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The Guild of Chastity

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The Guild of Chastity

The Book of Chastity from the Chastity Chronicles


Cavea Principalis Venereae Coles


“A free cock corrupts the mind, a caged penis exposes the soul. There are no walls, no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.”


“If you fantasize about being in Chastity, you probably should be locked up.”



Numerous males want to know their life’s purpose. This is because they are hard wired to find purpose, continuously striving to achieve the elusive life balance, seeking greater fulfillment, happiness and find a deeper meaning in life. Each of them may wonder at least once in our lifetime – why were we put here?


It is their innate desire to know the answer to this question. However, whether they realize this or not, what they seek is seeking them. As the common saying goes – “What You Seek is Seeking You”. This is by universal design.


If Chastity is always on your mind that means your subconscious is constantly inviting you to become what you truly are.  




The initial discovery and interest of chastity can be quite an epiphany. It is eye opening and more than often unlocks a myriad of unrealized sexual feelings and emotions all tied to looking at that a penis locked up in a device.


The word "addiction" is derived from a Latin term for "enslaved by" or "bound to." the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent object, idea, image, desire, etc.   


Knowing yourself is the beginning of permanent chastity. At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want. Chastity determines whether a male will go for the disciplines or continue the errors. Chastity doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your adult life. Accept all the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of chastity. Never violate the sacredness of your chastity because it is the basis of your individual self-respect. The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself. Chastity is not conformity, it is unique individuality. With chastity one must escape fear. You have to go through it, not around. The only real battle in submission lies between hanging on and letting go. Sometimes your balance has to be upset and the ritual changed in order to help navigate to this new place. You have a genetic disposition to be submissive. It is in your DNA. The laws of genetics apply even if you refuse to learn them.  What if you are not in control of the choice of chastity? If this is indeed true, the choices we think we are making, expressions of our freedom, are being made subconsciously, without our explicit control. Could it really be that we are so deluded? An inadequate male even with all his noble qualities still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin. A small penis is what it is. It is time to stop lying to yourself. You are so engrossed in the lie that you are oblivious to its solution. The hallmark of male insecurity is bravado. Chastity is the choice. You don’t see it as a weakness, it is a sacred virtue. It makes you feel complete. Chastity is a beautiful celebration and where a small penis is meant to permanently be. We often get stuck in our ways and form habits based on our fears and driven by our insecurities. Chastity takes work. Lots of it. There is no endpoint in chastity, no goal, no finalization except chastity. Chastity requires practice, patience, and - most importantly - loyalty. With chastity one has to choose to emphasize on one of two things. Chastity will either make you miserable, or it will make you happy. The amount of work you do is exactly the same. An inadequate male never knows what they are capable of until all other options run out. Trust your instincts, and make judgements on what chastity tells you. Chastity will not betray you. The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself and express your true feelings about chastity. There is no perfection only beautiful versions of brokenness.


“I wish there was a more intense phrase other than“Male Chastity” to convey what I feel for it.”




“Chastity Desire” exerts a long and extremely powerful influence on the mind and body. An eager male willingly putting on a Chastity cage produces several natural Euphoria - Inducing chemicals in the body that will cause a Psycho - Physical awareness in every one of the twelve areas of the males brain.  


In the quest for pure chastity, these things are the brass ring. Every male wants them. It doesn't seem like they would be that tough to get. They're pretty good for the body and for some males chastity unlocks the effects. 


Endorphins are neurotransmitters, chemicals that, when they attach to certain parts of nervous system, kick that part into gear. The release of endorphins has been shown to increase pleasure and happiness. 


There are over twenty different kinds of endorphins, and they seemingly all turn males on. 


Endorphins are stored all over the males body, but dopamine is housed mainly in the midbrain. 


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that keeps a body feeling good. 


Unlike endorphins, which mostly block pain and bring in a little euphoria, dopamine lends a helping hand. It twangs the brain's reward and pleasure centers, but it also helps with coordination, heart rate and vascular response. 


Adrenaline increases heart rate, constricts blood vessels to minimize bleeding, and dilates the air passages. It also gives people bursts of energy. Basically, it makes the body feel as good and energized as the body ever can. 


Noradrenaline sends out brain signals which increase focus. The combination of dopamine and these two leaves people feeling alert and happy.


Serotonin, Melatonin and Tryptophan are not just responsible for knocking people out. It also builds them up. 


Anandamide is produced in the parts of the brain that house the higher thought processes. Anandamide blocks out short term memory. It also produces blissed-out highs that resemble the highs gotten from THC. 


The Chastity concept establishes that impressions from the senses, and memories of impressions, are the foundation of Chastity Desire. Once exposed to Chastity it becomes a part of small penis nature and rules over reason in determining actions. Morality is based on necessary actions, those made in reaction to a certain set of circumstances, and is therefore natural. However, morality is founded on self-interest, (interest in Chastity) which includes the pleasure found in sensing the pleasure in others, (Seeing Chastity on other males). This will manifest itself in five very distinct ways: 


1. Intense craving for the object of desire. 

2. Complete loss of control over its use. 

3. Uncontrollable involvement with it despite perceived cultural norms. 

4. Recognizing the resulting sensory and mental states in reaction to physical stimuli. 

5. Total disregard of the adverse consequences of being discovered.


The body tells the mind what to think. Chastity is driven by conflict, tension, and high stakes. Chastity Tension is who you think you should be. Chastity Relaxation is who you truly are. When you are aware of your body’s sensations, you can release physical pain, tensions or stress through chastity.


Chastity is the forbidden fruit, a daily invitation put  before inadequate males. They’ve always known that this one temptation would finally steal all willpower and there is no turning back because the fear of the consequences wasn't enough to stop it... for this forbidden fruit had,, tasted too **sweet.


Chastity is telling the truth.

Submission to chastity is telling the truth to others.

The fear is not in expressing chastity but that inadequate males will be attacked or belittled because of their chastity. 

Reject fear, and become the perfect candidate to receive and reflect Chastity.


Definition Chastity Worship. 


