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The perception of oral sex as inherently submissive or dominant depends on the individuals involved, their preferences, and the dynamics of their relationship. Oral sex, like any sexual activity, can be experienced and interpreted in various ways, and it’s essential to consider the context and dynamics of the situation.

In many cases, individuals perceive giving oral sex as an act of submission or dominance based on societal norms, personal beliefs, or power dynamics within the relationship. However, it’s important to recognize that these perceptions are subjective and can vary widely among different individuals and cultures.

For some people, giving oral sex may be an expression of love, intimacy, or pleasure without any connotations of submission or dominance. Similarly, receiving oral sex can be a mutually enjoyable and consensual experience that does not necessarily imply dominance or submission.


Within a cuckold relationship where the woman has a bull or boyfriend, any sexual act from the cuckold husband toward the bull is an act of submission. While your dynamic may or may not demonstrate humiliation, it will demonstrate loving acceptance and submission from the cuck toward the wife and the bull. One key thing here is consent, if your husband does not consent to this act then it should be off the table. Pro Tip: After a few days locked your husband may be a bit more malleable when you propose the idea.

  • Your husband should present to the bull in a way that stresses the inequality between him and the bull. The bull is far more likely to relax and enjoy oral if you make it clear that your husband is sucking him as an act of submission and acceptance of you both.
  • Your husband should kneel and undress your bull. Go slow and show the bull that your husband is willingly accepting and not rushing. Your bull may not be bisexual and using your husband for this purpose is akin to using him for a blowjob. If your bull is bi, he may want your husband to rub his body and show him physical attention. If the sight of your husband beneath him, a dark room or perhaps focusing his gaze on you while your husband pleases him orally.
  • Once your bull’s cock is in your husband’s mouth, your husband should put his hands behind his back. He should use his oral skills exclusively to stimulate him. Your husband has one job and if your bull wanted a hand job he would have stayed home.
  • Your bull may choose to put his hand on the back of your husband’s head to direct him for his greatest pleasure. Acknowledging that your husband is new to oral is entirely fine and your bull can treat him as a beginner. He should stimulate the head, the coronal ridge and the entire length of the shaft. We will make the assumption that your husband has a gag reflex and your bull is on the larger side, pushing your husband to stretch his comfort zone will continually help him accomodate more of your bull each time.
  • In contrast to a typical cuckold scenario where the cuck silently observes you in a sexual scenario with your bull, you have a more active role in this situation. Your role in this situation is an active participant where you are part of your cuck’s submission to you and your bull.
  • Your feedback and verbalization is always appreciated, you know what your bull likes and you can help guide your husband to your bull’s erogenous zones. You know if your bull likes his balls played with or where he feels the most sensation. Your comments will not be distracting, in fact it will add to the experience for both of them. Adding your words and even your moans when something is especially arousing or sexually fascinating is a wonderful way to expand on the scenario.
  • Passing the key to your cuck’s cock cage to your bull can be a wonderfully symbolic ownership. Talking about they key and your cuck’s locked bits can be great banter between you and the bull while your husband does his work.
  • When your bull is ready to cum, you are familiar with his breathing and the way his body moves. Your husband should let him ejaculate in his mouth or throat and continue stimulating your bull’s penis through his climax and beyond. Let your bull tell your husband when he is finished and push your husband off when he is through with him.
  • Your husband should wait silently until your bull has fully recovered from his climax before swallowing your bull’s semen letting your bull know that he accepts and enjoyed the experience.

There is no way around it, watching two men together is hot and this type of scenario is incredible to watch. There may be times when you are working late, traveling or otherwise occupied when your bull needs relief and you are not available for him. The ability to call a favor from your cuck to take care of your bull’s needs and is a wonderful way support your dynamic and keep your bull satiated even when you can’t attend to his needs.


Ultimately, the significance and meaning of oral sex within a relationship are determined by the individuals involved and the dynamics they establish together. It’s essential for partners to communicate openly, establish boundaries, and prioritize mutual respect and consent in all sexual activities. It is important to note that participation in any sexual activity, including those involving cuckoldry, should be consensual and based on clear communication and mutual agreement between all parties involved. Consent, respect, and boundaries are essential components of any healthy sexual relationship or fantasy exploration. This isn’t a very hot fantasy if your cuck isn’t excitedly willing to do the bidding of you and your bull.

