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Why isn't it talked about more?

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Great topic , great discussion.  We are doing our part and have shared our lifestyle choices with a few friends.  From what I can tell, a very positive response from the women.  My wife has a new nickname among some of her admiring lady friends. 

BTW, Emma, I think we are going to adopt your approach and use her last name.  We are already doing it with friends but have not made it legal.  

Posted : 21/03/2022 9:51 am
Posts: 195
Reputable Member
Posted by: @subhubphx

I think one of the more exciting parts of what Emma does here is allow any one of us to anonymously introduce the concepts spoken to here to friends and others with the "Tell a Friend" feature. 

This feature can also be used to send this site to your friends. To be extra anonymous, you can send it to two friends and use your friends names to increase the likelihood that they'll look into it and talk. 😉

Posted : 23/03/2022 4:08 pm
Posts: 195
Reputable Member
Posted by: @mrs-j-k

In today’s world, Alpha’s are thought of as bossy and self-centered.  Beta’s are thought of as good because they do what they are told. 

In an FLR the man is primarily trying to satisfy the woman he loves the best he can.  If she loves him, his wants and needs, and feelings are equally important in the relationship.  He isn’t doing his share in raising the children or helping with housework because she says he has to.  He does it because he sees it as a responsibility.  If in the FLR, the woman sees this as a way to make her man do everything and pamper her while giving little in return, then she is just an entitled princess taking advantage of a man who loves her.  In a true FLR the woman leads in many aspects but both work to get through life and its challenges together.

I’ve rambled on long enough but this placing labels on people and relationships is something that gets in my craw and I get a little carried away. Miss Emma and subhubphx, Sigma is just another label trying to find a home somewhere between alpha and beta to say there are some good men that are submissive but but not always.  

Please keep rambling then. Your insights are good for context.

Posted : 23/03/2022 4:16 pm
Posts: 162
Honorable Member
Topic starter

This seems to have strayed from the topic that I was hoping to discuss. I didn't really intend for this to get into the weeds of the alpha/beta debate but rather was interested in people's views on why, if there can be a broader discussions about sex, sexuality and sexual practices, that chastity was still in the closet so to speak.


Not that the alpha/beta debate isn't interesting in it's own right, just wasn't where I thought this question would focus.

Posted : 27/03/2022 6:08 am
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Posts: 218
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Honestly, no idea. I wish I had learned about it years ago and that I had talked to my wife about it way earlier. So far there are an incredible number of benefits we have seen and extremely few negatives. It’s a very counter intuitive kink and some of the thrill may have to do with the secrecy of it. 

Posted : 27/03/2022 3:06 pm
Evolving Emma
Posts: 1155
Famed Member Admin
Posted by: @restrainedlove
Posted by: @subhubphx

I think one of the more exciting parts of what Emma does here is allow any one of us to anonymously introduce the concepts spoken to here to friends and others with the "Tell a Friend" feature. 

This feature can also be used to send this site to your friends. To be extra anonymous, you can send it to two friends and use your friends names to increase the likelihood that they'll look into it and talk. 😉

Please don't do anything with this feature that might cause conflict. If it is abused, I will have to remove it and I really don't want to do that. 

Posted : 29/03/2022 8:16 am
restrainedlove, subhubphx, restrainedlove and 3 people reacted
Posts: 1105
Posted by: @evolvingyourman_ivcr4j

Please don't do anything with this feature that might cause conflict. If it is abused, I will have to remove it and I really don't want to do that. 

OMG, could you imagine?  That's how it should be Emma and for whatever it is worth, I completely agree that it is important not to just drop something as important and edgy as what we do here on just anyone that may or may not see a benefit to it.  I haven't used the feature yet, mostly because the people I might otherwise send an "anonymous" whisper to are local to Phoenix, and with my screen name such as it is ... I didn't want to risk it in case for some, reason there was a way to really find out wo sent it.  Emma, not to imply that discretion isn't assured, it's just that until Ms. K. and I feel like absolute discretion may not be as necessary as we feel it is now, I just .... you know.  

decisions don
Posted : 29/03/2022 8:46 am
Evolving Emma
Posts: 1155
Famed Member Admin

@subhubphx Time to drop one to Aunt Mable in Tulsa. It might be interesting to see what she does with old uncle Jedediah. If you listen closely at the family reunion next year, you might just hear the old CB-6000 clanking around.

Posted : 29/03/2022 5:25 pm
true42, subhubphx, true42 and 3 people reacted
Posts: 195
Reputable Member
Posted by: @evolvingyourman_ivcr4j

Please don't do anything with this feature that might cause conflict. 

Agreed and understood.

At the bottom of the automated message it reads, "No need to unsubscribe. You aren't being signed up for any mailing lists and this was a one-time email from a concerned friend. Check it out or ignore it, your future is in your hands." That is pretty clear that it should be a one-time message. No need to be annoying; more to try to spread the word. 

That being said, stumbling onto this website has opened my perspective. While not everyone may be in the right space to receive it, for those who do it will be enlightening.

Posted : 12/04/2022 1:57 pm
Posts: 36
Estimable Member

That is how I found the site. I received the "refer a friend" but it didn't say who it was from. We are all anonymous here but if you were the sender. thank you.

Posted : 13/04/2022 1:09 pm
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