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What size women really want

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"It's not how big you are, it's how you use it" "It's the motion of he ocean" "I don't care about his size, I care about our level of intimacy" Sound familiar?  


When asked about this women usually evade, giggle, change the subject, and otherwise cloud the issue, but after interviews with many ladies on this subject men now have a far better idea of what size women really want. OK - Let's dispense with all the flowery language, and silly word salad. Click on he link and scroll down to see the chart to see if you "measure up"


Posted : 04/03/2024 7:28 am
Nigel reacted
Posts: 1105

Well, I'll be ...

natalie portman love GIF
Posted : 04/03/2024 3:09 pm
Evolving Emma
Posts: 1155
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I saw this title and almost deleted your account thinking the spam train had started back up again. So glad I've had my coffee today!! Interesting article.


Posted : 05/03/2024 7:16 am
Posts: 58
Illustrious Member

You shouldn’t go and make any major life decisions based on this chart williamporter. Unless there is a medical condition involved, the majority of penis owners will fall somewhere on the colored parts of the chart. There is more to the data once you look closer. There is a place where you can read the “3000+ comments from survey participants” and many are from men who say something along the lines of, “ My girlfriend always told me that she was happy with our sex live but I don’t believe her so I broke up with her because I wasn’t putting up with her lies.” The results are biased but the good news is that most men are bad at sex anyways. So if you are not on that chart williamporter, there are plenty of ways for you to make up for it and woo yourself a lady. Best of luck.

Posted : 10/03/2024 11:24 am
Posts: 198
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Posted by: @lbp6855

You shouldn’t go and make any major life decisions based on this chart williamporter. Unless there is a medical condition involved, the majority of penis owners will fall somewhere on the colored parts of the chart. There is more to the data once you look closer. There is a place where you can read the “3000+ comments from survey participants” and many are from men who say something along the lines of, “ My girlfriend always told me that she was happy with our sex live but I don’t believe her so I broke up with her because I wasn’t putting up with her lies.” The results are biased but the good news is that most men are bad at sex anyways. So if you are not on that chart williamporter, there are plenty of ways for you to make up for it and woo yourself a lady. Best of luck.


lbp6855 - I don't make "major life decisions" based on ANY chart. It's simply that many men ask women about penis size preference , and they get very few, if any straight answers. This chart represents the result of a survey of many women, and gives men answers many have been asking about for years.     


Posted : 11/03/2024 6:07 am
Posts: 58
Illustrious Member

@williamportor I have read some of your earlier forum posts from a way back and it sounds like you have had some bad experiences around this issue. Whoever rejected you because of your size really affected you it seems. I get why you are looking up the subject but I just think that if you look around, you can find more accurate information directly from women. Buzzfeed is a bit sketchy,

Posted : 11/03/2024 7:01 am
subhubphx reacted
Posts: 198
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Posted by: @lbp6855

@williamportor I have read some of your earlier forum posts from a way back and it sounds like you have had some bad experiences around this issue. Whoever rejected you because of your size really affected you it seems. I get why you are looking up the subject but I just think that if you look around, you can find more accurate information directly from women. Buzzfeed is a bit sketchy,


it sounds like you have had some bad experiences around this issue.


lbp6855 If you don't think the chart is accurate, that's your privilege, but it's unwise to assume things about people you don't know. I'm not going to post on this subject further - Good Bye.   


Posted : 11/03/2024 8:25 pm
Posts: 58
Illustrious Member

@williamportor ….but you assume that any woman who says that she cares more about intimacy, technique, or anything other than your penis is  lying and evading the subject.

Posted : 12/03/2024 12:59 am
Posts: 317

Measure up for what?  It seems I "measure up" in penis size, as if that matters in any meaningful sense.  But the article relates to penis size in isolation of every other aspect of a human's worth as a sexual (or life) partner.  The chart is, at best, a guide to what we should look for if we were buying a dildo for our partner.  There is no doubt that the perfect dildo for any particular woman is different than what nature (or God) provided me.  Some would find more length ideal.  Some would find less ideal.  Some thicker, some thinner.  Is there a chart for waist size?  How about fullness of head hair?  How about height?  Complextion?  Age?  Capacity for compersion?  Willingness to be open or vulnerable?  Fedelity?  Compassion?  What about number of freckles?  Straight teeth?

Maybe not totally irrelevant, but pretty freaking close.  I keep thinking of the line from Shakespeare, ". . . a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing."

Posted : 16/03/2024 5:40 pm
lbp6855 reacted
Posts: 58
Illustrious Member

@allabouther Well said. "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing." is unfortunately a great quote to describe to many people who I have encountered in recent years in the general sense. Maybe we are both wrong though. When I go out on a date in the future, I'm going to bring two copies of the Buzzfeed dick chart with me to the restaurant. On one I will mark where I measure up to and I will hand her the second copy for her to mark off where her ideal size would be. We will then slide them across the table face down to each other, wait until the count of three, and then flip them over to see if her expectations are met with my reality. If the numbers don't add up then we will just shake hands and wish each other well. 

Posted : 17/03/2024 5:11 am
Posts: 317

Posted by: @lbp6855

When I go out on a date in the future, I'm going to bring two copies of the Buzzfeed dick chart with me to the restaurant. On one I will mark where I measure up to and I will hand her the second copy for her to mark off where her ideal size would be. We will then slide them across the table face down to each other, wait until the count of three, and then flip them over to see if her expectations are met with my reality.

Now that would be hysterical to watch.  I would love to be a fly on the wall to observe that!

Posted : 19/03/2024 11:05 am
Posts: 88
Estimable Member

I reckon this is little more than the usual Huffpost rubbish. During my working career I have seen a full gamut of penises of males of all ages from late teens to post retirement and in various states of arousal. However, never have I come across a single example of a penis with a diameter of 2.3 inches. I doubt if there are many women who meet average guys with average cocks who ever come close to this size. This is the stuff of porn.

Posted : 20/03/2024 8:38 am





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