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Pros and cons of using a cage

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Evolving Emma
Posts: 1155
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What are the pros and cons of using a cage? What do you feel like you gain by using a cage rather than trusting him?


Posted : 18/04/2019 6:22 am
Posts: 25
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My wife does trust me not to give myself a release when I'm not in the cage (and I don't), and she also has (at times) left the key with me for emergency use (in addition to our locked-away spare key). But the cage is a physical reminder of her control and our relationship that is tangible and very real. Of course, many cages can be defeated, but that's possible with any except for piercings, most likely (which is not my cup of tea, or hers). But why would you defeat it? It's nonsensical since you've given her control. So to me, the wearing of the cage is the best possible scenario and provides far greater benefits than trust.

I also love the key, the real key, dangling around her neck, wrist, or ankle. She has this aversion to the actual key around her neck, as it's not attractive enough, so I've gotten her small jewelry keys that are symbolic (& blingy!), and she can carry or wear the actual key around her ankle or wrist.  To me though, there's nothing like seeing the real key on her as we are out in public. Of course, I'm more daring and she is less inclined to want folks to know.

As for cons, vertical urination is always a challenge, and chaffing must always be watched for, as well as overall hygiene. But hey, nothing worth doing is easy!

Posted : 18/04/2019 7:55 am
Posts: 30
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You might look at a typical cage as similar to having a burglar alarm on your car. It won't stop someone truly serious. But it'll likely deter most random attempts. I have a PA, so mine can be locked on. With or without it however, the cage is a constant reminder that my cock is now for someone else's use - and not mine. That's the pro for me. I'll still contend if you require a cage to trust someone, there are bigger issues in the relationship. Cages don't ensure someone's trust.


There are quite a few cons. Forced to sit down to pee, chafing, unable to become erect, no masturbation, occasional pinching, worrying about people hearing locks rattling, keeping it clean, metal detectors, feeling it be crushed within the cage when excited, unable to remove the cage without someone else using a key, slight humiliation of your girlfriend able to "get off" by rubbing against it, bigger humiliation of being milked with it's still attached, waking up in the middle of the night because of your cock straining in the cage, possible return of wet dreams...  Hmmmm...maybe these aren't cons after all. I'll get back to you.

Posted : 18/04/2019 2:16 pm
1subdawg, nevertoolate, nevertoolate and 1 people reacted
Evolving Emma
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Hah!  Thanks for the help in compiling thoughts.

I've got a blog about this coming in the morning. <3

Posted : 18/04/2019 4:10 pm
1subdawg reacted
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I have never been caged. My very vanilla wife likely doesn't even know that they exist. I wonder about wearing one and I would suppose that it "enhances" the bulge in my pants. Would people notice that? Depends on the pants probably. 

Posted : 19/04/2019 5:39 am
Evolving Emma
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It might. That was one of the considerations when Kevin and I were cage shopping. You want a cage that points your little fella downward. Also the cages with the locks on top were a bit too "tall" if that makes sense. We had the best luck with the holy trainer style cages.

I think the bigger question is- are you looking to lock yourself and not tell her? Why not tell her about it and make her part of the journey? Approach it carefully but you might be surprised at her interest if you can tell her the positive side effects before you tell her that you are putting your penis in a cage. If you start with the cage, you are almost certainly not going to get her interest. 

That's my two cents.

Posted : 19/04/2019 5:56 am
Posts: 52
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The cage changes him so much for the better that I very rarely take him of.

Posted : 13/06/2021 1:25 am
LockedSara, nevertoolate, nevertoolate and 1 people reacted
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We’ve not progressed beyond the cage as the reason for wearing the key.

My wife likes wearing the key and the occasional question it provokes.

She’s OK with me wearing the cage when we’re with other people.

But, it’s here that the fantasy has stalled.

Before the cage my wife was very provocative with her fantasies and I was carried away with the potential excitement.

I thought that having the cage would give her licence to make them happen. It didn’t. She maintains that fantasies just are.

So, now the routine of life includes a cage, a set of keys and fading dreams.

Posted : 14/06/2021 3:27 pm
Posts: 158
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Posted by: @taini

We’ve not progressed beyond the cage as the reason for wearing the key.