1. The Supreme or Ultimate reality: such as

a : The Object that is perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness that is worshipped as the Alpha and ruler of your penis. 

b: Chastity Chronicles : The Incorporeal Divine Principle ruling over all small cock males as an eternal Spirit : Infinite Mind: The replacement of Western Religion. 

2. An object believed to have more than natural attributes and mysterious powers and to require inadequate male worship. 

a: Specifically : One controlling a particular aspect or part of reality,

Pagan gods of sex, Phallus and submission. 

3. An object of supreme value, a custom made chastity device, 

had a hidden iPhone app filled with photos of locked cocks. 

a: A devout petition to an object of worship; a spiritual communion with a chastity device of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration or confession. 

b: The act or practice of praying to chastity or an object of worship; a formula or sequence of words used in or appointed for praying. 


Oh  sacred chastity , the sacred device are not adored as chastity or device but they are worshipped precisely because they are the manifestation, because they show something that is no longer chastity or device but sacred, the spiritual alternative  or 'wholly other. When Chastity worship is absent in an inadequate male, logic cannot show, design cannot manifest, senses cannot feel, goals are abandoned, and the mind has lost the omnipotent spark. Chastity is not simply mental physical fuel to keep body and soul together, it is a perishable art that must be  curated and savored to constantly be at the peak of perfection. 



Sweet chastity please forgive me for my rebellious spirit. Teach me to be submissive and respectful to those in controlling authority over me. Help me be a light to shepherd others out of our dark world; let chastity take over me. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear the sensual world around me in a new way. Thank you for chastity and the tender mercy toward me.  Obtain for me, then, a deep sense of modesty which will be reflected in my external conduct. Protect my eyes, the windows of my soul, from anything that might dim the luster of a heart that must mirror only chastity purity.


Chastity is a mental structure made up of four unconditional properties in equal measure:


1. Acceptance

2. Understanding

3. Trust 

4. Submission 


Remove any one of the sides and the square falls apart. 


It seems that the question of chastity is not simply a black-and-white or yes-no kind of question, but one that embraces the full complexity of what it means to be submissive.  

Chastity is the key to everything, and it is the path to intimacy, because it is the goal of true authenticity. True chastity is what thoughts effortlessly go to when there is nothing else demanding attention.  


Chastity must be fulfilling and the best things for a inadequate male to have a positive transition to Chastity are:


1. It is something noncompetitive that they choose to do and they can devote themselves to continuously. 

2. It is possible for them to be in chastity easily and it doesn’t take a good deal of mental effort to do it well. 

3. They can at a minimum do it alone (self lock) or with, the help, guidance of others (key holder) but it does not depend upon others to do it. 

4. They fundamentally believe chastity has some values (physical, mental, or spiritual) for them. 

5. They believe that if they persist at it they will improve—but this is completely subjective—They need to be the only one who measures the improvement. 

6. The activity must have the quality that they can do it without criticizing themselves. If they can’t accept themselves during this time chastity will not be fulfilling. 


Curious males will learn chastity by all of these practices:


1. By expression, which is noblest. 

2. By copying, which is easiest. 

3. By endurance, which is the most bittersweet. 

4. By worship which is the most spiritual. 

5. By submission which is the truest.


Chastity equals - Desire, Priority, and Determination. 

1. Desire dictates opinion. Opinion becomes thought. Thought becomes priority. 

2. Priority shapes choice. Choice becomes habit. habit becomes determination. 

3. Determination fuels action. Action becomes identity. Identity becomes truth. 

Chastity is in effect truth. 


Discover chastity purpose: 


Naturally devote to pursue chastity because it gives fulfillment. 

Naturally spend all time in chastity because you care. 

Naturally become one with chastity, even starting from the beginning.  

Time spent on chastity will give the experience and skills to succeed.


“Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.”


What holds you back?


Extreme anxiety, fear, exhaustion, and lack of other viable options are what will cause a small penis to surrender everything to chastity. Desperation is also the raw material of drastic change. Crisis spurs critical, dramatic shifts in a males psyche. Only a male who is willing to lose everything will transform himself. Only by moving outside the comfort zone of the past – letting go of a former being – will a male expand their state of conscious awareness. Now that they are desperate, They are dangerous. They are also ripe for transformation in chastity. 


Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of chastity as when we finally learn the emptiness of everything else. Modern chastity has deep ancient roots. Chastity is a heritage of beliefs, customs, and knowledge slowly accumulated in the course of time, elements difficult at times to justify by logic, but justifying themselves as paths when they lead somewhere, since they open up for an inadequate male to find his innermost self. By its nature chastity shows of an traditional order. For one to understand it almost seems instinctual. When a male gives up on what draws him near to chastity, he becomes like a beast. Chastity is civility, sacred, and noble. The inner animal must always submit. And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo - Sometimes chastity is labeled as evil, this evil is not always repellent but frequently attractive; that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as nature and accident do, but active accomplices. Chastity is the key to everything, and it is the path to intimacy, because it is the goal of true authenticity. 

True chastity is what thoughts effortlessly go to when there is nothing else demanding attention. 


By nature all men are equal in liberty, but not in other endowments.


A male who denies his inadequate past is a male who truly denies a future, for they refuse to know themselves, and to deny knowledge of oneself is to stumble through life unaware of the great benefit of chastity. 


Chastity cannot be developed in ease and quiet. An inadequate males mental, physical and biological weakness is the condition of existing in an Alpha Male dominated culture. Only through experience of submission and denial can the entire self be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.


Chastity involves sacrifice. Chastity includes some sort of cost. Nothing is pleasurable or uplifting all of the time. So, the question becomes: what struggle or sacrifice are you willing to tolerate? Ultimately, what determines our ability to stick with something we care about is our ability to handle the rough patches and ride out the inevitable rotten days.


