My name is John, though I go by rgjohn, and I’ve written a few erotic books and some content for Literotica. When Emma read my work, she suggested I write about loving, female-led relationships—a genre she’s passionate about. It’s been a while since I’ve written, but a fan recently reignited my interest by asking me to turn his detailed journal into a story. Initially skeptical, I found myself captivated by his account of a Female-Led Relationship (FLR), a concept I hadn’t explored before. With a mix of curiosity and research, I’ve decided to craft a multi-part story spanning over 20 chapters. If you are just starting, you should begin your journey back at chapter 1.

Chapter 14: Still Feeling The Impact of The Spatula, Going to The Market to Meet Sally, Anna Embraces Discipline,Tease And Denial

When I had breakfast ready, I placed it on the table. I started to sit down but thought better of it.

I asked, “May I eat standing up?”


Anna smiled mischievously. “Yes, why don’t you eat at the counter? That way, I can admire the job I did on your ass while I have my breakfast.”

I felt her gaze on me the entire time as I ate my meal in silence. It was like she was memorizing every swat she had given me and where it landed, assessing the damage.


Finally, I turned to her and asked, “Are we still going to the market?” Secretly, I hoped she’d changed her mind and would let me off the hook.

“Of course. Nothing has changed. I promised my friends I’d be there,” she replied.

“Do I still have to go?” I asked, trying to sound as pitiful as possible. “It’s going to be hard to walk.”

She smiled knowingly. “You’re a big boy. You can handle it. Or are you questioning me again?”

“No, ma’am,” I said quickly, swallowing my protest.

“Come here,” she said, her tone suddenly firmer.

Reluctantly, I walked over to her. She spun me around, and before I could react, she smacked my already sore backside five or six times rapidly with her hand. The pain shot through me like lightning bolts, and I gasped for breath, struggling to keep my composure.

“Are you going to talk back to me again?” she asked.

“No, ma’am,” I managed to say, still catching my breath. She was definitely getting into this discipline stuff.

“Good,” she said, her voice softening slightly. “Now, go over to the corner and get on your knees. Put your hands on your head. You have fifteen minutes to think about why you were disciplined.”

I went over and got on my knees on the hard tile… which was a lot more painful than on the carpet. I placed my hands on my head as I heard Anna set the kitchen timer.

This was much more difficult. I could clearly hear the timer ticking and started to count as if that would speed up the process. It didn’t and made the time go by even slower. I could see Anna out of the corner of my eye. She was reading the paper.

My knees were throbbing by the time the timer finally went off. Between that and my burning ass, it felt like I had been in the corner for an hour. I moaned as I stood up.

I hesitated before asking, “May I wear a jogging suit to the market instead of jeans? It’ll be easier on my backside.”

She considered for a moment and then said, “That’s fine. And why don’t you go commando? I am.”

The suggestion surprised me. Anna rarely skipped wearing panties. “Uh, okay,” I said, trying to mask my surprise.

An hour later, we left the condo for the street market about six blocks away. I walked gingerly as we exited the elevator and approached the front door.

The doorman, David, greeted us with a concerned look. “Are you okay, Mr. Bradley?”

“Yes, David, I’m fine. Just overdid it with some exercise,” I said, forcing a smile.

Anna chuckled softly, her knowing smile making my cheeks burn so they matched my ass.

The walk to the market was challenging, though not unbearable. Each step made me acutely aware of the heat and swelling in my backside. To my great surprise the feeling was strangely comforting. I reached down and grabbed Anna’s hand and she squeezed mine. All was good with the world again.

She leaned closer as we walked and whispered, “I know it’s terrible, but do you have any idea how exciting it is knowing your poor ass is throbbing because of me? Every time you sit down for the next few days, you’ll think of me.”

I bit my lip and said, “I always think of you anyway.”

“Good answer,” she said, patting my ass lightly. Even that small touch stung, but I smiled when she paused and kissed me softly on the cheek.

When we arrived at the market, Anna’s three friends were already waiting. They were surprised to see me.

Sally, Anna’s best friend, was the first to speak. She had red hair, freckles, and an incredible figure that she knew how to flaunt. She was an incredible free spirit who shunned traditional values and roles. Anna and she had gone to college together and were roommates. They were like sisters.

“Well, well, who’s this handsome stranger with the pretty blue eyes and rugged stubble? You look like quite the stud, Jason.”

“Hi, Sally,” I said with a indulgent smile.

