When she is fucking you, itโ€™s not the pleasurable sensation of the base of her strap-on on her clit sheโ€™s getting off on. She can rub her clit better and quicker with her own fingers.

No. How she feels about pegging is mostly about *fucking you*. That sheโ€™s penetrated you. In where your defenses were highest. Beaten you. Accepted your submission and taken you as hers. This is stress relief, this is letting go, this is taking the reigns and this is one of the deepest most intimate moments in your relationship.


She knows that it is uncomfortable and that is just fine. In fact, your discomfort increases her pleasure. She isnโ€™t looking to hurt you but she wants you to understand that you are at her mercy. She gets off on the fact that she COULD hurt you if she wanted to. She wants you to understand that she is in control of the situation. She wants you to know that she chooses to be gentle but one overzealous thrust and you could be gritting your teeth in agony.


From the moment that she asks you to get on your knees and suck it for her, she derives no pleasure from the piece of plastic that you are gagging on. Her pleasure comes from the penises that she has sucked and the feeling of dominance that has been exerted by kneeling in front of you and the men before you.

When she enters you, she knows that this is the most tender moment. When you ask her to put it in gently, she thinks of the times that youโ€™ve pushed a bit too hard, a bit too quick, and the discomfort that it caused her. She thinks of the men before you and the discomfort that they have caused her. She is taking this part of the relationship back and she absolutely loves the role reversal. This is about unwinding the mind fuck that her sex life has been up until this point and showing one man. Just one man. What it is like to be on the submissive end of an act that is by its very nature dominated by the male.


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She determines how long, how fast, how hard. All of the details are up to her and once she decides it is done, she simply pulls out and tells you that you are done for the night. She relishes in the fact that you feel dominated. You feel as if you have submitted your sexuality. You donโ€™t have the same feelings of domination and victory that you typically get from sex. You feel a sense of pleasure but you also need her to hold you and reassure you that she loves you and everything is going to be alright.

She will peg you, she will enjoy it but it will be on her terms and that is what makes it magical for your relationship. She doesn’t want you to be a woman. She wants you to be a man that submits to her. She doesn’t want to see you in panties or wearing makeup, she just wants you on your knees for her – for once. She wants to change the power dynamic in your relationship and strapping on a penis is a fantastic way to do it because a penis is associated with power.

r/Cursed_Images - I saw this on r/memes, I thought this belonged here

Want to make it better for me? Compliment how I cute I look when I am pulling it on. Help me tighten things up and straighten things out when we get ready for play time. ASK if I want you can suck it for me, how I want you to lay, if you can touch yourself while we are playing – let me FEEL that this is my time and KNOW that I am in charge. Don’t ever TELL me anything because that takes the power dynamic away from me. Moan when I enter you. Gasp, sigh, yelp, pant, moan, your sounds are a turn-on so don’t hold them back. Reach back and feel yourself as I slide myself inside you. Tell me how big my strap-on is, how big it feels. ASK me to be gentle, rough, faster, slower. Use your words. Say Please. When I pull back, wiggle your hips and push back on it for me. Show me how much you want me inside you. Show me how much you enjoy our time together. Thank me.