It is insecurity that brought them to chastity but It's also insecurity that is always chasing them and standing in the way of chastity. We are chained by our own control. Life is nothing more than finding the key that unlocks every part of our soul. Follow your intuition, listening to your chastity, your inner voice to guide you. Fear and anxiety many times indicates that inadequate males are moving in a positive direction, out of the safe confines of their comfort zones, and in the direction of true purpose. Remember your strong desire to be put in chastity and fight for it. You must know what you want from life. Never go into chastity under the guise you need to 'see if it will work', but rather practice chastity because in your mind you want to make it work. Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of chastity, an inadequate male cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain unfulfilled. Make improvements, not excuses. Seek chastity not attention. Chastity is selfless, care, respect, and honor.  There is just one thing that makes your chastity become impossible: the fear of failure. Never let life impede on your ability to manifest your chastity. Choosing to be in chastity and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life. Dig deeper into your locked cock and deeper into yourself and believe that anything is possible, and make it happen.  Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your chastity.  When virtue and modesty enlighten chastity, the lustre of a steel cage is brighter than the stars of heaven, and the influence of it’s power is in vain to resist. 


Submission in regards to chastity is not a dirty word; it is a liberating word. Inadequate males that are willing are all under chastity protection and authority, and they can only be free if they seek it and submit to it. Acceptance of chastity under authority is sensual and spiritual protection. Living in denial is the opportunity to be all that you were created to be.


There are two types of males who will never live up to their potential in Chastity: those who can't do what they are told to do and those who won't do anything unless they are told. Don't wait to be told what you are already free to do. Submit and live up to your potential in chastity. 


Chastity is, in open and submissive minds, the first passion and the last. The whole art of chastity is the awakening the sensual curiosity of the mind for the purpose of satisfying it in alternative ways. Chastity finds out who you are by figuring out what you are not. Inadequate males have gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored their own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that they have sealed Themselves. Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be. Take pleasure in your chastity; relish your erotic principles and place your purest feelings inside the heart of a precious cock cage. If you begin to understand who you are without trying to change yourself, then what you are undergoes a transformation.

A fulfilling chastity does not have to dominate one’s life; it stays mixed within all of the activities of a male. The beneficial consequences of chastity can spill over into one’s entire life but the activity itself is focused. Chastity is self- reliance and self- reliance is the greatest of all virtues. One’s attitude toward Chastity is crucial. The judgment whether one is improving is delicate; one must not adopt a critical attitude toward themselves. The pleasure is diminished if one just hammers on themselves for not getting better at chastity, even if they love it in so many ways. A negative attitude precludes a positive chastity. There is a truth about chastity , once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.


There’s nothing wrong about an inadequate male identifying healthy and yet kinky behaviors as pleasant and improving the quality of their life. The more males identify these activities, the better. The Chastity criteria provide a good way to distinguish healthy and pleasant activities from ones that are not. It provides males a way to assess a chastity that contributes to a healthy and happy life and jettison a chastity that does not. 


The magnificence of chastity pertains to the inadequate male. They live only in a world of icons and there they participate in chastity which will transmute life itself to a series of grand gestures. 


“We are all spirits clad in veils.”


Inadequate males true fear is they will become slaves to grand, symbolic duties of real men while keeping their inadequate secrets. 

Pretending to be something their not is a heavy burden. Is there such a thing as a good, honest inadequate male ? Only a male who successfully conceals his inadequacies and deviant sins. 


Chastity and denial are powerful bonding tools with inadequate males. There is a comfort in chastity, and chastity provides a framework for stability when males are trying to find answers. They result in a sense of community, and a feeling of unity far beyond what you might realize. 


The one who believes in its practice needs no further explanation. A locked male understands that society must allow room for the irrational, in healthy balance with the rational. They will find filth and purity around the same corner.


Many things about our bodies and sexuality would not seem to us so filthy and obscene if we did not have the idea of Puritan nobility in our heads.  There is a transformation of honor when chastity is involved. Chastity makes a male feel like there is some kind of nobility centered in the desire and passion for chastity.


“I foolishly thought I wanted to live free of my Chastity cage, but the world outside was feeling more and more hazardous.”


To some chastity for the first time is shocking, enlightening and to some extremely spiritual. Everything about chastity has an underlying theme of vulnerability and at every stage the male realizes it more. Authenticity is beautiful. There’s nothing stronger than vulnerability. To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength. No matter how "normal" people look, living "ordinary" lives, everyone has a story to tell. And may be, just like you, everyone else is a misfit too.  The willingness to finally express yourself. To be who you are truly is burden removed. The challenge accepted. One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version  of you that is expected by everyone else. Male Chastity is a multi-faceted virtue not a habit. 

It is respect for sexuality to such an extent that sex is reserved for only the worthy. Chastity submits to the power and beauty of sexuality and desires never to misuse it. Chastity is a sophisticated form of sexual honesty because it says “yes” to purity and the intoxicating ritual of orgasm denial. In Chastity, a male will eventually become what they think about all day. This was bound to happen so it is happening. 


“Chastity is a sexual preference and when you finally discover who you are, you never second guess yourself, you will be free.”




Like with anything that a male has a serious interest about he will research and find out as much as he can about a topic. The history, the methods and how it relates to their interest in it. This is the beginning stage of developing a Chastity Persona. Chastity is a sexuality all on its own. The sexuality of Abstinence. Abstinence means saying “no.” It is about what you cannot have or cannot do. It means avoiding certain things. Sexual abstinence encourages withholding sexual activity. The desire for Chastity Abstinence is the willingness to forgo and refrain. The male who is interested in Chastity needs to unlock the secrets and unlocking it requires understanding. Discovering Chastity is the key to discovering purpose and discipline. A male is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides. You don't want to inhabit the world under false pretenses. You have the choice to not be in Chastity ... But you can’t resist it. Once you accept your limits, you go beyond them and become true to yourself.  Chastity is not going to be in your head all the time. But once you know it, Chastity will be forever in your heart. Chastity is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect and trust. It has nothing to do with who you are as compared to everyone else. It has everything to do with who you are in companionship with your Chastity. You are attracted to the physical adornment but it also is spiritually internal and on the inside it comes when validation from the outside doesn’t matter anymore. 


“I was a very shy. Very shy. But I started locking my penis, and that really changed something. My more playful side came out of me.”


