When she is fucking you, itโs not the pleasurable sensation of the base of her strap-on on her clit sheโs getting off on. She can rub her clit better and quicker with her own fingers.
No. How she feels about pegging is mostly about *fucking you*. That sheโs penetrated you. In where your defenses were highest. Beaten you. Accepted your submission and taken you as hers. This is stress relief, this is letting go, this is taking the reigns and this is one of the deepest most intimate moments in your relationship.

She knows that it is uncomfortable and that is just fine. In fact, your discomfort increases her pleasure. She isnโt looking to hurt you but she wants you to understand that you are at her mercy. She gets off on the fact that she COULD hurt you if she wanted to. She wants you to understand that she is in control of the situation. She wants you to know that she chooses to be gentle but one overzealous thrust and you could be gritting your teeth in agony.
From the moment that she asks you to get on your knees and suck it for her, she derives no pleasure from the piece of plastic that you are gagging on. Her pleasure comes from the penises that she has sucked and the feeling of dominance that has been exerted by kneeling in front of you and the men before you.
When she enters you, she knows that this is the most tender moment. When you ask her to put it in gently, she thinks of the times that youโve pushed a bit too hard, a bit too quick, and the discomfort that it caused her. She thinks of the men before you and the discomfort that they have caused her. She is taking this part of the relationship back and she absolutely loves the role reversal. This is about unwinding the mind fuck that her sex life has been up until this point and showing one man. Just one man. What it is like to be on the submissive end of an act that is by its very nature dominated by the male.
She determines how long, how fast, how hard. All of the details are up to her and once she decides it is done, she simply pulls out and tells you that you are done for the night. She relishes in the fact that you feel dominated. You feel as if you have submitted your sexuality. You donโt have the same feelings of domination and victory that you typically get from sex. You feel a sense of pleasure but you also need her to hold you and reassure you that she loves you and everything is going to be alright.
She will peg you, she will enjoy it but it will be on her terms and that is what makes it magical for your relationship. She doesn’t want you to be a woman. She wants you to be a man that submits to her. She doesn’t want to see you in panties or wearing makeup, she just wants you on your knees for her – for once. She wants to change the power dynamic in your relationship and strapping on a penis is a fantastic way to do it because a penis is associated with power.
Want to make it better for me? Compliment how I cute I look when I am pulling it on. Help me tighten things up and straighten things out when we get ready for play time. ASK if I want you can suck it for me, how I want you to lay, if you can touch yourself while we are playing – let me FEEL that this is my time and KNOW that I am in charge. Don’t ever TELL me anything because that takes the power dynamic away from me. Moan when I enter you. Gasp, sigh, yelp, pant, moan, your sounds are a turn-on so don’t hold them back. Reach back and feel yourself as I slide myself inside you. Tell me how big my strap-on is, how big it feels. ASK me to be gentle, rough, faster, slower. Use your words. Say Please. When I pull back, wiggle your hips and push back on it for me. Show me how much you want me inside you. Show me how much you enjoy our time together. Thank me.
Wow. Very enlightening, moving, and incredible commentary. Thank you.
Thank you! So many articles are based around kinks and the guy’s perspective when the pegging experience is far more about the woman than the man.
Hi Emma, I have gotten to the point that I really enjoy being pegged by my girlfriend, but it is not a scheduled twice a week regime that you have your boyfriend on. More like once a week to twice a month. She tells me she enjoys the control and role reversal as well, but is gentle until I get warmed up and into it before she begins her workout. Just curious, is your use of pegging a form or corporal punishment or does your boyfriend see it as a reward like I do.