She hugged me tightly, and I felt her ample chest press against me. Sally was naturally flirtatious and often joked about stealing me from Anna. Anna would laugh and tease her about swapping husbands.

Jennifer and Brittany, Anna’s other friends, hugged Anna first and then me. While they were warm and friendly, it was clear Sally and Anna shared a closer bond.

“How did you convince Jason to tag along?” Sally asked, raising an eyebrow.

Anna smirked. “I have my ways.”

“Well, you’ll have to teach me your secret. Chris is home watching football, as usual.”

I thought wistfully about the days I’d spend watching football, wondering if they were now a thing of the past.

Anna leaned over and hugged me, her hand sliding down to give my backside a light squeeze. I couldn’t suppress the small groan that escaped me.

Sally’s eyes widened. “You two are frisky today,” she teased.

“Yes, we are, aren’t we, Jason?” Anna said with a sly smile, squeezing my ass again.

I managed to nod, though I could feel my face turning red.

As we walked through the market, Anna held my hand, occasionally leaning over to kiss me on the cheek. Her affection felt genuine, and when she whispered, “I love you,” I was relieved… it was the first time she’d said it since the fallout between us.

“I love you too,” I replied softly, controlling my excitement.

Sally must have noticed my slow, cautious movements. “Jason, why are you limping?” she asked, her tone playful.

“I overdid it with some glute exercises,” I lied.

Sally grinned, giving my backside an appraising glance. “Well, your glutes look great to me. Your husband has a nice ass, Anna.”

Anna laughed. “Yes, he does. I was just admiring that myself earlier when he came out of the shower. It’s almost… well, spankable.”

My face burned as Sally and Anna both laughed. Sally looked surprised at my reaction.

Anna continued to be unusually affectionate, hugging me, kissing me, and even pressing her body against mine while we stood at different stalls. At one point, she backed into me, her hips pressing against my groin. I froze, aware of how obvious my arousal would be if anyone looked closely.

Anna noticed, glancing down and then up at me with a mischievous smile. She whispered, “That won’t happen when we get the cages.”

I moaned and my face turned red again.

To distract myself, I wandered to a stand of vintage comic books, one of my hobbies. As I browsed, I overheard Anna and Sally talking nearby.

“What’s gotten into you two? You’re acting like newlyweds. Must be something big,” Sally whispered and smiled at her use of the word ‘big’.

“A lot,” Anna replied cryptically. “I’ll tell you later.”

“Okay, I want to hear all the juicy details,” Sally said with a laugh.

I felt a chill. Anna had told me before that they shared everything. I hoped some things would remain private, but I had a sinking feeling that wasn’t the case.

At lunch, we all sat down at a table. When I hesitated before sitting, Anna gave me a pointed look. I slowly lowered myself into the chair, wincing as I made contact.

Sally noticed and grinned. “You must have really worked those glutes hard. Maybe a hot bath and a massage would help. I’d volunteer, but Anna wouldn’t let me… would you?”

Anna smirked. “I don’t know. Maybe one day. But I don’t think he would want that today.” She winked.

“Really?” Sally said, clearly feigning surprise.

Anna smiled.

I glanced between the two of them, my face heating up. It was obvious Anna had already shared something with Sally. When we parted, Sally hugged me tightly and gave my ass a firm squeeze.

“They’re nice and firm,” she whispered, “and hot, for some reason.”

I gasped softly, but only Sally seemed to notice. There was no doubt Anna had told Sally something specific.

As we walked home, I asked hesitantly, “Did you tell Sally about… us? About what you… did this morning?”

“Yes,” Anna said matter-of-factly. “I told you, Sally and I share everything.”

“How much did you tell her?” I pressed.

Anna gave me a sharp look. “I told her I spanked your ass for talking back to me.”

“You didn’t,” I gasped.

“I did, but the rest is between me and her and none of your business. Three demerits.”

I got the message and kept quiet.

That night followed the same routine as the others. I helped Anna with her bath, and afterward, we went to the bedroom, where I pleasured her until she climaxed multiple times. As before, there was no relief for me.

When I returned to the sofa, I lay on my stomach, my still-throbbing backside making it impossible to lie on my back. Anna had applied more cream, but it didn’t seem to help much. Sleep was restless and elusive. There was no though of jerking off.

Sunday was uneventful and I did my best not to provoke Anna in any way. I didn’t want another spanking on my still sore ass. We spent the day researching FLR, her in her office and me in mine. I actually go to watch some football. I think Anna was feeling a little sorry for me as she saw the bruises she had placed on my ass. However, she wasn’t sorry enough to let off from cleaning her bedroom and bath. 