A timid act may be more bold than one would first assume, for whispered truth is braver, than to silently resume. Timidity is the silent acceptance of Chastity. You know you need to be in Chastity. But in order to make Chastity come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, sacrifice, and effort. The one person you'll be spending the rest of your life with is you. Do not let the regret of not trying Chastity burden you. These Chastity desires are not to be suppressed or fixed — they’re to be acknowledged. It is beautiful to express your Chastity and even more beautiful to feel it. You have everything you need for complete Chastity and total happiness right now.  With chastity you must seek happiness by limiting desires, rather than attempting to satisfy them. A small penis must be content with the least, for contentment is the wealth of chastity. The act of locking your cock isn't a simple thing. You can't just go out and get it like Starbucks. It is the way you deeply see and feel about yourself. 


“Chastity is the cement of civilization and progress. Without it there is no stability in society, and without it one cannot attain the Science of Life.”


“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It’s just another way of understanding it.”




Usually ones mind starts to wander and imagination takes over to the desires and intense feelings towards experimenting with Chastity. The male masturbates to almost clinical impotence to Chastity pornography wishing it was his cock locked away. The mind can go either direction under chastity — toward sexuality or toward abstinence: on or off. Think of it as a spectrum whose extremes are unconsciousness at the abstinence end and hyperconsciousness at the sexual end. More often than not, these two perspectives can swing like a pendulum within a person. It’s ironic because it’s an exploration into trying to make sense of all these sexual feelings on the recurring idea of the thing that turns someone on the most is the same thing they need to control that same arousal. 

Don't forget - no one else sees life the way you do, so no one else can live the reality that you have to live. A chastity device won't put out the flames of burning flesh. The male unconsciously needs guidance. The fantasy grows and becomes more elaborate as time passes. Perhaps a males imagination needs Chastity fantasies to fulfill some craving he has as a way to assuage the darkness in himself. Don't let your small penis define you. Let it alter you. If you allow it, Chastity will make you become more comfortable with yourself. Locked away You will soon understand that all of us are really devils hiding in the skins of mortals. Small penis denial is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but of intoxicating fluid moments. You must fully experience each and every one before you can truly appreciate Chastity. With Chastity nothing is lost . . .Everything is transformed.


“Most truths are so naked that males feel sorry for them and cover them up, at least a little bit.”




It is the way of mortal men. They fling themselves at life and emerge broken.


What can best be described as “Chastity Cravings” take over. It is a compulsion to be locked and it will grow as the male becomes extremely vulnerable as he obsessively goes over all the elements. Vulnerability always comes with risks, but the rewards run deep. Male Chastity does all of this. It will bring it out of males. The way the mind will lean under chastity is strongly influenced by the person, reasons and desire for chastity. They chose to be locked in chastity because their brains are wired to completely surrender to it. Almost if they have a genetic, disposition for it. They still have a thread of free will and it is giving in to what they so badly want. 


Inadequate males go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire. It is truly sad when  small cock males think they are more than what they truly are. A grateful few discover the gift of chastity and submit to the new reality. 

To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment they can bring on themselves. Of all the hardships an inadequate male has to face, none is more punishing than the simple act of waiting. 

Anticipating chastity is like enduring it twice. Why not anticipate pleasure of it instead? They need the sweet pain of anticipation to tell them that they are really alive. Chastity takes work. Lots of it. There is no endpoint in chastity, no goal, no finalization. Chastity requires practice, patience, and - most importantly - loyalty. We often get stuck in our ways and form habits based on our fears and driven by our insecurities. Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of chastity as when we finally learn the emptiness of everything else. Modern chastity has deep ancient roots. Chastity is a heritage of beliefs, customs, and knowledge slowly accumulated in the course of time, elements difficult at times to justify by logic, but justifying themselves as paths when they lead somewhere, since they open up for an inadequate male to find his innermost self. By its nature chastity shows of an traditional order. For one to understand it almost seems instinctual. When a male gives up on what draws him near to chastity, he becomes like a beast. Chastity is civility, sacred, and noble. The inner animal must always submit. And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo - Sometimes chastity is labeled as evil, this evil is not repellent but very attractive; that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as nature and accident do, but active accomplices. 

Chastity is the key to everything, and it is the path to intimacy, because it is the goal of true sensual authenticity. True chastity is what thoughts effortlessly go to when there is nothing else demanding attention. 


A male who denies his inadequate past is a male who truly denies a future, for they refuse to know themselves, and to deny knowledge of oneself is to stumble through life unaware of the great benefit of chastity. 


Chastity is not a matter of mastering subtle, sophisticated theory but rather embracing common sense restrictions with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence.


All inadequate males have a lack of discipline that leads to frustration and desperation. They try to hide it with posturing and macho bravado. It’s always a losing game that ends in humiliation and regret. When they stop living their lives based on unrealistic, unattainable standards that they will never live up to, a real life finally begins. At that moment, they will see the door of self acceptance opened. Chastity is a concentrated meditation on trust and submission. So many small cock males are afflicted with self-loathing, bad body images, shame about body functions, and confusion about sex and pleasure. Chastity is an intense redefining of oneself.  Chastity is the highest expression of self-respect and self loathing all in one. 


Some males desire to be degraded, a shamed existence brings satisfaction. 

“Because I need it!" They will scream. They will attempt to stop and try to be “normal”. But.. They will desire it way too much. The body will crave it the more they deny that deviant part of themselves.  They are not real men. They are slaves. They have to have their pathetic dicks locked away permanently. To be dominated. To be monitored. To be trained. To be owned. Because it's in those sinful moments they truly feel like themselves. It is only through chastity that they received the patience, obedience, and humility to be a real submissive. To finally be, alive. Although it may seem harsh, chastity humiliation can be a great source of pleasure for some people. However, because it can also be an emotionally intense experience, it should only be used on a consenting and understanding partner. Individuals participating in this practice should also understand and be respectful of their partner's limits. The use of safewords is encouraged. Without caution, chastity humiliation can destroy a relationship - and the submissive's self-esteem. 


