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First of all, Emma, thank you so much for this website. I found you when searching to discover what might have happened to Yoga Girl’s website. I’m so glad you were able to save a few of her pages. 

My wife and I have recently decided to embrace male chastity to improve our relationship. We aren’t currently considering any kind of device. For us, it means that we embrace that sexual activities are at her discretion and masturbation by me is forbidden. 

How did we get here? Well, I have always desired more frequent sex than her.  For years, I dealt with this by masturbating and cultivating an active fantasy life.  I very much enjoyed sex with her when we had it, but it became increasingly difficult for me to orgasm when we did.  Typically, she would get off several times, but we would eventually give up in frustration when we realized I wasn’t going to get there.  She would stress that it was her fault and that she was doing something wrong.  I would assure her it was not, but I am embarrassed to admit how long it took me to connect it to my masturbation habit.

It is fun and affirming when your partner is very responsive to you in bed.  I now see that my habit was denying her the opportunity to have that affirmation.  Now, when we have sex after a meaningful chastity period (nothing major—I’m just talking a week or so), I am incredibly responsive and she feels like a sex goddess.


Posted : 31/07/2019 9:35 am
Posts: 1132
Famed Member Admin



You might enjoy this article about the difficulties achieving an orgasm through intercourse. This is called delayed ejaculation and is actually fairly common. Your ability to control your need to masturbate is commendable, most men do not have the necessary willpower. Are you ever tempted? Do you have any tips that might help others?

The one week period seems to be the best for us as well. Cheers to you and your journey!

Posted : 31/07/2019 11:06 am
Posts: 2
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Thanks, Emma!

we are new to this so I think it is much too early for me to take any credit for self-control. We shall see!  So far my wife thinks a chastity device is a bit “out there” but I can see myself eventually asking to wear one to help with the temptation. 

What is keeping me chaste right now is that I really really don’t want her to be disappointed in me. I’ve made a commitment and we are both taking it seriously. I have never been able to lie to her (she always sees right through me. I have no poker face, I guess) so I just try to remember that if I succumb, she WILL ask, I WILL have  to tell her and she WILL be disappointed. 

Posted : 31/07/2019 11:36 am
Posts: 1132
Famed Member Admin

Love it!

Keep the honesty and we are all here to support you in having the best relationship with your wife that you possibly can.

Posted : 31/07/2019 5:00 pm





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