Today, being International Male Chastity Day, feels like the perfect opportunity to delve deeper into the subject. As many of you know, I am the author of the current erotic story, My Journey Into a Female-Led Relationship. This story, though fictional, is grounded in the real-life experiences of a couple who entrusted me with the husband’s journal. They asked me to transform it into a story, and I did just that. For this website, I further adapted the journal’s foundation to create an erotic narrative that captures both the intimacy and complexity of their lifestyle.

When I began this project, I was unfamiliar with the dynamics of Female-Led Relationships (FLR). While I had some awareness of chastity and chastity cages, the deeper nuances were new to me. As I delved into the journal, one concept stood out: the intriguing interplay of sexual denial, particularly the practice of tease and denial, with an emphasis on denial. That’s the focus of today’s post, and I’d like to open up a discussion with those who have come to accept, and even embrace, sexual denial in their relationships.

The gentleman featured in the journal was deeply drawn to the idea of tease and denial. Remarkably, he had gone years without a full sexual release, experiencing only the occasional ruined orgasm, or prostate massage through pegging or other means. What astonished me was his assertion that this state of arousal was not just tolerable but superior to traditional climaxes. To someone new to the concept, it’s natural to wonder: how could that be possible?


In my story, I explored the positive aspects of this lifestyle, as described in the journal. Simply put, he found that living in a heightened state of arousal without relief was not frustrating but surprisingly liberating. One pivotal moment in the journal (that chapter has not been posted yet) involved his wife giving him a blowjob for the first time in many months.

While the climax itself was intense, he confessed that it left him feeling oddly deflated. He described it as a letdown: the euphoria lasted only 20 or 30 seconds, and then it was over. What he truly missed afterward was the constant, electric buzz of arousal that had become a cherished companion. Over time, he realized that he didn’t want to lose that feeling, not even for a moment.


This revelation made me reflect on male arousal more broadly. Think back to the excitement of pursuing a new romantic interest. That thrill, that heightened sense of anticipation, is exhilarating and fun. Yet, as young men, that arousal typically, and maybe unfortunately, demands release, whether with a partner or, more often, on our own. Let’s be honest: for most young men, self-pleasure is far more common than partnered intimacy.

This perspective shifted my understanding of chastity and denial, challenging assumptions about what men truly want/need when it comes to sexual satisfaction. Importantly, there is no medical risk to abstention. While some research suggests regular ejaculation may support prostate health, this can also be achieved through methods like prostate massage, pegging, or even ruined orgasms. Moreover, these activities don’t need to occur very frequently to achieve the desired benefits.

From my perspective, I believe all men should experience a period of tease and denial to explore its effects firsthand. For me, as someone with extensive experience writing erotic stories—67 million downloads and counting—this practice has been an enlightening part of my creative process. During the writing of a story, I often refrain from any sexual release until the piece is complete, which can take weeks or even months. I’ve found that abstention keeps me highly motivated and focused. On the rare occasion that I’ve slipped up, it noticeably impacted my productivity and took time to regain my momentum. When I read what the owner of the journal said, it all made sense.

This personal connection to abstention has deepened my understanding of the psychological and creative benefits of prolonged arousal without release. It’s a powerful dynamic that blends discipline with desire, and it continues to shape both my writing and my perspective on male sexuality.

For the women reading this who have struggled to get their partner to embrace this dynamic, perhaps a little creative encouragement could inspire them to give it a try, even for a short period. Success often hinges on keeping your partner highly aroused, whether through consistent tease and denial or by being openly and consistently sexual with them. Experimentation might also be key. For some, introducing a chastity cage can be a practical way to prevent “cheating” moments of self-release and maintain the dynamic. Every relationship is unique, so finding the right approach may require patience and open communication. International Male Chastity Day discussion might be the catalyst that gets things going.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you experienced or embraced a similar dynamic? Let’s start a conversation.