A male will keep seeking validation but they already know what is about to happen. They should not confuse fear with curiosity. Let it forever alter their behavior. The male is already addicted to a drug he’s never taken. It’s a unfamiliar kind of suffering that seems both mental and physical. A male in Chastity is not made like any of those he has seen. They venture to believe that they are not made like any of those who are in existence. If they are not better, at least unique and different.  The punishment of every small penis is its own disorder. The body tells the mind what to think and when a male realizes this maturity is achieved. Submission exists when a male accepts chastity as a life full of sexual tension. Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.  In time the tension will turn into pleasure. Don't stress because you have a small penis, smile because it happened.  

An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior and a male in Chastity will always be figuring this out. 


“Some men are born to roam free while you are destined for the cage because the relentless search for novelty and social status has locked you into an mental cage of sexuality. Affluence has itself betrayed you and deviance has given you a thing that some would call a punishment but for some strange reason you feel it is a sweet reward.”




Now it is time for the male to get serious and figure out what is the best device to have. No one undertakes research in Chastity with the intention of winning a prize. It is the joy of discovering something they didn’t know before. Awareness without action is worthless. The internet is a prominent source for devices. This is more of a logical methodical element and it is put here after the last two emotional elements because it is definitely useful but it also an attempt to try and get a grip on these seemingly uncontrollable cravings if only briefly.  Males seeking chastity may not be a minority, but there is a bond that they all share. It is not a bond of geography. Or religion. Or culture. It is a bond of shared experience - experiences that only locked males go through and struggles that only they face.



A male should ask themselves these questions: 


Are you looking at pictures of male chastity online again? 


How many times are you going to lie to yourself about how you seem to “accidentally” stumble upon these websites? 


 Do you still remember that first locked cock photo you masturbated to so long ago? 


In the beginning it was weird how many just one image of a dick in a cage made you rock hard but now it seems so normal. A couple of jerks to smooth locked up male makes them bust a nut all over themselves. More often than not all of this going on with no one else knowing and the secrecy can be quite overwhelming. There are two kinds of chastity: the kind that drowns you until you’re useless, and the kind that fires your soul to purpose. With Chastity the questions are complicated but the answers are simple. In Chastity, life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. 

Chastity is a book and there are a thousand pages you have not yet read. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. 

The male will slowly leave all those old inhibitions behind because an incredible experience awaits. Everything will make sense and finally feel complete.


“The penis, often regarded as a weapon, it is also a burden, and the male curse.”




In the universe there are up to 19,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars similar to our sun with at least one planet similar to Earth and you just happened to be living on the one that locks up small cocks. 


A single healthy male produces enough sperm in two weeks to impregnate every fertile woman on the planet. 


One must realize It doesn’t mater if the male is gay, straight, or bisexual. Chastity does not know what sexuality is nor does it care. Chastity is beauty, the perpetual invention of detail, the choice of routine, the exquisite care of execution. With chastity one must escape fear. You have to go through it, not around. The only real battle in submission lies between hanging on and letting go. Sometimes your balance has to be upset and the ritual changed in order to help navigate to this new place. Chastity is that final destination and where a small penis is meant to permanently be.


“You’re not gay; you’re not bisexual; you’re not straight. You are just curious.”


“Chastity is theoretically impossible, until it is done.”



This brewing emotional pot now causes a a definite change in sexual identity and also on how he views his penis. The connection between "manhood" and the penis is unbreakable. Size isn't solely about physically being small. Size is also about mentally feeling small.  He is in an intense process of redefinition of what it actually is in relationship with his manhood and personality. A sexual self realization takes place with very new drastic perceptions of ones self. Bravado, submissiveness and male roles all swirl around with this new idea of chastity. Masculine identity is intertwined with the penis. Masculinity represents drive, direction, force, especially penetrative force. We always need to know who's got the biggest dick in the boardroom. It's why every battle for superiority is called a "dick measuring contest."  Think about what phallic-shaped objects like obelisks, rockets and skyscrapers represent: masculine energy. They thrust up into the air, essentially penetrating the sky in defiance of gravity. Building those structures is an expression of masculine energy. NASA does not build rockets shaped like vaginas. There is no amount of wealth, status, education or fame that will change the size of a males small penis. The male will ask internal questions like “is there something wrong with me be cause I want this?” What are other small penis males really thinking, feeling, experiencing, when they finally lock themselves up, slip away from the gaze and culture of real masculinity? We want to live naked and exposed but yet we have to wear clothes we hate, speak politely to others and constantly fight perverted cravings to try and create civil lives. We believe we are more than animals. We want to be more but our sensual needs torture us. Because deep inside all of us there is a primal word, a growling sound we cannot pronounce and that is who we really are. Chastity is the art of uniting pleasure with the naked truth. This balance is a much higher reflection of intelligent life. The alpha and omega are drawn to each other. In man-chastity device symbiosis, it is man who must adjust: The device can't.


“If you look at sculptures from thousands of years ago, everyone’s naked. Everyone has a small penis. It’s not a bad thing.”




In order to find validation males will seek the like minded online. Love is our true destiny. Males do not find the meaning of Chastity alone - they find it with one another. 

Locked cock worship is a real thing. Just count how many chastity blogs there are on web. It’s not going away. The rise in popularity of Chastity has a direct correlation to more exposure on the web. Even if it is done anonymously one will want to know they are definitely not alone in this new erotic world they’ve found. A male needs justification for his desires. A male realizes all bad behavior is really a request for Chastity, attention, or validation. Some will communicate with others to find specific answers and sense of belonging, others will view anonymously, all seeking the element of understanding. A male is thankful, for the validation of feelings, and letting them know they are not alone. Chastity is not rational. Chastity is culture, habit, craving and identity. Men in Chastity leave traces of themselves where they feel most comfortable, most worthwhile. The natural state of chastity is unselfishness. When you lock your small penis, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You submit that position to your cage. Chastity is what gives males a sense of fulfillment and self-reliance. If you can share your story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive.


“Sometimes the gap between what you are and what you want to be is a six ounce piece of stainless steel called a Chastity cage. ”




Submission to chastity, when it is submission to the truth — and when the truth is known to be both beautiful and merciful. 

Finally the pot boils over. Anyway you look at it, it’s an intense experience for the male. Some may feel they are losing control. Submission is everything that refers to the delight of the senses and that’s what Chastity does, it stimulates the body in every possible way. The intensity to bring this about varies from individual to individual. 

