I am just taking a moment to brag here so forgive me for diving into the spotlight for a moment. I rushed home from a job interview to write this blog so excuse my enthusiasm. You guys, I just got a new job with a marketing company! Hired on the spot boo-yah! I feel like this is my first “real” job since I am sitting at a desk all day instead of doing food deliveries. I will be working with websites and helping small businesses do marketing. I had to bite my tongue and say that I have no web experience because I didn’t feel comfortable putting this site down on my resume. I wish I didn’t have to feel ashamed and I wish some of these things were more mainstream but they aren’t.

Very short blog but I just wanted to tell all of you right away because I am proud of myself. I am really excited about the things I’ll be learning at this new job. While this doesn’t have much to do with my college education (psychology) I am expecting there to be some cross-over.

In honor of my excitement for this new job and the fact that I start on Friday Locktober 1st, I’ve decided to lock Kevin up for Locktober early. Go me!

am i ready for my new job false the question is is my new job ready for me

