the site, I really enjoyed reminiscing about the experience and writing it. Based on the positive feedback, perhaps I’ve missed my calling as an erotic novel author. Who knows.

Kevin is my boyfriend slash partner slash unofficial fiance and I love him dearly. Andrew is our new neighbor whom we’ve fallen into a relationship, friends with benefits or whatever you want to call it. If you haven’t read part one and two, I highly recommend that you do so. This could probably be called part three but I don’t really want to get into keeping everything sequential and overly organized.

Kevin and I have spent more than a few nights getting to know Andrew and we’ve really enjoyed it. I am looking forward to continuing to get to know him since he seems to be a really great guy.


My primary focus is Kevin and we did slip into this thing much faster than I would ever have expected. We’ve talked about threesomes and it has been a fantasy of mine. I really enjoy being the center of attention as evidenced by the fact that you are reading a blog about me (yay!). As we’ve talked about threesomes although we’ve never actively gone out seeing one. In our conversations, a threesome for us has always been about a MFM (Male Female Male) configuration. We have both agreed that we wouldn’t push one away if the situation happened unless either one of us was opposed to it. The key there is that we both must be alright with the situation and in the case of Andrew, we are.

I told Kevin that I want to get to know Andrew better and see if we click or if we are just caught up in the novelty of having a new partner. Kev agreed and we decided that I’d hang out with with Andrew next time it made sense to do so.


Kev has been working from home due to whatever phase of the pandemic we are currently living in. With business phone calls and zoom meetings a one bedroom apartment can become annoying. Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely thankful that Kevin has a job but I need some peace and quiet sometimes. It was one of those afternoons when I got a text from Andrew saying simply “ping pong?”.

I showed the text to Kev who was on a call, he nodded and motioned to the door, I could see a smile on his face as I walked out and down the steps adjacent to the apartment courtyard area. I felt reassured that he was smiling as I left and although I am generally a confident person, I was nervous for some reason. Butterflies I think. Once I got to last step, I sat down on it and texted Andrew back to say that I’d meet him at the ping pong table. I sat on the stairs for a few minutes thinking about what the next steps are. We all clicked together very well in a sexual setting but we hadn’t talked all that much. I was deep in thought as I saw Andrew’s profile standing by the ping pong table from across the courtyard.

I walked over and Andrew seemed surprised to see me without Kevin. I explained that Kev was working and would probably join us later once he was done. Andrew smiled and had brought three beers from his apartment with him. We opened two of them and set one to the side saying cheers as the tops of them fizzed up. We made small talk, I found out that Andrew works for a mining company but the entire operation was temporarily shut down due to Covid. There was really no telling how soon he would be back to work. He didn’t seem distraught telling me about it but it was clearly a stressful thing for him to talk about.

The global pandemic has certainly impacted us in different ways. I explained about the recent loss of a family member that I had experienced. We chatted about some nearby businesses that were shut and we speculated on which would ever reopen. It was pretty dark conversation but neither of us was allowing ourselves to get too depressed about it. I suppose this is just the current reality.

I don’t know how long we talked but I saw about three or four other apartment tenants walk by and I realized that we actually do have quite a bit in common. We talked about some of our hobbies and where we went to high school and he generally seems like someone that I’d enjoy spending more spend time with. I told him about Kev and explained how solid our relationship is. I went on to tell him that although we’ve never done a threesome together until this experience, we’ve been talking about it for some time. I confessed that we were both particularly happy with the way it had all turned out. I complimented him on how respectful he had been with both of us and asking about boundaries during our experiences together. I told him that the conversations Kevin and I had afterwards were more about letting our masks down than letting our pants down. Hah! Seriously though, one of the comments on the previous article was spot on. At the time of this writing and certainly at the time of the experience, Covid is a larger concern than any STD. At least in our minds.

I asked Andrew if he had ever done a threesome like that before. He laughed and said that it was all a new and exciting experience for him. I asked him about his kinks and he said that he enjoys floggers and whipping. He didn’t see much of a reaction from me so he corrected himself and said that it was very gentle of course. Just for teasing.

I laughed, thinking that he must have taken my lack of reaction as floggers pushing my boundaries. Being the open and honest person that I am, I proceeded to start to tell him about all of the kinks that we currently enjoy and some that we’ve tried over the past few years. I stopped short of telling him about this blog because I wasn’t sure how much information I was ready to give him.

He was absolutely mesmerized when I told him that Kevin had been locked during our first sexual experience and was out on “good behavior” for the second. I explained some of the benefits of orgasm control and we talked about it for a good hour. It seemed like he agreed about the male sex drive controlling and clouding so much of the relationship but didn’t say much more. I figured that I’d let him chew on it and do some internet research before talking too much more about it.

All in all we had some really good conversation and I genuinely enjoyed getting to know a bit more about Andrew. I asked what he was hoping to get from spending time with Kevin and I. He said that we seem like really good people and he was fine with whatever our friendship turned into. I smiled and said that we were thinking the same thing. We were about done with our beers. Well, I had been drinking slow and mine still had some left but it was mostly warm so I decided to pretend like it was empty and throw it away with his. I like beer but I was quite engaged in the conversation and I felt like I was talking most of the time so I didn’t have much of a chance to drink it.

Kev sent me a text to say that he was done with his work calls so I thanked Andrew for his time and said that we would catch up soon. I got up and said that I was going to head back to my place. Andrew mentioned that he was going to BBQ some burgers at the community grill and had plenty of food if we wanted to join him later. With a hug, I thanked him and said that I would text him shortly.

So we didn’t formalize any titles like “boyfriend” or “friends with benefits” but Kevin and I are referring to him as “our boyfriend”. He seems like a generally nice guy and we are going to see where this takes us.

