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Does anyone else feel like chastity is addicting? My ex girlfriend got me into chastity and we broke up because we agreed that the relationship was unhealthy. but now I feel like part of me is missing. Sometimes I self-lock for no reason. Is chastity addicting?

Posted : 31/01/2021 8:41 pm
Posts: 1109
Posted by: @warhold

Does anyone else feel like chastity is addicting? My ex girlfriend got me into chastity and we broke up because we agreed that the relationship was unhealthy. but now I feel like part of me is missing. Sometimes I self-lock for no reason. Is chastity addicting?

I've always felt that chastity is one thing, and achieving chastity via a cock is a similar thing of course, but that the cage itself I recently came across a wonderful podcast was a tool used by some/many to achieve chastity.  There are some that are required to wear it 24/7/365 and some (like me, but that's changing) that were put into a cage for punishment purposes, and of course, everything in between.  To each their own of course and i fully support whatever path each couple takes in achieving their goals of the female controlling the orgasms and access to the penis of the male.  

A month or so ago, Ms. K (my Wife) decided that she wants me to be in a cage at her whim, and not for punishment purposes.  She saw a picture of a Mature Metal Jail Bird and loved it.  Mostly because it appears that it is much easier to clean and keep clean, which was her major dislike of the use of a cage.  We currently have a CB6000 and after 1 day, it starts to smell a little Randy ... which she doesn't like.  So, I ordered on and it should arrive in mid February.

Since we ventured back into the realm of required use of a cage, we came a cross a podcast that spoke about long term chastity, and in particular about the full time use of a cage ... and all that goes with it.  Click here.  I highly encourage you to listen.

It was fascinating, interesting and useful information.  The podcast host, Ms. Viola, discussed a concept of chastity in a loving relationship and offered a counter point to the desire/need for a full time cage.  One the concepts she mention was being careful to determine if the use of a cage full time or for long periods doesn't turned the locked man into someone devote to the cage, and not to the female.  It was fascinating and made sense.


I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts.

Posted : 01/02/2021 9:18 am





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