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Household role reversal

7 Posts
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Dad Jokes
Posts: 44
Topic starter

I wasn't sure where this goes but this seems like the right place since it relates to household role reversal. I read through this blog last night and it sounds like the transition that my wife and I are going through. We have a family business but she works in the office for the day to day and I work behind the scenes in a supporting role both for the business and for the household.

I am currently locked (for about a month) and dealing with a heightened emotional state which created some great conversation between my wife and I. She is extremely supportive and really embracing the idea of keeping me under lock and key. I feel much more emotionally in tune with her and that makes me feel good. We had a discussion about her needs and I understand that I have been falling short of her expectations around the house. At the same time I acknowledge that I could use more of her attention to make me feel desired and appreciated. I don't think we are at the point of a written agreement but I certainly have some room to improve.

I've set aside specific time for household chores and for home workouts which should help me meet her expectations. I also want to follow up with her once a week to make sure that I am meeting her expectations. She is an extraordinary woman and even in a support role, I want to be the best husband I can possibly be. Thank you for the site, it brings a unique perspective to our relationship and we really enjoy it.

Posted : 13/12/2021 12:45 pm
AJF6060, Sam, RIChris and 16 people reacted
Posts: 1106
Posted by: @dad-jokes

I've set aside specific time for household chores and for home workouts which should help me meet her expectations. I also want to follow up with her once a week to make sure that I am meeting her expectations. She is an extraordinary woman and even in a support role, I want to be the best husband I can possibly be.

Very nicely said!  This is what it is all about my friend and your efforts to be the best husband you can be will absolutely bring enormous happiness to you and your wife.  Congratulations !!  

Posted : 13/12/2021 1:09 pm
RIChris, RIChris and RIChris reacted
Dad Jokes
Posts: 44
Topic starter

@subhubphx Thank you! I am focusing on squats because she is very much into butts. I am hopeful that we can live our best lives together by looking my best physically and giving her a household that will make her feel comfortable and de-stressed. You can only control what you can control and those are things I can try to control!


Posted : 13/12/2021 1:28 pm
Sam, RIChris, Kimmy2006 and 9 people reacted
Posts: 158
Reputable Member
Posted by: @dad-jokes

I am currently locked (for about a month) and dealing with a heightened emotional state

Yeah, that can definitely happen.

It can take a while to get used to that ...

Posted : 14/12/2021 10:55 am
AJF6060 reacted
Posts: 17
Trusted Member
Posted by: @dad-jokes

@subhubphx Thank you! I am focusing on squats because she is very much into butts. I am hopeful that we can live our best lives together by looking my best physically and giving her a household that will make her feel comfortable and de-stressed. You can only control what you can control and those are things I can try to control!

I love this.

Posted : 16/12/2021 10:07 pm
Posts: 13
Eminent Member

The OP is a great post and a beautiful share! ? ? ? It raised my spirits and I wish you and your lady wife all the very best going forward.  Sounds like you are on a really great track!

Posted : 14/01/2022 12:10 pm
Posts: 46
Trusted Member

Going to do squats now.... ? 

Posted : 27/01/2022 11:28 am





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