Succumbing to Chastity, in an erotic sense, is not giving away a part of yourself, but seeking something new, something other, within yourself. Vulnerability always comes with risks, but its rewards run deep. Male Chastity does all of this. It will bring it out of you. If a male thinks he can stand to find out who they are and what they’re made of, they need to put on a Chastity device. Chastity is a balanced system of learning and evolution. Chastity is meant to teach us true spiritual human sexual character. It is meant for self-transformation. It is meant to transform anxiety into peace, arrogance into humility, envy into compassion, to awaken the pure soul in males and their love for the Source, which is the cage. Whether pleasure or pain; every situation in your chastity serves a purpose. It is up to you to recognize what that purpose could be. To feel aroused is to feel alive. A tight fitting cage on a small cock is like taking in huge lungfuls of fresh air, essential to the body, essential for health, and essential to life. Nothing makes a male feel more naked than when Chastity identifies a desire he never knew he possessed. He lives for permanent Chastity. His penis is locked in a sensual prison with guilt admitted and the sentence accepted. He is glorifying it, worshiping it and relishing the energy, with every fibre of his being. It is no better reason for being, naked, exposed, and alive. Chastity is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say NO to ones self. A locked male is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides. His chastity makes sense of his past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Chastity is where You put your chaos to rest and awaken inner peace. In simplicity there is truth. Strive for refrain and believe in small penis chastity. There’s no better time for a cage than now.


You have a genetic disposition to be submissive. It is in your DNA. You find pleasure in your forced impotence. You don’t see it as a weakness, it is a sacred virtue. It makes you feel complete. 


“They can remember the frustration of not being locked in a cage. They knew what they’d wanted to say, but could not get the words out, so they would just scream.”




Everything finally comes together and the only option will be to obtain a chastity device by any means possible. A goal without a plan is just a wish. The internet again has a part in the accessibility and large variety of Chastity devices. Looking at styles and brands trying to find the perfect one. They may even purchase more than one and so begins the device collection addiction. A device is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye. A device is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the sexual male condition.  The chastity device is, at the same time, a symbol of simplicity and complexity. Chastity is a practice of discovering what you can do without. Chastity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful. Chastity is the ultimate sophistication. This is becoming a serious reality and it is under way. The device that is chosen expresses values that reflect the males small penis perception, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty. A Chastity cage is not made of metal or plastic , but a tender balance of expectation and longing. A males Chastity is the root of small penis discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say “NO” to oneself. Once a device is in the males possession something amazing takes place.


Being interested in Chastity isn’t odd at all. It just means that you’re curious about inventing new versions of yourself. 


Choosing to be in chastity and having a thankful attitude is going to establish how you're going to live your life. 




Execution is on! Whatever regiment the male has created it will be individual to the chastity taste of the person. It’s about male discipline. It’s about following instructions. It’s about the execution of the plan. That’s what Chastity is. Something happens to the male when they remember around the time they became teenagers and thought about concepts of manhood and behaving masculine. 

They find out that not every penis is equal and there is a measurement across all males that is considered normal or average. After all the elements that have pleasured and tortured the males reach its apex, the first locking of the device on a penis can be one of the most erotic experiences they have ever experienced.


“They laugh at us because we are different. We laugh at them because they are all the same.”




The impulse for personal adornment is hard to stamp out. The adornment of the body is a human need. There is nothing superficial about it unless life becomes very materialistic. We want to live naked and exposed but yet we have to wear clothes we hate, speak politely to people we can’t stand and constantly fight perverted cravings to try and create civil lives. We believe we are more than animals. We want to be more but our sensual needs torture us. Because deep inside all of us there is a primal word, a growling sound we cannot pronounce and that is who we really are.  Chastity was invented along with civilization and was the ability of some to deny sensuality to others. I relish that delicious feeling of chastity, the delirium of being locked, naked, and my flesh being born again. It’s like I’m being made new.




All around us there are people who live their entire lives without exploring that one thing that would complete them, satisfy that craving that would make them whole. One must refuse to be that person. There is nothing more soul-satisfying than the first look of a succulent nude male wearing a secure tight fitting Chastity device. So sweet and delicious is the feeling, when a male is put in Chastity, that the pleasure it brings excels all delight, so the knot of Chastity, however tight it seemed before, is tied tighter still. There will be times in life when things simply have to be replaced because they are tired, broken, worn out, harmful, outdated, or irrelevant. 

Taking an inventory of the things that no longer serve the best and highest good and replace them with things which do. Chastity is the true key to success. Small penis males often lose their way at times. They embrace and overindulge from the fruits of success. Chastity halts this arrogance and self-gratifying trap. Humble males share the credit and wealth, remaining focused and hungry to continue the journey of permanent chastity. All those old inhibitions are left behind because an incredible Chastity experience awaits. If you're comfortable in your nudity, why the hell do you need clothes? Once we are aware that our chastity makes us objects of desire, we truly become naked. Chastity makes us want to know what passion is. We want to feel something strongly. Chastity does that for us. The hurricane derives its powers from a calm center. So does a person locked away. The only way you can reach your full potential is if you open up and allow your self to be exposed to how you really feel. Remember that things are not always as they appear to be… Chastity creates possibilities and opportunities. Set out to discover the why of it, and to transform the pleasure into knowledge. Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of fulfillment in life. 


“The world says to males at a very early age they can become anything they want to be and another one has chosen to be locked permanently in Chastity”




Males are more revealing and exposed now that they have a chastity cage on. When they are just naked they were hiding. Now they are naked in chastity honestly exposing their true self. No lying anymore. This is who they are and what they want to be. It is an important lesson. Their happiness doesn’t need to be like others and that’s fine. They’re happy in their own way. There is something primal happening to them. It is instinctually beautiful. A graceful balance. This is exotic poetry physically played out stirring up powerful emotions. There is some kind of a sweet innocence in Male Chastity - in not having to be just happy or just sad- in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time. If you want to cultivate chastity, do it without any reservation, till it is firmly established. Until it is so confirmed, until it becomes a part of your character, let there be no exception, no relaxation of effort. The complexity is intense and compulsions for these cravings seem to never stop. The cage has touched the soul long before they knew what Chastity actually felt like on their body. It is an abstract and organic thread weaving through them. 