Great question. When he is unlocked, he sees it more as just something that I enjoy but he loves the attention. When he is locked, his prostate becomes much more sensitive and he enjoys it as much as I do. We haven’t been sticking to the schedule lately, we are probably at about the same frequency as you are – once a week to twice a month. Life gets busy sometimes.
actually i am gonna answer this one from the perspective of a man if you dont mind emma. at first it might be rough and hard to take it, especially the head, even after relaxing it with fingering and lube, but when it just hits in past that door tension gets less and replaced by a feeling of getting filled, after few thrusts in you, you start relaxing, and slowly a tingling feeling start in your ass you want more, that would be the time to ask her to unleash all her anger in you if she was angry at you, cause it feels good. However all that doesnt compare to the feeling which, despite rarely happening when at the end if you get lucky enough you get mind fucked. i mean by that, is when you get all numb and body starts shacking and orgasming and just drop ALMOST unconscious. Tbh its rare to happen. i mean i have been screwed almost 20 something times now but i only got it twice. the feeling is out of this world.
This is an awesome post – I will definitely get my wife to read it! It’s great to have this post from the woman’s perspective, and you manage to make it arousing for a man reading it too. Thanks ๐
Great post & comments.
This is an area that my wife seems to have little interest in so far, but I so hope to try someday with her. In my caged, denied, and submissive state, I can easily see myself offering myself to her in much the same manner as you describe. I’d love to kneel before her, take it in my mouth, and give her the view I’ve enjoyed many times. And to have her bend me over and take me on her terms. Until she is done & I’ve been well-fucked. And she knows she has this control over me, as well.
Share this page with her, I wasn’t interested at first either. Honestly I thought it sounded kinda dumb and pointless. I certainly didn’t expect the feelings of empowerment that I got from the role reversal.
Tbh even personally at the beginning i acted all extra proud and manly and stuff like that that we men do . but something about being brought to your knees with a dildo in your mouth and her hands on your head and fucking your face that gives you perspective i guess. i guess its true when they said that only you ladies can teach your man how to respect you. Tbh i think i think a strapon dildo up the ass can teach a man humbleness and respect to his wife. what you think?
Ok, this is where I finally decided to speak up after some hours of reading your delightfully interesting blog. And before I start, I have two things to apoligize for: my English and the fact that I will disagree with you.
I’m submissive man and a husband to loving wife in a soft FLR. Way softer than your, which sometimes slightly saddens me. We practice pegging for more than a year and do it a lot, I’d say one in two-three times a week with a daily sex. So even being a male I think I have some experience in this area, both firsthand and from a lot of researching over the web.
There is only one thing I will disagree with, but this thing kinda turns your post upside-down. And this thing is: the title is wrong. This post should be titled “How I feel about pegging”. Or, maybe, “how you fantasize she feels about pegging”.
For you see, properly done pegging doesn’t brings any discomfort for a man. It definitely can for those, who want this kind of feelings for themselves or their man, but it really does not otherwise. On contrary, prostate stimulation gives man physical pleasure of a unique kind, probably compared to G-spot stimulation. It gives incredibly strong and bright orgasms, sometimes even without stimulation of penis, multiple for lucky ones.
Same is for a woman. It is not an easy task, especially for beginners, since the group of muscles needed to perform this kind of motion is poorly developed with most of women before they start this practice. And yes, woman can’t fell anything with silicone dildo, so a lot of excitement comes from mental aspects.
But there are toys to help with it. Some of them are placed inside panties and cover clitoris and surrounding area. Some, commonly named as “vibrators for pairs”, have both external and internal parts. And, finally, there are strapless strap-ons aka feeldoe, some with a vibrating parts too. All of them give woman a lot of stimulation when she wants it, if she wants it. We used both external ones and strapless strapons, and my wife actually turns vibration on when she decides she want to come. She succeeds majority of these cases. Strapless one with a two motors is the weapon of choice for us in case someone interested: she physicaly feel every thrust both inside her and at her clitoris.
To put it in a nutshell, if woman wants to feel various kinds of physical pleasure while pegging her man, she definitely can with just a bits of proper equipment!
On to the next. I’m not judging your way of showing love, not by a long shot. Personally, I don’t find exciting idea of my wife thinking about rude penises that hurt her before in responce to me asking to be gentle. Don’t find it exciting on many levels and planes. But I really think there are a lot of men and probably some women that will have their pleasure from it, and as long as there is consent, there is nothing wrong with it.