The following morning, when Anna got up for work, I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. I’d already brewed fresh coffee and left a cup on her night stand. When she walked in, with the coffee in hand, she thanked me and sat down at the table. She dressed in a dark gray pinstriped skirt and matching jacket with a crisp white blouse underneath, she looked every bit the professional powerhouse she was.

I stood at the counter, wearing nothing but my bib apron, my red, bare, and still-tender backside exposed.

“Oh my, that still looks very sore,” she said, stepping closer to inspect me. She placed her hand gently on my ass cheek, making me wince.

“Is it still hot and painful?” she asked.

“Yes, very,” I admitted.

“Good,” she replied matter-of-factly, before she gave my ass a good slap. I moaned loudly. “Lessons should be painful, and you should remember them.”

I knew my backside was black and blue, with red patches in the mix, and painfully sensitive. Sitting down would require a thick cushion for days.

Anna continued, “Next time, I’ll go a little easier… unless the offense deserves more. When the spanking tools I ordered arrive, we’ll practice so I can figure out how far I can go. A lot of women seem to prefer a rod over a paddle. Rods leave welts but take more hits to cover the same area, so you can pace it out.”

Her words sent a shiver through me. Paddles? Rods? What about hairbrushes and spatula’s? What had I gotten myself into?

When breakfast was ready, I set the plates on the table but hesitated before sitting. “May I get a cushion to sit on?” I asked.

“Yes, of course,” she said.

I retrieved a cushion and eased onto the chair, wincing as I sat.

Anna smiled, clearly enjoying my discomfort. “I know it’s terrible, but it thrills me to see you wince. Is that terrible of me?”

I didn’t know how to answer, so I just shrugged but didn’t respond. I didn’t want to dwell on spankings or her enjoyment of my reactions. Still I felt strange about my situation. The pain was almost comforting to me. Something was changing inside me and I was having a difficult time figuring it out.

At the same time, I found myself struggling to understand Anna. Yes, she was aggressive and equal to any man on the job. But,she had always been a mild-mannered woman with little inclination toward anything resembling violence.  Yet, she seemed to have embraced the idea of discipline with surprising ease. It was clear that something within her was shifting too. Perhaps it was a recognition that she could be just as tough at home as she was with the men she worked alongside. She was certainly adapting to her new role here at home with remarkable speed… almost frighteningly so.

After we ate, Anna said, “Okay, up on the table. It is time for your maintenance stroking. You can use the cushion.”

I almost moaned in frustration. Under normal circumstances I would have been delighted to know that my wife was going to use her hand on me. Because I knew what was coming, I felt a mix of dread and anticipation. It was a strange, conflicting sensation, even to me. Determined not to repeat my mistakes from the last time, I set a timer for fifteen minutes and prepared myself.

As Anna began stroking me, she said, “I really like the shaved look. I want you to keep it baby smooth all the time… shave it every day, no exceptions. Or you know what happens. I will inspect you.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied.

“Good. Let’s talk about this week,” she said as she continued to stroke me. With our normal conversation, it felt very surreal.

“You’re going to order the bed today, right?”

“Yes, for sure,” I said.

“Well, get a good one and not a cheap roll away,” she said.

I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. While I liked the idea of a nice bed, her comment meant that I was going to be using it for an extended time.

“And you’ve got cages coming?” she asked.

“I ordered ten. They’re inexpensive, so we can test them to see which one works best. But we may need to invest in a higher-quality one. Some can be custom-made, but they’re expensive.”

“I don’t care how expensive it is, as long as it works and is comfortable for you,” she said. “You will be wearing it most of the time in the future.”

I shivered at her words but said, “Okay.”

“My discipline products should arrive this week too, right?” she said with a slight smile.

“Yes. How are we going to test those?” I asked nervously.

“Exactly how you’d think,” she replied with a teasing edge.

“But my ass is still a mess,” I said.

“I almost forgot about that,” she said. It was obvious that she hadn’t. “We might need to wait until the end of the week to start.”

I sighed in relief but suspected my backside would still be sore by then.

“But you’d better be careful,” she warned. “If you misbehave, I won’t care how sore you are.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said quickly.

Anna continued to stroke and tease me, bringing me to the edge five or six times. I was a quivering mess when the 15 minutes were up. I had made though and she didn’t ruin me, but I was incredibly frustrated.

Continue to Chapter 15