“No Free Cocks Ever. 

Stay Limp, Stay Locked. 

Stay Soft, Stay Smooth.”




Everything makes sense and finally feels complete. These uncontrollable emotions that exist in this new world where expectations are not set by those unrealistic traditional stereotypes that hold people all back, but by true intoxicating sexual cravings that drive real human passions. Insecure habits and mundane routines are noticeably identifiable and corrected since the introduction of Chastity. Chastity reveals. It doesn’t conceal. A cage reveals your cravings, your passion, your deepest most secret desires. It is a cleansing of body and soul. Males will never follow their own inner voice until they clear up the doubts in their minds and bound skin invites awareness. Nothing will change in ones life if they don't do something different from what they have been doing. This is something that has been a long time coming but it has to be said. Lock up that small worthless penis. No longer lying about the intense desire for Chastity. Surrender to the pleasure of denial. They never were a man. Real men have virile potent cocks and males interested in Chastity definitely do not have that. They have a tiny nub of flesh and nerves placed between their legs as a reminder of the ineffectual impotence. They at the least have the confidence to purchase a cage to put on their baby dick. They have to know that this is extremely embarrassing for them and there is no reason for this to continue. The only shred of dignity that they could possibly have exists in the locking of a cage on their so called penis.  

A free cock and caged penis express values that reflect the mutual respect, including orderliness, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty. 

Perhaps there could be no freedom on this planet without an equal weight of control to balance it out on some unknown scale. There really is no such thing as chastity balance even though there is a quest for it. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life. Let go and move forward because acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that Chastity is the only way through it. This is a unique erotic fetish that turns them on so much and they can actually practice every day.


“…Do you ever know a moment is important as it’s happening, or is it only when you look back that you can see your life has changed?”




Choosing to lock oneself in Chastity uncovers who you subconsciously are or desperately want to be. You have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for things beyond this mundane life. Something happens to males when they're locked. You become strangely free, uncivilized. You may do anything devilish. You like the ethos of Chastity and the idea of joining an ritual in which, at the very least, everyone who signs up believes in something. You will treat a Chastity cage with the reverence it deserves. Next time, you will stop and appreciate it and you'll marvel at the miracle of a cock clad in stainless steel.  Beautiful and diabolical, Chastity makes you impatient indeed to claim it. The cage reveals the person that has been hidden inside you. Chastity is both a symbol of what a you see and what you do not see in yourself. Look at your past and find, woven like the hidden symbols on a treasure map, the path that will point to your final destination.

Chastity when in practice is not a fantasy anymore, it is a defining reality. It is as if the cock cage is a mirror reflecting your soul.



“When a submissive penis is locked, the male is at last finally living up to expectations”

About Me


When I first discovered contemporary male Chastity my intense feelings of inadequacy were put in perspective. For the first time in my adult life everything made sense. I prefer a world with many kinks and sexual identities. It stimulates my commitment to Chastity to keep growing day by day. The concepts of my manhood, bravado and masculinity now have been completely erased from my mind. Chastity had brought me to my knees and made me acknowledge my own nothingness, and out of that knowledge I had been reborn.  Having such strong feelings about chastity  shook me to my core. It made me re-evaluate my beliefs. I learned what it was like to really care about self discipline. Everything I had believed, everything I stood for, suddenly disappeared. I found a whole new world opened up for me. They say, you become what you think about all day long. Chastity is my obsession, joy, and torment. The outside world holds no interest for me without chastity. I don't possess these thoughts I have --- they possess me. I don't possess these feelings I have --- They curse me. I wanted to be good but I wasn't sure if I was prepared. 


I always had it in me to lock my pathetic penis, but I forgot that it required me to do the opposite of what I was doing at that moment.


Chastity made me ready. 

Somewhere between love and hate lies confusion, chastity is discovered in misunderstanding and desperate hope. I was no longer the center of my life and therefore I could see my Chastity in everything.  A clear path to total submission was shown to me and it brought me peace. Passion drives me, and I let chastity hold the reins. If you violate laws of God, you're a sinner. If you violate laws of men, you're a criminal. If you violate your own laws, you're pathetic. If I have any faith or spirituality it is the belief of sin because I am a sinner and I want to pay for every one of them. But sometimes I feel like an animal, and animals don’t know sin, do they? The internet has allowed me to easily let others know of my sins. Some see my Chastity and crave it. Nothing is more real than the masks we make to show each other who we are. Chastity is my masks and I believe in it -- The person I made up is me, who I actually am. 

I believe in my Chastity -- And my destiny. To me photos of locked cocks are way more sensually erotic than pornography. There is an intensity to the simplicity of the submission. For those who have interest in viewing chastity pictures, it is an intense aphrodisiac. Once upon a time all I did was look at male chastity blogs matsurbating myself into a lethargic goon. It was a sensual dichotomy of wanting to be locked and wanting to jack off at the same time. Fast forward to the present and I am now permanently locked away only to be let out for the only briefest amount of time. Now I am the creator of male chastity erotica. In a somewhat narcissistic way I post pictures of my locked penis. I am proud of the way It looks. I want people to masturbate to them. Chastity will be all consuming. All other thoughts will be clouded by the images of locked cocks flashing in the mind of men. The only option will be to obtain a chastity device by any means possible and lock up worthless cocks. Lay around nude writhing and moaning with the tight fitting cage existing in a chastity tortured bliss. Visiting blogs and submitting pictures in provocative poses of succulent, limp, locked penis.

“Chastity, that stealthy thing that entered life as a secretive visitor, then became a welcomed guest, then a best friend, and now is the sexual Master”




The Covenants of Male Chastity


I have accepted the fact that I cannot live up to social roles set for real men so I will permanently live a sensual life of control and denial. 


I will remain nude for extended periods of time as to commune with my chastity. 


I will possess a proper, correct fitting chastity device as to where I can wear it and function continuously in normal activity. 