But, once again, this is not the way woman absolutely should feel and act. My wife definitely loves the role reversal part. She loves being a penetrator, loves to see her dick entering me, leaving me and pushing back in. She loves to fuck me really hard for a minute or two before her orgasm, loosing herself in process. But most of all she loves me, and in our relationship love including care.
Think of it in reverse: does any non-converted, even dominating man wants to express his full control by fucking a woman the way he wants and neglecting her feelings, both mental and physical? There are those who do it, and there are women who like it. But this is not how a regular sex should be or, actually, is.
So, if you find your pleasure in this kind of domination, good for you, honestly. But this is not an expected behaviour or emotions of any woman who straps a dildo. Based on what I’ve seen and read, only a number of pairs seriously act this way and most of them have a lot of kinkier parts in their relationship, mildly serious humiliation to name one.
I will go even further and state that at it’s core pegging have no ties domination of any kind. This is just another sexual practice, like an oral or traditional sex. The only difference is that it still kinda stigmatized. Not as something dirty or depraved, but as something that-kind-of-kinky. Thanks to pornography and posts like that pegging seems inseparable from femdom, deep role reversion, humiliation often. In reality there are a lot of cases when woman are actually the ones who serve, giving intense pleasure for their men while having less to none for themselves; a shame, if you ask me.
All the things you said in your post is true. It can be that way. She can feel all these things.
Or part of them.
Or none.
It’s entirely up to her, as well as him.
It is wrong to expect all or even majority of women will see pegging this way and this way only. Wrong for both woman and man, for it gives incorrect impression, and some will run from the idea, while other will seek things that are not necessary there and fail at it. I feel I kinda have to apologize for disillusion. But I won’t.
You have quite an interesting blog here, by the way. Reading it is akin to riding a roller coaster between almost incompatible “highs” and “lows”.
On one hand there are a lot of absolutely right, serious, interesting texts about FLR, their inner workings, distanced from usual (pornographic) aspects of femdom.
On the other – quite a deep and dark practices and, more importantly, mental dispositions peculiar to guilty fantasies of a submissive man. Being one I can vouch for it: I had a lot of those fantasies before I realized femdom can be based on love and care, not only on domination and power.
And the cherry on top of it all – tumbler-like captioned illustrations. Which, as I believe we all know, made by same submissive men from their own fantasies.
These “fantasy-parts” penetrating “real-parts” so fast and unlooked-for there is no time to prepare for it. Extremely exciting reading, thank you!
But mixing a jar of gasoline and a jar of honey doesn’t give you a double jar of gasoline or honey. Sadly, same here: your blog kinda discrediting the ideas behind FLR and pegging, chastity wearing and casual femdom as a practices at the same.
I’m not some justice warrior and won’t bother you anymore if you don’t want to. Actually, I’m still not sure if this blog is real or just some meticulously woven collection of fantasies and real discussions on topic. Your knowledge on a pegging subject, for example, seems as short as fantasies typical to men who never experienced that; you recommend almost worst possible equipment to begin with. But I don’t care so much as to dig into these details.
On the other hand, if your relations with your man is really the way you present them, I’m happy for both of you. Really and honestly.
Let me start by saying that the critical comments that I receive are the most interesting and useful. Please don’t hesitate to speak up as you’ve done. Not only does it force me to challenge myself and the direction of the blog but it forces me to challenge the direction of my relationship. Also, your English is fantastic so no need to apologize.
As I’ve noted a few times, I am relatively new to this lifestyle, I am constantly learning. I am also finding that the target audience for this blog was intended to be females looking for ways to improve their relationships with semen retention. In the few short months since I started the blog, I have found that it is 80-90% male. While that probably would have prevented me from starting the blog in the first place, I have grown to accept it. This doesn’t seem to be a bunch of pervy guys that are looking to get their rocks off with weird perversions. The group of readers that have gravitated toward this blog seem to be genuinely interested in serving and satisfying their partner. To that point, I agree that I’ll rename the article. ๐
This pegging article is one of the first ones I wrote and it is as genuine as the rest of the blog. I do have some anger and control issues and I like to use pegging as an outlet. I agree that pegging can be a sensual, exciting thing. It does open men up to being vulnerable, many of them have never felt that level of vulnerability in their entire lives. You mention that pegging has no ties to domination but that is how we chose to implement it. At least in my experience, pegging makes a man feel submissive which means that it does make the pegger dominant to the pegee. Again, this is only my experience talking and I accept it for what it is, and what it has been for me.