My wife likes wearing the key and the occasional question it provokes.

She’s OK with me wearing the cage when we’re with other people.

But, it’s here that the fantasy has stalled.

Before the cage my wife was very provocative with her fantasies and I was carried away with the potential excitement.

I thought that having the cage would give her licence to make them happen. It didn’t. She maintains that fantasies just are.

So, now the routine of life includes a cage, a set of keys and fading dreams.

Every relationship is different.

But you have already gotten past the hardest part, so don't give up now.

Posted : 15/06/2021 10:40 am
Posts: 198
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Posted by: @evolvingyourman_ivcr4j

What are the pros and cons of using a cage? What do you feel like you gain by using a cage rather than trusting him?


The biggest "pro" of a correctly fitted, locked, secure chastity cage is the psychological effect it has on the wearer; like a undisciplined stallion "broken" into a riding saddle, the chastity cage immediately transfer's authority from the wearer to the keyholder. As the cage stays locked on, and sexual frustration grows, the more meek and biddable the wearer becomes, until the last of his will to resist or disobey is gone. This is why "the cage" is the tool of choice women employ in FLR's. The "cons" such as occasional pinching, visible beneath pants etc. are normally the result of a incorrectly sized or poorly designed cage. 

P.S. I would classify sitting to urinate and and discomfort when erections occur as "pros" since sitting to urinate is simply another reminder that SHE has authority over him now, while the discomfort he feels when erect when caged will tell him that unauthorized orgasm's or even erections will not be allowed without HER permission.     

Posted : 23/06/2021 7:55 pm
nevertoolate, Evolving Emma, nevertoolate and 3 people reacted
Evolving Emma
Posts: 1155
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@williamportor Sitting to urinate might be another sign of an improperly fitted cage. Kev said that he uses a restroom stall most of the time but can stand to pee. I do ask him to sit at home however. If the cage is small enough, he doesn't experience alignment issues. If the cage is too large things can shift and cause an obstruction to the stream. Is this your experience?

Posted : 24/06/2021 9:05 am
1subdawg, nevertoolate, restrainedlove and 4 people reacted
Posts: 198
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Hello Emma - I agree with almost all you said. One thing IMHO - Dominate Lady keyholders should make sitting to urinate mandatory for all locked males. This reminds them they are now a dominated (beta) male, and forbidden from standing to urinate like the rest of the unlocked males. I know you can't enforce this at his workplace, but it wouldn't hurt to mention it.  

Fortunately, I just happened to fit perfectly into a steel CB 6000 S (short) style cage. Sadly many males need a custom fitting which can be expensive. 

Posted : 24/06/2021 12:40 pm
1subdawg, nevertoolate, restrainedlove and 4 people reacted
Posts: 15
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@true42 Thnx for the encouragement.

Posted : 29/06/2021 7:58 pm
true42, true42 and true42 reacted
Posts: 5
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watching the tour de france thinking to myself,

some could make a fortune manufacturing and marketing carbon fiber chastity cages.

super strong

super light

and super fashionable 🙂

Posted : 05/07/2021 11:28 am
Brian, joebear, Brian and 3 people reacted
Posts: 9
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Here's a solution that has worked well for my wife and for me too.  It's called a Kali Cage.  You can find them in steel or stainless. Stainless is best as it doesn't rust.  My wife locks it on and hangs the key around her neck.  The spikes used are either pointed or round tipped and adjustable as to depth.  I wear it usually 3-5 days in a row before she removes it for her pleasure and uses me to get off.  The spikes will leave you less sensitive so I last much longer.  Yes it does create a nice bulge in my jeans.  When i wear my speedo to hot yoga the women ask my wife about how well endowed I must be.  She never tells:)  It makes sleeping for long periods difficult as I get erections during the night.  It's heavy and I don't go commando in my jeans when it's on. While cooking for my wife she sometimes makes me wear just a button down shirt and then the cage pulls down on my shaft as I walk around.  She enjoys watching me suffer knowing I want her very much.  She'll even tease my nipples or cock head to get me aroused and increase the discomfort.Also, the hot tub is a great way to keep it clean.

Posted : 25/08/2021 7:20 am
1subdawg, nevertoolate, nevertoolate and 1 people reacted
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