One of our readers sent me information about a sex coach named Caitlin V. She is animated, fun, sex positive, easy to understand and her videos are excellent!

I’ve watched about ten of her videos and I’m really enjoying them. She preaches communication, communication, communication – something that I can’t stress enough.

In her own words:


I knew from a young age that I was going to help people have amazing sex and relationships.

As a teenager, I would sit in the โ€œadultโ€ section of book stores and libraries reading whatever I could get my hands on, from science to smut and everything in between.

All my peers called me to ask for relationship advice or to talk about sex. (Or to ask if itโ€™s safe to masturbate with Icy Hot โ€” itโ€™s not).

ย I declared my major as โ€œsexologistโ€ before I even got into college.

I dreamed of spending every day helping people enjoy sex and relationships.

Today I live my dream,ย helping men and women all over the world have better sex.

I help peopleย buildย confidence, gainย skills, discover themselves, createย intimacy, increaseย self-esteemย andย live better livesย in and outside of the bedroom.

But enough about her qualifications! Let’s watch some videos.


Great videos, right? Subscribe to her YouTube channel or check out her website.


Caitlin isn’t paying anything to promote her videos, I just really liked them and wanted to share. If you have any sex-positive resources that you enjoy, send them to me! Thanks for this recommendation, @subhubphx