The caption pictures weren’t originally part of the blog but I went back through most of the articles and added them. I like the more vanilla ones, especially those with a bit of humor. I considered that this might impact my credibility but then I remembered, I am not a credible source. Just one woman relaying her experiences. Those experiences have evolved over time. Many of my newer blogs completely contradict my older ones and that is ok with me.
We started very vanilla, then we went to spanking and corporal punishment. Got bored of that and now we are more vanilla. The last few weeks, he has been enforcing his own chastity which I find amazing. I’m growing as a person. Kevin is growing as a person and this blog is reflecting that. To that point, your mention of the blog reflecting a roller coaster is spot-on.
If you choose to continue reading, keep the feedback coming, I genuinely appreciate it. The point of the blog is to reflect my journey and both the relationship and I seem to be evolving as much as the man that I set out to evolve. Don’t worry about writing comments that disagree with the premise of the article or that you think I might disagree with. I welcome the opportunity to continue challenging my own interpretation of my relationship and what a FLR means to me.
Oh wow. Didn’t expect a reply, especially this kind. Again, have to apologize for two things. Firstly, sorry I doubted this blog is real, it was rude of me to say the least. In this message I will elaborate why I had my doubts, though it doesn’t excuse my behaviour. Secondly, sorry is this message will seem too large, for I have a lot to say.
In one of your posts you had a brilliant idea about two different spectrums, gender and domination / submission preferences. I’d even picture it as a coordinate system and say each person should look at his-or-her opposite. Seriously, this is one of the greatest ideas I’ve seen in this field. Thank you!
So, let me share an idea of my own. I look at any sexual activity as two layers, sometimes intersecting, somtimes not. I call them the Act and the Script. Act is something that is happening on a physical plane. Script is a meaning this Act have to ones participating it in, common or different.
There’s a simple example. Blowjob is an Act. For some women it’s Script part can be submissive; for other Script of the same Act can be dominant: she is controlling him through his excitement, raising it to an edge, releasing and laughing as he wiggle and beg to get more.
Sometimes Script is shared before or in process: all participants know how to percieve an Act. Somtimes, often probably, it is not, and while man taking his wife’s ass she can fantasize she’s being kinda raped by their neighbours’ young athletic son, while husband fantasize he’s kinda raping their neighbours’ young athletic son. I hope you get my point.
Most mindblowing and exciting sex is a sex with declared and shared Script in tone with every participants’ wants and needs. This is the way to make your sex life better, close to perfection. I hope I gave you some food for thoughts and this lecture will help you to shine brighter with Kevin.
This point of view can be applied to any kind of sexual activity. With a very few and specific exceptions any Act can be written into both dominant and submissive script. Some of the Acts incline toward one or other side: it is hard to imaging spanking where dominant is the one being hit; hard, but possible.
This is where we get back to pegging. Once again, you are right, your role disposition is common and expected. But it is far from being the only or the only one right. This is the reason I couldn’t just shrug and move on.
Lately a lot of people of both sexes gets interested in this activity. There are some technical information about it, about it’s Act. But humanity have no “legal and official knowledge base” on general sex Scripts, and the more so on pegging.
People go to porn sites. But the thing with traditional porn is that it’s a fake at it’s core, by definition, and thus unable to translate love, care and other “good” emotions. So they change it for a humiliation, disgust and other things which works well without good acting or a playscript. “This is your life now, you will spend the rest of it in your little chastity cage and I will fuck you in the ass, make you a sissy cuck…” and so on and so on, you know these dirty tricks.
