We are well into September and that means we need to start making preparations for Locktober festivities. For those new to the annual ritual, this is the month to spread the word and work to popularize and normalize male chastity. This is a great time for those who do a weekly lockup to extend to a full month. How do you get started? Well, you can purchase a small chastity device from eBay or amazon but you really don’t need to spend money to particulate.

The overall survival rate from Testicular Cancer is 95%

I wanted to do something a little bit different this year, a year that has been extremely difficult for many. I figured that it would be great to throw a challenge out to help the fellas. This is open to everyone including those of you who self-lock, those who use the honor system and those of you in a relationship that practices orgasm denial. This is especially open to guys who think this is going to be no big deal. Give it a try for a month and see if you can do it. If you win, your partner donates $50 to the Testicular Cancer Society. If you lose, you donate $50 to the Testicular Cancer Society. Either way, we promote awareness about testicular cancer.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s work together and help give awareness to this highly treatable cancer. Fellas, this is like your version of the mammogram. Most testicular cancers are found by men and their partners and not by physicians so give them a gentle squeeze and a tug, let’s fight this thing one ball at a time.


If diagnosed quickly, the survival rate from Testicular Cancer is 99%

This is a totally informal thing if $50 is too much, adjust it to $5 or $20 or whatever amount you feel comfortable with. Rather not donate anything? Just share this blog to show your support. Just post a comment below and commit to the amount that you and your partner will donate to hold yourself accountable. At the end of the month, let’s come back and see how we did.

While rare, testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in men between the ages of 15 and 35.

Donations to the testicular cancer society have absolutely nothing to do with this site and go through their site completely, we don’t touch your donations and we don’t make money on this. Everything donated to the Testicular Cancer site goes directly to them. Below are a couple past Locktober blogs for your enjoyment.


donate button

Let’s raise awareness together!

Evolvingyourman is not affiliated with the Testicular Cancer Society in any way and their logo is the sole property and copyright of The Testicular Cancer Society.

