We’ve exhaustively covered how amazing male chastity is for women. Spoiler; he will be a more caring and attentive lover. For many couples, this is sufficient motivation.

We were discussing this in our home yesterday and while Kevin and I love the positive benefits of his behavior in our relationship, Andrew expressed confusion about the whole thing. The truth is that neither Kevin or I were able to fully understand or explain it but we’ve all seen Kevin as more emotionally open when locked. Kevin tried to explain that the cage makes him feel wanted and more relaxed since the all consuming focus on sex is significantly lessened and able to refocus his mind on other things.

We All Want to Feel Loved and Desired

All of us want to feel loved and desired. We all want to feel like our sexual organs have value. For men who feel self conscious about their penis or sexual performance, chastity may be a subconscious attempt to shift their sexual satisfaction from something they see as flawed to something they can do well. Some men approach their significant others and request that they be locked up. Still other men seek professionals outside of their primary relationship with a request to be locked up.


It is About Intimacy and the Desire to Feel Wanted

So your guy asked you to lock his penis in cage. This may seem very odd and confusing but let’s look at what this cage represents to him. Metaphorically the cage represents value, you wouldn’t lock something that you didn’t value. Right? By asking to be locked, your man is asking to be valued by you. This seems like a stretch but stick with me here. You lock your valuables and you protect the key.

Body Valuation

The male body is very attractive to most heterosexual women but you wouldn’t know it by watching TV, movies and magazines. Many males have a very low self-body valuation while having a high body-valuation of their female partners. Studies show that men who have female partners with a high body valuation of their bodies typically rate a higher level of relationship satisfaction. Females with male partners with a high body valuation of their bodies report much lower levels of relationship satisfaction. Females find higher levels of relationship satisfaction with non-physical valuation.


What we can take from this is that male bodies are undervalued by our society and men often have a lower self image of their bodies. Men often experience greater levels of relationship satisfaction with females who find them physically attractive. Females find greater levels of relationship satisfaction with males who find them mentally and emotionally attractive. This likely comes down to a females being wired to look for an emotional bond for raising children. A good looking guy with no emotional bond is far less likely to stick around than a guy with a strong emotional connection. All of the studies that I found were related to heterosexual couples so I can’t speak for homosexual couples. I assume

Cage = Value

The sexualization of both genders is a validation of a certain level of physical valuation. The cage is a symbol of strength and value. Locking up a man shows that you place a strong valuation on his body. This can be especially true for men who have some level of anxiety about the size, appearance or performance of their penis. The cage for many men is not only a reflection of value but also acceptance by their partner.

Men who are locked for a period of time and then unlocked feel a level of safety and security with the cage. After Kevin’s weekly release, there is almost never a battle for the cage to go back on. Kevin is more comfortable with his cage on and he likes the way he looks locked. I really like the look of the stainless steel apparatus dangling between his legs. I stare and compliment him frequently and I know he likes the way that makes him feel.

What Does It All Mean?

It means that locking your guy up is a wonderful way to make him feel loved and appreciated. If you aren’t particularly good at showing your physical affection, the cage can help you show your affection. In turn, the cage redirects his attention to you which should make him a much more attentive and considerate lover. If you approached him with the cage, expect to see a transition period followed by some very wonderful results. If he approached you with the cage, you can expect to see near immediate fulfillment of his body image needs.

A cage can be difficult and takes an adjustment period but once you find your groove and optimal lockup periods, you will be glad you tried it.