Those who didn’t run away screaming after seeing this turn to “serious blogs”. Some of them are actually quite good and have a lot of information, separating Act and Scripts, listing all possible variants. Your… I won’t call it “bad”, there’s only one mistake: generalization, lack of “in our case”. But we’ve discussed it before and it’s not that harmful in light of a XXI sexual revolution, crawling in plain sight and still seen by none. I will explain that I’m talking below.
So, we know, what’s your feelings about this. I believe you know what’s Kevin’s are. Now I hope you have at least a bit of interest on to how every other male (i.e. me =) percept it. Because I’m gonna try to explain it now. Skip to the next part otherwise.
Being pegged is a mixture of a lot of feelings. Vulnerability is a part of it. I won’t say I feel most vulnerable while being pegged – this feeling reserved for ocassions like being beaten and robbed by some street punks. I won’t even say it’s the most important part of it.
Erect penis and every way it can be used during sexual activity are both dominant and kinda agressive things, whether one wants it or not. She can control each thrust, she can have him tied and ride him cowgirl, and yet this is he-fucking-her. For me as a submissive male this was always a problem, i didn’t want it and tried to have any other activities first and for as long as possible, leaving fucking and coming for last minutes.
Getting back to pegging. This is actually simple: being pegged is being fucked, period. For the first time in man’s life. Vulnerability is a part of it. Role reversal, loosing of control, letting something to fill you inside, pleasure from all of this – other parts. Submission – oh yes, this one’s too.
And still you have to separate Act and Script parts. Some girls will laugh, genlty whispering “I bet you’re thinking of having a real man’s dick up your ass now, aren’t you? Now we’ll have to find one for you, and a big one too, tee-hee.” Some will roar “I love you! I love you, love the way you move towards me when I enter and the sounds you make! I’m gonna come!” Same is for men, though I think they tend to silently keep these thoughts to themselves and wait and pray the Peggeress will say something like this.
And this is how men-he-me feels about pegging. Just in case you were interested in it.
By the way, when I said natural dominant role of my penis _was_ a problem for me, it wasn’t a typo. I got cured and exactly by pegging. Now I can fuck my wife for as long as it physically possible (and, surely, as she wants and demands), taking some little breaks for cuni to cool myself down while keeping her hot and then getting back inside. Pegging is a better, maybe the only working cure for this. Again, just in case you or anyone else is interested.
This Act and Script thing can be applied to chastity wearing too. It definitely have a strong control and domination ring to it, but, again, not necessary. I’m faithful to my wife and have almost no temptations with my way of life (I working from home). I’m have no problems with masturbation since we spend one to two hours daily on sex, I’m 38 (and she’s 25, who’s the lucky devil here? =) and, well, I have no time for this shit. And yet…
Our experience with CD was short and not very successful: it was a time when we began to frantically explore this sides of ourselves and did some things too fast and not too proper. We have it planned for future, though, and once again I will state my thoughts on a subject while noone actually asked me.
CD can act as a forcing tool. But it can also act as a reminder. Each time encaged man finds something exciting in surrounding reality he will remember the Keyholder. For some it will sound as “Oh I’m caged by the one in control, I love being submissive”. For others – “the key is held by the one I love, and she’s not just the only source of my pleasure, but also my every sexual thought leads to thinking of her and her only”. He can even encage himself and let the key near in plain sight.
And this is exactly what I’m looking for. Assurance that each and every of my stray thoughts will lead to thinking of her, getting excited about her, desperate tries to calm down and failing at that. Encaged man thinks of his Owner constantly, and I want these thoughts.
Moral of this long story is: try not to stick to the obvious Scripts. I think it’s a common mistake, me and my wife got our share of it, had to roll a bit to more vanilla relationship and then slowly got her back on her throne, balancing and cementing its base. Love, tender, care – all of these things doesn’t diminish domination and submission. Carefully used they empower it.