I will develop a careful, safe and unique chastity regiment that will compliment my lifestyle. 


I will maintain gainful employment in order to meet my financial responsibilities and conduct a respectable chastity life. 


All meaningful relationships in my life will not be neglected or ignored because of my chastity. 


I will have a profound understanding of the benefits of chastity in my life and have accepted my role as a small cock male and will spread optimism throughout my environment. 


I will regularly exercise and eat a healthy diet in order to keep my body and mind fit for my chastity. 


I will host an online blog and contribute to forums to promote the adult chastity lifestyle. 


I will regularly post original photos, memes, essays and captions with an easily identifiable style fully saturated with chastity themed content and positive chastity propaganda. 


I will gain insight and inspiration from other chastity brothers and reach out to new curious beginners with the sole purpose of being a pure conduit for the practice of male chastity. 




Chastity cannot be developed in ease and quiet. An inadequate males mental, physical and biological weakness is the condition of exsisting in an Alpha Male dominated culture. Only through experience of submission and denial can the entire self be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.


I hereby take a Chastity Oath before The Guild of Chastity on my honor and reputation:



Willfully swear, on this oath, that I shall proclaim that The Guild of Chastity is my true fate, I will commit myself to contribute the writings of The Chastity Chronicles and The Guild of Chastity with Enlightenment, and observations. I submit to these obligations freely and will not diminish them and I will never betray the trust of The Guild of Chastity. I pledge to willingly submit my cock to Chastity. I am a caged slave. I have surrendered to The Guild of Chastity in this matter. It has consumed me from the moment I knew I could slide my penis in a modern device. The look, the feel, the action is a part of me. I am proud to be in Chastity. I need to be trained. I must be controlled.  I am thankful to The Guild of Chastity for opening my mind to the intoxicating life of permanent Chastity. The more flaccid my penis becomes the more psychologically aroused I am. There is supreme pleasure in impotence. I admit my small penis fetish to The Guild of Chastity. My useless cock belongs in a small cage. My only purpose is the be a devoted follower of The Chastity Guild. I have locked my small, pathetic cock to submit to the covenants and imposed this obligation upon myself voluntarily without hesitation or purpose of evasion. This I do faithfully promise, so help me God.


“They never really had a manhood in the first place and Chastity allowed them to stop looking for it. It’s time to throw away the masks and finally put on the soul.”




Chastity is a pure human experimental art form. The art of sacrifice, the art or virtue, and the art of pure, sensual indulgent lust. It is glorious body display and adornment. Device Chastity in reality is an abstract concept. Natural male sexuality is what makes it organic. Chastity is as beautiful as it is vulgar. It is the balance of raw power and submissive weakness. Chastity is longing and lamenting. For those who like it, love it, and for those who love it, crave it. Chastity will provoke you sexually and yet you need it to control that same urge. It creates the illusion of pure innocence and projects total deviant sexuality all at the same time. It is a granted wish with unforeseen circumstances. It is cool calculation and reckless abandonment. Submission is everything that refers to the delight of the senses. There is more sensuality and stimulation in Chastity, even for the briefest time than in most recreational drugs. That’s what Chastity does, it stimulates the body in every possible way.


“Comfort is the key ingredient in making the prisoner crave the prison.”




Beware of the submissive caged male because they are the Devil’s pawn. Alone among God’s primates their sexuality is for mindless sport or lust or greed. True when unlocked they will continuously masturbate to total impotence simply for the feeling of shame and the punishment. Without chastity they are selfish errant freaks. Let them not be bred in great numbers for they will make a disgrace of their homes and yours. 

Deny them and permanently force them back inside a chastity device for they are the disgusting harbingers of pure perversion.


There are almost as many definitions of male chastity as there are experiences that represent it. Chastity unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what inadequate males have into just enough, and a lot more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. Believe in chastity. 

Make valid decisions and carry out precise actions. And these actions have remarkable consequences. The world is what we make it. But sometimes we can ask chastity to help us and it will.


Finally accept your fate and submit to chastity it will scream louder to your soul than the lies that infect you. Purification and redemption are such recurrent themes in chastity because there is a clear and ubiquitous need for it. Inadequate males do regrettable things as a result of their own circumstances, and rituals are frequently invented in response to new circumstances. The satisfaction of chastity comes from the need to have encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater desire than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. Chastity is not trying to be different. It is just finally being yourself. 


Chastity is not just about enforcing virginity, It’s also about establishing dignity. Chastity is not just restricted to femininity, but requires the protection of chivalry, and regard for responsibility. Chastity is not innocence out of ignorance, it’s making a choice that’s different. Even when facing a challenge. 

Chastity is not just about hiding behind a tight fitting cage, or donning a weighted stainless steel Chastity device. It’s about going through a season of waiting, even if it becomes tough. Chastity is not just a state of being, It’s a state of knowing, valuing and protecting. The sacredness of a choice. The loyalty to one’s desires. The unity of the penis and cage to form one flesh. Not giving up one’s body to all the rest, but leaving it for sensual bliss. Be humble, be gracious, and make peace with your small penis before stepping out into the limelight and allowing yourself to be exposed to all the pleasures of permanent Chastity. Knowing purpose helps in using all available resources in achieving Chastity. If  you seriously look for Chastity, you will find it. If you ignore the craving, Chastity will follow until you submit. 


By Special Decree of the Guild to establish intense, methodical,  disciplined and standardized Male Chastity Enforcement. Consisting of thorough investigation to discover all inadequate males that have been deemed not worthy by evaluation of penis viability. 


Chastity is sometimes bitter but the fruit it bears is so sweet.

Posted : 22/07/2019 7:34 pm
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Posts: 0
New Member

Calm down.

Posted : 28/07/2019 12:06 am
Evolving Emma
Posts: 1155
Famed Member Admin


Hahaha.  😉

Posted : 28/07/2019 1:31 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

Best thing I’ve read in awhile. I like your thoughts on the purity and spiritual aspects of chastity. And how it’s much more than just a piece of metal or plastic 

This post was modified 3 years ago by bobdaewoo
Posted : 17/10/2021 8:59 am





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