Hello Anna,
My husband and I are a normal middle aged couple, the kids have left the roost. He has retired and I am a teacher but plan to retire in just a few short years. We were feeling a bit bored sexually and working on expanding to something new. After menopause I've been very hot and cold in the sex drive department and thought that this might be a fun game to spice things up. He has a lack of energy and that is partly to do with him being retired and having no real obligations. We aren't interested in some of the kinkier things that you describe on the site however we've had some really interesting success in the last few months. My husband has never been a great communicator but this has sparked a new version of him that is more capable of expressing himself and his emotions. Frankly I wish I would have found this information earlier but we were always so busy with our careers and the kids. Never really made time for ourselves and now we are trying to rediscover each other and our old bodies.
Thank you for the site as I find much of the information very interesting.
You are exactly the person that I am trying to reach with the blog. Would you be interested in writing up a story to share your experience?
I would be interested. Can I get your email address or phone number Emma?
Great! I sent my phone number to the email address that you registered with. Please text me or call me and let's setup a time to talk about your experience. Looking forward to it!!!!
Thanks for the chat. Are you still planning to post it tomorrow?
Part one is up! 🙂
I love the picture that you used. How did you even do that?
That is a fun read. Nice cliff-hanger. Can’t wait for part two. Thanks for sharing.
I decided to split it there despite the second half being a bit longer. We all know the agony of the wait from the moment that you order a device until the time it arrives. Especially if you order from abroad!
Great story. Looking forward to the rest. Real life is always the best. And it likely has some similarities to all of us.
Hey Ang. I just posted the second half of your blog. Thanks again!
Very fun read. Great story, thanks for sharing. Minor comment is it might help the second part to do a sentence or two recap of what happened in the first part. And then mention at the end when this occurred or how long it’s been. Thanks again.
OK I told her that I would get back to her for an update because it has been a few months now.
Whenever you are ready!