I promised to tell about XXI sexual revolution? I will. It happends mostly in pornhub with their verified amateur / pair badges. For the first time in history of mankind, western civilization at least, people begin to share their sexual activities the way they share their breakfasts and cats in instagram. Some for bits of profit, most – just cause they want to share their pleasure. And this in it’s turn becomes the not-yet-legal, but real database for human knowledge on a subject. There are a ton of loving, tender pegging videos and accounts out there, as well as with any other Acts and Scripts. And this is a place to learn, not just about how to stick something somewhere, but how to feel about it. I’m browsing a lot of such porn, but not to get excited – I’m learning, I’m “fitting for size” the scenes I’ve seen. No blogs can teach you better, especially in terms of variety of Scripts.
And just one other thing. Seeing that you really recommended not the best pegging equipment, especially for woman (O-ring panties are the worst in my wife’s opinion) I think I can recommend you a better ammunition: one specific strapless strap-on I’ve mentioned in my first comment. This will require giving you a link to some store, Amazon probably (we’ve got ours in retail store and I doubt it will be useful for you since we’re living in Russia =). If you are interested, I will gladly share, getting nothing in return, no moneyback of any kind, no referral links. If you are not, I won’t. Just please don’t think about this as of some kind of an ad: it’s just we’ve found out perfect tool which allows us to come simultenously and quite soon and I want to share this knowledge with the rest of the community.
Once again, I appologize for a lengthy text. I’m talkative, I know it, but you seem such an interesting person to talk. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to ramble. =)
Forgot to state why I had my doubts about this blog; to tell the whole truth, still have some and ashamed by it.
This is simple: a lot of things you write really strikes to the core of a submissive male fantasies. Especially if this male have no real experience or knowledge. Such men don’t know there is a loving side to domination and submission. The only way they can imaging it is through humiliation, pain and other dark things. Then reject themselves for having these dirty fantasies. Then feel they deserve no better and even worse for having them. It’s a downward spiral of self-loathing and self-disgust. I know it for I’ve been there for long sad years.
They think being pegged is akin to being raped, painful and diminishing, and welcome it. They can’t imaging woman having real pleasure from their serving, so they’re dreaming to see disgust on a beautiful face as they lick the smelly feet. They don’t believe the superior being can have any tender feelings towards such a lowly creature.
In most of your texts you distance yourself from this. But sometimes, for just a sentence or two, you paint exactly this, so bright and perfect even I with all my understanding have a strongest hardon – bad habits. This look of cold superiority, visible neglection of man’s needs, rarely balancing on an edge of abuse. You never cross the line, never suggest locking your man up forever and use him to clean after invited bulls – and that’s why it works so damn well. It looks legit, believable, no faking here. I wander if you ever thought about how much of your readers jerked off thinking of you, thinking they’d do better than Kevin in pleasing you and in being pathetic for you, thus making you feel more and more “at your place” and raising your throne higher.
And I’ve never seen a woman like that. One declaring she wants exactly the same things they want for themselves. Judging by your posts you are a perfect cold Owner for those who want but never had one. “I’d polish Her toilet twice a day, raise Her children and ask for nothing in return but the ironic patronizing look on Her face”. That’s how you make them feel.
I’ve never seen anyone so perfect. That’s why I had (and have) my doubts if you are real. Once again, if you are, Kevin is extremely lucky. Not as much as I am with my Owner, but damn close to it! =)
Again, the genuine honesty is appreciated. You won’t every get anything else from me and I appreciate when I receive it. As with your mention of the act & script above, I wonder if scripts can’t be defined as primarily male or female.
Despite having an innie – which defines my gender. Maybe I share traits with readers that have an outtie -which defines their gender. Now I don’t subscribe to the whole gender fluid thing but I will say that there is a wide scale of masculinity and femininity and maybe I fall somewhere different than most. As I mentioned above, I do enjoy those caption photos and I pick and choose some of the captions to use in my own fantasies. As with the script and act, there might be a fantasy layer that writes the script. This is all very complex and trying to define it can be very challenging.
