I really like this site! Not just because the writing style is from in intelligent female perspective but because it doesn't focus on kinks or BDSM but it focuses on the raw reason why semen retention and male chastity is so helpful to a relationship.
The blog is written by Katie Christian and doesn't have a contact link I would love if she runs across this link and would comment here to say hi.
If you have any favorite articles, post them here! My favorite so far is this one.
Emma, I came across Katie Chistian’s blog also and really appreciated the more Vanilla approach to male chastity that she and her husband practice. This is not a site, but just a blog post from a vanilla woman’s perspective that is a great example of a couple using male chastity without BDSM to create a closer more intimate relationship.
Great link, thanks Bill! I also enjoyed some of the comments below. I hope to get some interesting discussions like that on this forum. Keep any great blogs like that coming!
I find a good read is
I'm following the blog of a Dutch couple whose inner journey in the realm of male chastity I find worth reading both considering the introspection of their personal experience and for the suggestions they provide, each one from his/her point of view.
This page translates pretty well and I enjoyed it, thank you!
I really like this site! Not just because the writing style is from in intelligent female perspective but because it doesn't focus on kinks or BDSM but it focuses on the raw reason why semen retention and male chastity is so helpful to a relationship.
The blog is written by Katie Christian and doesn't have a contact link I would love if she runs across this link and would comment here to say hi.
If you have any favorite articles, post them here! My favorite so far is this one.
This one disappeared.
its a shame as that was a good site, and the post you referenced was worth saving (which I didn’t)
hope she comes back.
Why do so many of these blogs disappear? FLR101 and now this one? I can understand taking a break if life gets hectic but why take it down completely? I am sure that I will come and go as life gets busy but the blog isn't going anywhere.
Maybe they get harassed by guys like this:
We really need more sites like yours, Emma, that are not fiction, not weird kink, and told from female perspective.
Maybe they get harassed by guys like this:
We really need more sites like yours, Emma, that are not fiction, not weird kink, and told from female perspective.
Exactly. Thanks, Emma!
Thanks for that link, I had never heard of it but I guess he just talks trash about FLR websites. I haven't made it to his radar but I hope I do at some point, it would be flattering. Seriously though, I couldn't care less. I'll be the first to admit that I am no authority on female led relationships or really anything I blog about on this site. I am finding out about the pros and cons of this sort of lifestyle on a daily basis just as many of you did. Many of my more recent blogs completely contradict the earlier ones as I discover more about what works in my life and my relationship. "James" from that site probably had a negative experience and he may be trying to warn others by creating a blog of his own. Perhaps religious reasons drove him to create the blog. In either case, more power to him. He deserves the opportunity to express himself. In fact, I'd love to have an intelligent discussion about it with him sometime. The goal here is to promote a healthy relationship and nothing more.
I even renamed the tagline of the blog a month or two back. When I started the blog, it had been "my relationship secrets" but now I've change d it to "Empowering her to lead him". The word her is intentionally not capitalized as I've seen on many FLR blogs. I don't believe that one partner is more valuable in the relationship than the other. I do believe that many (most?) men enjoy serving women with acts of service, kindness and compassion. Some time ago, I read the five love languages book and I feel like many of the teachings of that book manifest themselves in a modern female led relationship.
If anyone doesn't like the content of the blog or even my opinions on the subject matter, I would hope that we can have a discussion about it. We've all got our own personal journey and while this may be a good fit for my journey, that doesn't mean it is a fit for yours. A new member, Zet posted a very intelligent comment on my pegging blog and I think it is a good read, along with my response here.
Thanks again to all of you. <3
This he is my chaste hubby is gone now anyone know where to find?
This he is my chaste hubby is gone now anyone know where to find?
I fear this site like many others is gone for good.
I would guess it’s difficult for one or two people to keep a single topic blog going for a long time. Life gets in the way, people run out of ideas after a year or two, they get bored... You have to keep feeding the beast.