I'll bet my start came like many of you, my husband sent me some blogs and all of the sudden a cage showed up at our door and he asked me to lock him up. I didn’t much see the harm, if it was sexy to him and wasn't going to hurt me then why not. What I do see is days where the cage is worn, household tasks are done without me having to nag. I had even taken to waving the keys at him from time to time. What happened next was not ok. He asked me to humiliate him, make fun of his body. He said it was all in good fun but I didn’t feel comfortable with it. I don’t feel like he is small down there. I feel like he is fine, I married him and I like his body and I love who he is. We talked about it and I told him that making fun of him and telling him that he is an inferior lover is a hard line for me. I don’t and won’t feel that way.
He understood and we’ve been doing much better now that we have an understanding. We also compromised and found a way to make him feel excluded without me having to say untruths about him. I sometimes will masturbate in front of him with my vibrator while he is locked. You can probably imagine that things get strained down there and he seems to enjoy the teasing.
Rather than making up some falsehoods, I simply use truths. If I don’t want to have sex with him right then, I’ll simply say that but in a teasing way. I might bend over with myself exposed and tell him it is unfortunate for him that he is all locked up.
I think some of the overt fantasy in this niche can be UNHEALTHY for a relationship and for his self-esteem.
All limmits are important, both must feel safe and comfort with the relationship and things you do.
Sure there are things i would like to try but they are at the edge of my wifes comfort zone so i go easy, i would never dream of getting close to her hard limmits.
Her wellbeing are all that matters ?
I think some of the overt fantasy in this niche can be UNHEALTHY for a relationship and for his self-esteem.
I couldn't agree more with this comment, which is why honest, genuine, deep and continuous communication is absolutely critical in a relationship.
there are things i would like to try but they are at the edge of my wifes comfort zone so i go easy, i would never dream of getting close to her hard limmits.
Same same. My wife doesn't seem to have any kinks. I'm not even sure that she knows what the word means. And I certainly do not want to make her feel uncomfortable. So other than having a steel cage as attached to me as my wedding ring, there's no kink here. Just a loving, respectful, obedient, supportive husband (and I've grown quite comfortable owning that role as my forever role).