Maybe I have a different level of maturity than some of the other bloggers about this topic. I’ll be the first to say that I’ve flipped flopped my entire opinion on various things that I blog about as I learn about it.
The whole premise of the blog has been about caging and I am currently writing a blog about how we are transitioning to a self-locked relationship. I think it is natural to evolve and I hope you can witness my evolution and challenge yourself to evolve yourself.
I don’t subscribe to the Owner or D/s or really anything. I am committed to writing my own script where he and I are equals and the orgasm control is the layer that normalizes our gender traits.
In any case, cheers to you and I genuinely appreciate your comments. I am not offended in the least bit that you have doubts. I am just gonna keep chugging along and writing about my journey. Some people talk about their feelings to sort things out. I find that writing about them helps me to sort mine out. As long as I continue to get a benefit from writing, this forum will be available for you to sort your feelings out. It is all so much deeper than it seems on the outside, the emotions it creates are so strong and unique.
Oh yeah and Kevin knows that he is lucky because I remind him about it every day!
Wow, you’re pretty amazing. I know this is a year that, but you … you’re pretty amazing. Thanks for this blog you do. Did I mention I think you are amazing? ๐
This is the best description of pegging from a woman’s POV I have ever read. I would add three points from a male POV.
First, pegging is a wonderful way for a woman to teach her man how she wants him to perform intercourse. She can demonstrate–physically and with her wordsโto him how she wants to be penetrated and how she wants him to thrust. and use his hands, etc. He had better learn from that.
Second, he needs to accept that she is running the show. At some point, he may want her to stop, slow down, or withdraw not because it hurts but because he is overwhelmed with pleasure, and if she doesn’t want to, she’s not going to, because she wants to overload his senses, wants to enjoy observing that, and wants to enjoy his submission. He may tire of orally servicing her cock. It doesn’t matter. He has to continue as long as she desires.
Third, it is non-phallocentric play. In other words, the male becomes aroused but not through his penis, which may be limp during pegging. He learns that his penis is less important than he thought it was. Goodbye, macho. Hello to thinking the clit might be more important and having more respect for vaginas, since you, sir, suddenly have one. Have more respect for your female partner.
Over time, he becomes more submissive and she more dominant, and both gain a better appreciation of their vanilla roles and how to play them.
One thing that Kevin struggled with is communicating when something was uncomfortable or felt good. He would push away or grimace/grunt when it was uncomfortable and push himself into me when it was pleasurable.
After a few sessions, he learned to COMMUNICATE with me. I don’t know how it feels to him unless he tells me. I don’t have a problem directing him to what feels good when we have PIV sex but I can imagine that some women would also gain some communication skills from the penetrative role in pegging.
Oh so thats how it feels for you ladies? I want to thank you so so so much for this emma. i want to ask you about my experience as a man and tell me how my gf might have felt in that position since you are really really good in describing things, i would like to know how she felt in such a position. My gf and i tried this after watching the first deadpool movie , if you remember the international womens day scene. So she came to me and asked me if we can do it? i was hesitant but i finally agreed after she said it would make her feel empowered as a woman. So on the first womens day after that which was the day we wanted to try it, she was all getting ready to give it to me. Tbh seeing her in heels and a strapon on and a whip i knew i wont be able to take it so i told her to tie my hands behind my back so she did, i think she felt excited cause she smirked . and she put me face down and ass up . tbh watching how strong and empowered she felt i wanted her to have it completely her way so i asked her to gag me, she didnt like it at first cause she wanted me to tell her when its rough but i told her thats womens day and i wanted her to have full control, so she just gagged me and went in me good. seh was slow at first but when i started to enjoying it she paused for a second so i looked back to see why she paused and she had that evil smirk on her face right before she went crazy rough in me. so plz can you tell me how you ladies would feel in such a position?
International women’s day pegging. That sounds glorious! Honestly, we’ve never done the whip or gag or any of that but it is very empowering. I think it probably feels more like role-play with the heels and whip etc. Once it becomes part of your sexual routine, I think the two of you will really start to enjoy the feelings that you will both undoubtedly encounter.
I really like the idea of her waiting for you to look back, I will be giving that one a shot! Thank you for the comment.
Hi emma i posted this from another account, i think it has almost the same name but i lost the password, hate that bad habit of mine. first of all i wanted to thank you so so so much for this post, its good knowing how you ladies feel and think about it. Plz if it isnt much trouble i would love to tell you my first experience and give me the ladies perspective on it plz cause you are pretty good at describing womens perspective of things. my gf and i had watched deadpool movie and she saw the international womans day scene and she liked the idea so she asked me about it but i was hesitant until she told me it would make her feel empowered as a woman so i accepted , so in the next international womans day we did it. So as she walked to the room with her high heels sandals on and strapon on and whip i knew i wont be able to take it, not willingly at least . So wanted her to put me in a powerless position, so I asked her to tie my hands behind my back so i think she loved the idea cause she smirked. so as she pushed my face on the pillow, and started teasing my butt hole with the strapon dildo, and saw the smirk and dominant happy smile on her face, i decided i just wanna give it all up to her and let her have all the control, so i asked to gag me, she didnt like the idea at first cause she wanted me to tell her when its too much and when its soft but i told her i want her to be in charge and control and its her day. so she agreed and gagged me and said “you asked for it” . she started soft and gentle at the beggining, but when she started seeing i am enjoying it she paused for a second so i looked at her and she had that evil dominant smile on her face as she went rough and crazy in me. so plz tell me whats your ladies perspective on this? though i would like to say i felt so proud when i was in that position, not the most comfortable i will admit and certainly not the easiest but i felt so proud of her
Proud- what an interesting word to describe it. I love it!
If you ever need your password reset and the automatic system isn’t working you can use the comment form and I can reset your password for you. No worries about the duplicate comment, this one was just different enough to keep things exciting.
the reason that i used that word (proud) cause, you see, when i had that gag ball in my mouth and i was face down and ass up and being rammed and i could feel her excitement with every ram in me and the power she put in beating me up, it was a mix of pleasure and pain but all i could think of at that moment was tbh (btw her name is selina) “yes selina, harder show me your strength”. i felt she was gonna tear me apart but it felt so ok for me and felt so proud seeing her so powerful
Thank you for this amazing explanation of how women feel about pegging, its hotter and more helpful in a relationship to understand what your partner feels and thinks about something, pegging in this case. When you said “She knows that it is uncomfortable and that is just fine. In fact, your discomfort increases her pleasure.” I actually notice that and feel that from my wife and its good to know that that is a common thing for women, makes the idea of pegging hotter, of course, not in the harmful painful way cause she asks constantly if i am okay but i cant help but notice the controlling, dominant smile or smirk she draws on her its like she is enjoying that i am barely holding on and, it support and seconds the next point you mentioned “She gets off on the fact that she COULD hurt you if she wanted to. She wants you to understand that she is in control of the situation. She wants you to know that she chooses to be gentle but one overzealous thrust and you could be gritting your teeth in agony.” though if i may add, not only in agony, cause if i will be honest with you, a good hard one in the right time and right angle can make me personally shiver in pleasure. For this part, ” You donโt have the same feelings of domination and victory that you typically get from sex. You feel a sense of pleasure but you also need her to hold you and reassure you that she loves you and everything is going to be alright.” my god , thats the truth especially the first time, cause damn its so overwhelming, and i dont mean it in a bad abusive way of course, its just being so exposed and vulnerable in a way makes you emotional, and I am so lucky to have a woman that really cares about me and holds me close after it cause damn i get so emotional after that. So wanted to thank you again Emma for this post and taking the time for it, so good.
– jade
Hi, everyone, this message here is mine and i had to delete my account for a reason i mentioned when i introduced myself hope you can forgive me for confusing some of you and hope my comment wasnt too long for you.
Wow! Fabulous and thank you for writing it. Once again you have captured the beautiful essence of, in this case pegging. Loved every word. I just sent the link to my wife for her to enjoy as well.